The Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce presents the first annual report on the implementation of recommendations from the Sex Discrimination Commissioner’s Set the Standard: Report on the Independent Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces.
The Set the Standard report highlighted an unacceptably high rate of people, particularly women, in Commonwealth parliamentary workplaces have experienced bullying, sexual harassment, or actual or attempted sexual assault. The report’s 28 recommendations are designed to support everyone in Commonwealth parliamentary workplaces to perform at their best and bring these workplaces into line with the standards expected of all Australian workplaces.
The Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce is overseeing the implementation of the recommendations and is committed to bringing about meaningful change to ensure that Commonwealth parliamentary workplaces are models of safety and respect. This annual report complements our regular published progress updates.
Despite a hiatus during the 2022 Federal Election period, there has been significant progress made throughout 2022 with many reforms implemented in full or in part, while work to implement other reforms is well advanced.
We thank those who have contributed to these important reforms and look forward to continuing to oversee the implementation throughout 2023.
The Taskforce’s first annual report can be found here.
Further detail on the progress of the recommendations can be found in a refreshed Implementation Tracker – 8 February 2023