4 May 2016
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Daniel Weight; Paul Davidson; Adrian Makeham-Kirchner; David Watt; Ilona Bartsch; Hannah Gobbett
Economics; Foreign Affairs; Defence and Security; Social Policy; and Politics and Public Administration Sections
The 2016–17 Budget was unusual in that the
Prime Minister had signalled an intention to call a double dissolution election
soon after its delivery. With that in mind, the Government introduced Supply
Bills into Parliament to ensure the continued funding of government programs
and activities for approximately five months beyond 1 July. The Supply
Bills were introduced as it was unlikely that there would be sufficient time to
debate and pass the Budget (that is, the Appropriation Bills) before Parliament
was prorogued with the calling of an election.
Between the finalisation of the Budget — but
before its delivery — the Reserve Bank of Australia announced a 25 basis point
reduction of the cash rate to 1.75 per cent. Overall, the Reserve Bank
considered that ‘prospects for sustainable growth in the economy, with
inflation returning to target over time, would be improved by easing monetary
Economic overview
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecast global growth
to be 3.5 per cent in 2015 and 3.2 per cent in 2016.[2] The IMF has downgraded Australia’s GDP for 2016 from 3.2 per cent in April 2015
to 2.5 per cent in 2016. Australia is not alone in having been downgraded by
the IMF and GDP growth of 2.5 per cent compares favourably with other advanced
economies. Both Treasury and the IMF are optimistic about future potential
growth, with the IMF forecasting global growth at 3.5 per cent in 2017.
Treasury forecasts are presented below in table 1.
Table 1: International GDP growth forecasts
at 2015–16 Budget and 2016–17 Budget
at 2015–16 Budget |
at 2016–17 Budget |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
China |
6 ¾ |
6 ½ |
6 ¼ |
6 ½ |
6 ¼ |
6 |
India |
7 ½ |
7 ½ |
7 ½ |
7 ½ |
7 ½ |
7 ¾ |
Japan |
1 |
1 |
3 |
½ |
¼ |
½ |
United States |
3 ¼ |
3 ¼ |
3 |
2 |
2 ¼ |
2 ¼ |
Euro area |
1 ¾ |
1 ¾ |
1 ¾ |
1 ½ |
1 ½ |
1 ½ |
Other East Asia(a) |
4 ¾ |
4 ¾ |
5 |
4 |
4 |
4 ¼ |
Major trading partners |
4 ½ |
4 ½ |
4 ¼ |
4 |
4 |
4 |
World |
3 ½ |
3 ¾ |
3 ¾ |
3 ¼ |
3 ½ |
3 ¾ |
Sources: Australian
Government, Budget strategy and outlook: budget paper no. 1: 2015–16, Statement 2, Table 2, p. 2-6; Australian
Government, Budget strategy and outlook: budget paper no. 1:
2016–17, Statement 2, Table 2, p. 2-9.
Despite the forecast strong growth figures for China,
concerns remain about the Chinese economy as it transitions towards a
broad-based consumption economy. More generally though, there remains a significant
level of uncertainty due to risks of low inflation, wages growth, and
productivity in many advanced economies; as well as the possibility of renewed
volatility in global financial markets.
The IMF expressed concerns that there are a number of
geopolitical risks to global growth:
The incidence of armed conflicts and terrorist acts has
increased in the last couple of years. Ongoing events in parts of Africa and
the Middle East, as well as in Ukraine, could further heighten domestic and
international tensions, with increased disruptions in trade, tourism, and
financial flows. In Europe, the surge of refugees is presenting major
challenges to the absorptive capacity of EU labour markets and testing
political systems, fuelling scepticism about economic integration, as well as
EU governance, and potentially hindering policymakers’ ability to respond to
both legacy and emergent economic challenges.[3]
Despite these concerns, the Australian economy is performing
reasonably well. As noted by the Treasurer:
At three per cent, our economy has grown faster than the
world’s major advanced economies, faster than the United Kingdom, the United
States, Japan and Germany. We are growing more than twice as fast as Canada,
faster than New Zealand and Singapore, and matching it with economies like
South Korea.
Given the international headwinds and fragility, this is an
achievement of which we should all be proud.[4]
It is against this global backdrop that the 2016–17 Budget
needs to be viewed.
Since the 2015–16 Budget, forecasts for
nominal GDP have been downgraded (table 2). Between the 2015–16 Budget and
2015–16 MYEFO, nominal GDP was forecast to fall in 2015–16 from 3.25 per cent
to 2.75 per cent. The forecast for 2015–16 has been further downgraded in the
2016–17 Budget to 2.5 per cent. The forecast for 2016–17 nominal GDP, while
more optimistic than the figures for 2015–16, have also been downgraded.
Between the 2015–16 Budget and the 2015–16 MYEFO, nominal GDP was downgraded
from 5.5 per cent to 4.5 per cent. The 2016–17 Budget has further downgraded
the forecast for 2016–17 to 4.25 per cent.
Table 2: Major economic parameters
Forecasts for
2015–16 at: |
Forecasts for
2016–17 at: |
2015–16 Budget |
2015–16 MYEFO |
2016–17 Budget |
2015–16 Budget |
2015–16 MYEFO |
2016–17 Budget |
Real GDP |
2 ¾ |
2 ½ |
2 ½ |
3 ¼ |
2 ¾ |
2 ½ |
Employment |
1 ½ |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 ¾ |
1 ¾ |
Unemployment rate |
6 ½ |
6 |
5 ¾ |
6 ¼ |
6 |
5 ½ |
Consumer price index |
2 ½ |
2 |
1 ¼ |
2 ½ |
2 ¼ |
2 |
Wage price index |
2 ½ |
2 ½ |
2 ¼ |
2 ¾ |
2 ¾ |
2 ½ |
Nominal GDP |
3 ¼ |
2 ¾ |
2 ½ |
5 ½ |
4 ½ |
4 ¼ |
Australian Government, Budget strategy and outlook: budget paper no. 1: 2015–16, Statement 1, Table 2, p. 1-7; Australian Government, Mid-year economic and fiscal outlook 2015–16, Table 1.2, p. 3; Australian Government, Budget strategy and outlook: budget paper no. 1: 2016–17, Statement 1, Table 2, p. 1-8.
In its latest statement on monetary policy,
the Reserve Bank of Australia considered ‘that headline inflation rates will
remain below central bank targets for some time yet’.[5] The latest Australian Bureau
of Statistics inflation figures released on 27 April reported that headline
inflation was -0.2 per cent for the March quarter, and 1.3 per cent
for the year to March 2016.[6]
Nominal GDP is the product of real GDP (that
is, the level of economic activity in the economy) at current prices. A lower
inflation rate feeds into nominal GDP, and may also have implications for
revenue forecasts. In particular, the Government’s estimates for nominal GDP,
which transition between 2.5 per cent in 2015–16 to 5 per cent in just the
two years to 2017–18 appear to be particularly optimistic, especially given the
weak forecast for price inflation, as measured by the CPI. An additional factor
is the overall level of economic activity as given by real GDP. The forecasts
for real GDP growth have been gradually downgraded over the past year, yet the
2016–17 Budget forecasts 3 per cent annual growth in real GDP from 2017–18 to
2019–20. A failure to achieve either the intimated growth in the price level,
or the forecast growth in real GDP — and its anticipated flow through to
revenue receipts — would be likely to cause a material deterioration the Commonwealth’s
fiscal position.
The exchange rate, the terms of trade (that
is, the price of exports divided by the price of imports) and commodity prices
are all important factors in determining the level of overall economic
activity. They are therefore important factors in determining forecast revenues
for the Commonwealth. If the assumptions underpinning the forecast fiscal
position are overly optimistic/pessimistic and those assumptions do/do not
materialise, then the overall fiscal position will improve/deteriorate
In February this year, the Reserve Bank had
forecast an exchange rate of US$0.72,[7] which was the same as estimated at the 2015–16 MYEFO.[8] At the 2016–17 Budget, the
exchange rate was forecast at US$0.77 cents.[9] At the end of April 2016, the exchange rate was US$0.7655.[10]
The terms of trade forecasts at the 2016–17
Budget have been revised upwards since 2015–16 MYEFO. At 2015–16 MYEFO, the
terms of trade was forecast to fall by 10.5 per cent in 1015–16, and a further
2.25 per cent in 2016–17.[11] The terms of trade are now forecast to fall by 8.75 per cent in 2015-16, and to
increase by 1.25 per cent in 2016–17.[12] Australia’s terms of trade
are forecast to remain at its 2005 level from 2019–20 onwards.[13]
The Reserve Bank of Australia noted that oil
prices had sharply fallen over recent months, and that other commodity prices,
including the prices for coal and iron ore, have also declined.[14] The Reserve Bank noted that
the ‘outlook for China continues to be a key source of uncertainty’ and warned
that any sharp slowing in economic activity would have implications for
commodity prices, including those that are important for Australia.[15]
One important commodity for Australia is the
price of iron ore. Iron ore was forecast to be US$48 per tonne FOB (free on
board) at the 2015–16 Budget, which was reduced to US$39 per tonne FOB at the
2015–16 MYEFO, and was subsequently increased to US$55 per tonne FOB at the
2016–17 Budget.[16] Recent reports indicated that McKinsey & Co forecast that iron ore would
trade between US$45 and US$50 per tonne this year. Goldman Sachs forecast that
at the end of this year iron ore would be about US$35 per tonne. Citi
forecast an average price of US$38 per tonne for 2016 and US$35 per tonne for
2017 and 2018.[17] The Government estimates a US$10 per tonne reduction/increase in the iron ore
price results in just over a $6 billion reduction/increase in nominal GDP in
Fiscal outlook
The 2016–17 Budget was somewhat unusual as
it was delivered on the cusp of an anticipated double dissolution election. Given
the anticipated call of an election, the Government introduced a series of
Supply Bills into Parliament so as to ensure that the funding of government
programs and activities would continue beyond 1 July.[19]
Fiscal strategy
In the 2016–17 Budget, the Government
announced a change to its stated fiscal strategy, relative to the 2015–16
Budget. While the strategy largely stayed the same, the Government’s 2016–17
fiscal strategy suggested that it was prepared to be more flexible and
interventionist in using fiscal policy to manage the economy. The Government
stated that the fiscal strategy ‘will set medium-term fiscal policy while
allowing for flexibility in response to changing economic conditions.’[20] Moreover, the
fiscal strategy included a further element of ‘supporting revenue growth by
supporting policies that drive earnings and economic growth.’[21] Further, the Government has
also abandoned the target of surpluses of one per cent of GDP by 2023–24, and
altered the target for debt from Commonwealth Government Securities on issue
(synonymous with gross debt) to net debt. These changes to the fiscal strategy
suggest that the Government may be more inclined than it was previously to be
flexible with fiscal policy and taking on additional debt where that will, in
the Government’s view, contribute to economic growth.
Key fiscal aggregates
The key fiscal aggregates as forecast by the
Government are set out in table 3.
Table3: Budget aggregates
Actual |
Estimates |
Projections |
2014–15 |
2015–16 |
2016–17 |
2017–18 |
2018–19 |
2019–20 |
Underlying cash balance ($b) |
-37.4 |
-39.9 |
-37.1 |
-26.1 |
-15.4 |
-6.0 |
Per cent of GDP |
-2.4 |
-2.4 |
-2.2 |
-1.4 |
-0.8 |
-0.3 |
Fiscal balance ($b) |
-39.9 |
-39.4 |
-37.1 |
-18.7 |
-9.9 |
-2.1 |
Per cent of GDP |
-2.5 |
-2.4 |
-2.2 |
-1.0 |
-0.5 |
-0.1 |
Australian Government, Budget strategy and outlook: budget paper no. 1: 2016–17, Statement 3, Table 2, p. 3-10.
The underlying cash deficit is expected to
be $37.1 billion in 2016–17, compared to a deficit of $33.7 billion
projected in MYEFO. The underlying cash deficit is expected to be to $15.4
billion in 2018‑19, compared to a deficit of $14.2 billion for 2018–19
published in the 2015–16 MYEFO.
The movement in the Commonwealth’s fiscal
stance, relative to the 2015–16 MYEFO, is set out in table 4.
Table 4: Australian Government
general Government sector budget aggregates at 2015–16 MYEFO compared to 2016–17
2015–16 |
2016–17 |
2017–18 |
2018–19 |
2019–20 |
Budget |
Budget |
Budget |
Budget |
Budget |
$b |
$b |
$b |
$b |
$b |
$b |
$b |
$b |
$b |
$b |
Receipts |
394.9 |
388.0 |
415.3 |
411.3 |
440.9 |
437.4 |
473.5 |
469.9 |
n.a. |
500.7 |
Per cent of GDP |
23.9 |
23.5 |
24.1 |
23.9 |
24.3 |
24.2 |
24.8 |
28.8 |
n.a. |
25.1 |
Payments |
428.3 |
425.0 |
445.3 |
445.0 |
459.9 |
459.9 |
483.3 |
481.5 |
n.a. |
502.6 |
Per cent of GDP |
25.9 |
25.8 |
25.8 |
25.8 |
25.3 |
25.5 |
25.3 |
25.4 |
n.a. |
25.2 |
Net Future Fund earnings |
4.0 |
3.0 |
3.7 |
3.3 |
4.0 |
3.6 |
4.5 |
3.8 |
n.a. |
4.1 |
Underlying cash balance |
-37.4 |
-39.9 |
-33.7 |
-37.1 |
-23.0 |
-26.1 |
-14.2 |
-15.4 |
n.a. |
-6.0 |
Per cent of GDP |
-2.3 |
-2.4 |
-2.0 |
-2.2 |
-1.3 |
-1.4 |
-0.7 |
-0.8 |
n.a. |
-0.3 |
Revenue |
401.0 |
396.4 |
423.2 |
416.9 |
452.6 |
449.5 |
487.1 |
484.4 |
n.a. |
515.1 |
Per cent of GDP |
24.3 |
24.0 |
24.5 |
24.2 |
24.9 |
24.9 |
25.5 |
25.5 |
n.a. |
25.9 |
Expenses |
432.2 |
431.5 |
451.2 |
450.6 |
465.9 |
464.8 |
491.4 |
489.3 |
n.a. |
25.9 |
Per cent of GDP |
26.2 |
26.1 |
26.1 |
26.2 |
25.7 |
25.7 |
25.7 |
25.8 |
n.a. |
25.7 |
Net operating balance |
-31.3 |
-35.1 |
-28.0 |
-33.7 |
-13.3 |
-15.4 |
-4.3 |
-5.0 |
n.a. |
3.5 |
Net capital investment |
4.5 |
4.4 |
4.7 |
3.4 |
4.1 |
3.4 |
5.9 |
4.9 |
n.a. |
5.5 |
Fiscal balance |
-35.8 |
-39.4 |
-32.8 |
-37.1 |
-17.4 |
-18.7 |
-10.2 |
-9.8 |
n.a. |
-2.1 |
Per cent of GDP |
-2.2 |
-2.4 |
-1.9 |
-2.2 |
-1.0 |
-1.0 |
-0.5 |
-0.5 |
n.a. |
-0.1 |
Memorandum item: |
Headline cash balance |
-48.2 |
-51.5 |
-48.9 |
-53.4 |
-32.3 |
-34.2 |
-23.8 |
-23.9 |
n.a. |
-14.4 |
Australian Government, Mid-year economic and fiscal outlook 2015–16, Table 3.3, p. 29; Australian Government, Budget strategy and outlook: budget paper no. 1: 2016–17, Statement 3, Table 2, p. 3-10.
Australia’s net debt position is forecast to
deteriorate across the forward estimates since the 2015–16 MYEFO. As a
proportion of GDP, net debt is also forecast to deteriorate (table 5).
Table 5: Net debt at 2015–16 MYEFO
compared to 2016–17 Budget
2015–16 |
2016–17 |
2017–18 |
2018–19 |
Budget |
Budget |
Budget |
Budget |
$b |
$b |
$b |
$b |
$b |
$b |
$b |
$b |
Net debt |
278.8 |
285.7 |
316.5 |
326.0 |
323.7 |
346.8 |
325.4 |
356.4 |
Per cent of GDP |
16.9 |
17.3 |
18.3 |
18.9 |
17.6 |
19.2 |
16.8 |
18.8 |
Australian Government, Mid-year economic and fiscal outlook 2015–16, Table 3.2, p. 26; Australian Government, Budget strategy and outlook: budget paper no. 1: 2016–17, Statement 3, Table 3, p. 3-15.
The 2016–17 Budget has marginally downgraded most key
economic parameters since 2015–16 MYEFO (Table 6). There have been slightly
larger downward revisions for corporate gross operating surplus and
unincorporated business income.
Table 6: Key economic parameters
Estimates |
Projections |
2015–16 |
2016–17 |
2017–18 |
2018–19 |
2019–20 |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Revenue parameters at 2016–17 Budget |
Nominal GDP |
2 ½ |
4 ¼ |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Change since 2015–16 MYEFO |
-¼ |
-¼ |
0 |
-¼ |
n.a. |
Compensation of employees |
3 |
4 |
4 ½ |
4 ½ |
5 |
Change since 2015–16 MYEFO |
-¾ |
0 |
¼ |
0 |
n.a. |
Corporate gross operating surplus |
1 ¼ |
5 ¼ |
5 ¾ |
5 ¼ |
4 ¾ |
Change since 2015–16 MYEFO |
1 ¼ |
0 |
-1 |
-1 |
n.a. |
Unincorporated business income |
4 ½ |
4 |
5 ½ |
5 ½ |
4 ¾ |
Change since 2015–16 MYEFO |
½ |
-1 ¼ |
-1 ¼ |
-1 ¼ |
n.a. |
Property income |
1 ¾ |
5 |
6 ¼ |
5 |
5 ¼ |
Change since 2015–16 MYEFO |
1 ¾ |
-1 ¼ |
1 ¾ |
¼ |
n.a. |
Consumption subject to GST |
4 |
4 ¾ |
5 ¼ |
5 ½ |
5 ¼ |
Change since 2015–16 MYEFO |
-¼ |
-¾ |
½ |
½ |
n.a. |
In current
prices, per cent change on previous years.
Australian Government, Budget strategy and outlook: budget paper no. 1: 2016–17, Statement 4, Table 4, p. 4-9.
Table 7: Estimated expenses by
function, 2015–16 Budget, 2016–17 Budget and percentage change
2015–16 Budget |
2016–17 Budget |
Per cent
differences |
-16 |
-17 |
-18 |
-19 |
-16 |
-17 |
-18 |
-19 |
-16 |
-17 |
-18 |
-19 |
$m |
$m |
$m |
$m |
$m |
$m |
$m |
$m |
% |
% |
% |
% |
General public services |
22,162 |
22,936 |
22,224 |
22,543 |
23,967 |
22,659 |
21,790 |
22,345 |
8.14 |
-1.21 |
-1.95 |
-0.88 |
Defence |
26,348 |
26,106 |
27,631 |
28,783 |
25,986 |
27,155 |
27,937 |
29,384 |
-1.37 |
4.02 |
1.11 |
2.09 |
Public order and safety |
4,885 |
4,851 |
4,735 |
4,806 |
4,958 |
4,915 |
4,766 |
4,719 |
1.49 |
1.32 |
0.65 |
-1.81 |
Education |
31,854 |
33,133 |
34,055 |
35,115 |
32,515 |
33,669 |
33,815 |
34,494 |
2.08 |
1.62 |
-0.70 |
-1.77 |
Health |
69,381 |
71,634 |
74,076 |
76,987 |
69,172 |
71,413 |
73,425 |
76,239 |
-0.30 |
-0.31 |
-0.88 |
-0.97 |
Social security and welfare |
154,000 |
159,654 |
170,719 |
186,869 |
152,838 |
158,612 |
166,518 |
184,260 |
-0.75 |
-0.65 |
-2.46 |
-1.40 |
Housing and community amenities |
5,329 |
5,242 |
5,041 |
4,553 |
4,865 |
5,282 |
5,051 |
4,455 |
-8.71 |
0.76 |
0.20 |
-2.15 |
Recreation and culture |
3,530 |
3,350 |
3,294 |
3,287 |
3,512 |
3,401 |
3,337 |
3,249 |
-0.51 |
1.52 |
1.31 |
-1.16 |
Fuel and energy |
6,706 |
6,705 |
6,895 |
7,237 |
6,528 |
6,687 |
6,782 |
7,028 |
-2.65 |
-0.27 |
-1.64 |
-2.89 |
Agriculture, forestry and fishing |
3,063 |
2,930 |
2,780 |
2,408 |
2,768 |
3,122 |
3,084 |
2,626 |
-9.63 |
6.55 |
10.94 |
9.05 |
Mining, manufacturing and construction |
3,142 |
3,129 |
3,082 |
3,092 |
3,650 |
3,545 |
3,792 |
3,999 |
16.17 |
13.29 |
23.04 |
29.33 |
Transport and communication |
8,575 |
11,198 |
9,304 |
6,315 |
8,647 |
11,131 |
10,606 |
6,599 |
0.84 |
-0.60 |
13.99 |
4.50 |
Other economic affairs |
9,792 |
8,918 |
8,850 |
8,950 |
9,626 |
9,832 |
8,620 |
8,600 |
-1.70 |
10.25 |
-2.60 |
-3.91 |
Other purposes |
85,701 |
92,869 |
99,131 |
108,483 |
82,437 |
89,129 |
95,291 |
101,326 |
-3.81 |
-4.03 |
-3.87 |
-6.60 |
Total expenses |
434,469 |
452,654 |
471,816 |
499,428 |
431,470 |
450,553 |
464,812 |
489,324 |
-0.69 |
-0.46 |
-1.48 |
-2.02 |
Adapted from Australian Government, Budget strategy and outlook: budget paper no. 1: 2015–16, Statement 5, Table 3, p. 5-8; Australian Government, Budget strategy and outlook: budget paper no. 1: 2016–17, Statement 5, Table 2, p. 5-6.
Estimated expenses have fallen across the forward
estimates from the 2015–16 Budget to the 2016–17 Budget (see Table 7). Expenses
associated with agriculture, forestry and fishing are forecast to substantively
fall in 2015–16 before increasing at an average of nearly nine per cent for the
remainder of the forward estimates. Expenses associated with mining,
manufacturing and construction are forecast to grow at an average of
20 per cent over the forward estimates. General public services
expenses are forecast to increase eight per cent in 2015–16 before slight
expense reductions over the remainder of the forward estimates. Housing and
community amenities expenses are forecast to fall by nearly nine per cent in
2015–16, before slight increases to 2017–18 before falling again in 2018–19.
Significant Government priorities
and actions
The 2016–17 Budget announced various
measures in areas including:
- welfare reform and further employment participation initiatives
- taxation relief for selected households and firms, coupled with
extensions to the tax base and additional tax integrity measures
- restructuring of the incentives attached to, and seemingly the
role of, superannuation
- defence procurement and associated related defence industry
development and
- further commitments in relation to infrastructure.
There are some announced measures which, if ultimately
enacted, may constitute longer-term reforms with enduring benefits. Overall, however,
the Government’s announced budget measures suggest a desire to stabilise the fiscal
position of the Commonwealth, balanced with a willingness to be more engaged in
promoting specific types of economic activity, whilst encouraging economic
growth generally.
Welfare and employment
The Government’s approach in this Budget
appears to be mostly on measures that it considers will stimulate employment
and economic growth. The approach to welfare in the Budget is less punitive
than in previous years, with a much greater focus on supporting people—especially
young people—into work rather than restricting access to welfare benefits.
There is, however, still a focus on compliance and the affordability of the
welfare system.
The National Disability Insurance
In March 2016, the Government announced the
establishment of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Savings Fund to
help meet the future funding needs of the NDIS.[22] The Budget allocates $1.3 billion in net savings from social welfare payment
expenditure towards the NDIS Savings Fund.[23] A further $711.2 million in savings from within the NDIS (from reduced net
costs in transition agreements signed with the states and territories) will be
credited to the NDIS Savings Fund. This will result in an estimated $2.1
billion being credited to the Fund over five years, on top of the Fund’s
opening balance of $164.2 million which was set aside in the Mid-Year Economic
and Fiscal Outlook.[24]
Reforms to welfare and encouraging
employment participation
Welfare savings will be drawn in part from a
reassessment of the work capacity of 90,000 Disability Support Pension
recipients over the next 3 years — this is expected to provide savings of $62.1
million over five years. There has been an additional $96.1 million announced
to the Try, Test and Learn Fund. This Fund will finance innovative policies
based on an actuarial analysis to identify groups at risk of long term welfare
dependency and assist them into employment.[25] In addition, the Government will close carbon tax compensation to new benefit
recipients from 20 September 2016, saving approximately $1.4 billion over five
In the employment area there is a focus on
youth employment, with the announcement of an $840 million youth employment
package. This consists chiefly of a new Youth Jobs PaTH (Prepare – Trial –
Hire) program and the extension of the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS).
The Youth Jobs PaTH Program will provide
assistance to up to 120,000 young job seekers over four years. The Program
consists of three stages: intensive pre-employment training; a workplace
internship during which job seekers will be paid $200 a fortnight on top of
their regular Centrelink payments and the sponsoring employer will receive a
payment of $1,000; and, a wage subsidy of up to $10,000 for employers who hire
an eligible job seeker on an on-going basis.[27]
In this Budget the Government has allocated
$100.0 million over three years for Domestic and Family Violence: New Initiatives
To Break the Cycle of Violence. This builds on the $101.2 million provided
for a Women’s Safety Package announced by the Government in September 2015
(detailed in the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Year Outlook 2015–16).
This measure will draw on the recommendations of the Third Action Plan (part of
the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children
2010–22), due for release in mid-2016.[28]
Healthcare and aged care
In health, the Government is continuing with
the Aged Care Road Map with the introduction of $249 million to aged care. This
includes $102.3 million on the aged care viability supplement to improve
services in regional and remote areas, and $136.6 million towards the Aged Care
Contact Centre to meet increasing demand. A revision of the Aged Care Funding
Instrument is slated to deliver efficiencies of $1.2 billion over the forward
There will be $21.3 million provided over
the four years from 2015–19 to trial the health care homes model of primary
health care. This trial will support primary care providers to provide
coordinated care and case management to approximately 65,000 patients with
complex conditions.[30]
There are a number of measures under the
title of Healthier Medicare including enhanced compliance programmes and
removing obsolete services. The Government has also proposed to extend the
pause in indexation of the Medicare Benefits Schedule until 2020, as well as
instituting a pause to the indexation of the Medicare Levy Surcharge and the Private
Health Insurance Rebate for a further three years.[31]
The Government has announced a reform of
public dental services with the Child and Adult Public Dental Scheme to be
delivered under a National Partnership Agreement. All children, and adult
concession card holders will be eligible for the scheme and states will have
discretion to provide services for other groups. Under the agreement, the Commonwealth
Government will provide 40 per cent of the national efficient price for all
dental services under the scheme. The cost of this scheme will be funded from
the termination of the Child Dental Benefits Schedule and the National Partnership
Agreement for Adult Dental Services.[32]
In addition, the new funding arrangements
for public hospitals are included in the 2016–17 Budget, with a further $2.9
billion being provided over the forward estimates. This announcement includes
the states and territories working to improve services and reduce unnecessary
hospitalisation. The Government will also provide $8.5 million over three years
to continue the operation of the Administrator of the National Health Funding
Pool and the National Health Funding Body.[33]
The Government is seeking savings in
residential aged care subsidies of $1.2 billion over the forward estimates
through changes to the Aged Care Funding Instrument. There is some new spending
for aged care, including $102.3 million on better targeting of the viability
supplement to support services in regional and remote areas, and $136.6 million
for the My Aged Care Contact Centre to meet increasing demand.
An increased indexation rate of 3.56%
accounts for the Budget’s additional school funding—$1.2 billion over four
years from 2017–18. This funding was previously announced by the Government and
is contingent on state and territory governments maintaining their funding
effort and undertaking specific education reforms to improve student outcomes.
The key measure in tertiary education is the further delay
in reforms that originated in the 2014–15 Budget. Fee deregulation for
undergraduate students has been ruled out, with cuts in government subsidies to
proceed from 2018. The government released a discussion paper in conjunction with the
budget, to frame final decisions on the shape of Australia’s higher education
The Government has announced that it will be
reducing broadcast license fees by 25 per cent as a result of the Government’s
review of fee arrangements. There will also be $3.1 billion in base operational
funding over three years for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and $814.2
million for the Special Broadcasting Service Corporation.[35]
The 2016–17 Budget relieves the tax burden
for selected households and firms, while introducing additional tax integrity
measures and expanding the tax base in some minor ways.
Reductions in the tax burden
The ‘Ten Year Enterprise Tax Plan’ consists
of 11 measures that target middle income wage earners, small businesses and
changes to specific behavioural taxes, as well as a range of technical
The key individual and specific taxation
reforms include personal income tax relief with a change in the marginal tax
rates for income earners around $80,000, and wine equalisation tax rebate
integrity and wine tourism funding.
Small business adjustments include a
progressive increase in the small business entity turnover threshold, increases
to the unincorporated small business tax discount, business
simplification—taxation of financial arrangements—regulation reform, and
progressively reducing the company tax rate to 25 per cent.
Increased integrity measures
The ‘Tax Integrity Package’ consists of
eight measures that signal an intention of the Government to enforce more
stringent conditions on taxpayers generally. The measures include major reforms
to the collection of taxation and technical amendments to meet internationally
determined standards for tax system integrity.
The collection of initiatives include a new
diverted profits tax, better protecting tax whistle-blowers, broadening a
‘securitised asset’ measure, deferred tax liabilities and establishing the Tax
Avoidance Taskforce. The technical amendments include implementing the OECD
hybrid mismatch arrangement rules, increasing administrative penalties for
significant global entities and strengthening transfer pricing rules. These
changes are characterised by the Government as ‘tougher laws’ and ‘stronger
compliance’ in order to increase receipts from existing economic activity.
Tax base expansion
Several measures propose minor increased to the tax base.
The most notable of these is the proposal to extend the base of the Goods and
Services Tax to cover goods imported by consumers from overseas.[36]
The ‘Superannuation Reform Package’ appears
to be mostly aimed at reframing the intent of the superannuation system as a
vehicle for the self-funding of retirement income by employees, up to a
reasonable amount. Reflective of this apparent intention, the Government stated
that these changes will:
… for the first time, enshrine in law that the objective for
superannuation is to provide income in retirement to substitute or supplement
the Age Pension.’[37]
The Budget provided for 10 measures which
- allowing ‘catch-up’ concessional superannuation contributions for
those who have potentially underfunded their superannuation with interrupted
work patterns to move towards a cap
- harmonising contribution rules for persons aged 65 to 74
providing an option for people working beyond traditional retirement age to
participate in the superannuation system
- increasing the ‘low income’ threshold for the low income spouse
superannuation tax offset potentially increasing the balances of low income
- reducing the tax-free benefits of higher income individuals by
introducing a $1.6 million superannuation transfer balance cap
- introducing a lifetime cap for non-concessional superannuation
contributions of $500,000
- introducing a Low Income Superannuation Tax Offset (LISTO) to
improve lower income superannuation balances
- reforming the taxation of concessional superannuation
contributions by lowering the threshold for additional contributions tax and
lowering concessional contributions to $25,000
- removing the anti-detriment provision for death benefits from
superannuation, which currently allow a member’s lifetime contributions tax
payments to be paid into an estate
- removing a tax exemption on earnings from assets supporting
transition to retirement incomes streams in order to strengthen the integrity
of income streams and
- increased tax deduction options for personal superannuation
contributions from individuals in less usual employment situations, to enable
consistency with usual employment situations.
Combined, the proposed changes suggest a
shift in the nature of superannuation towards a vehicle for accumulating more
modest retirement savings, and an intention for superannuation to be used
primarily as a substitute for Government-funded retirement income support.
Defence and national security
There are fewer mentions of national security issues in the
Government’s budget documents than has been the case in recent years. Instead,
emphasis is placed on what the Treasurer’s budget speech describes as:
A defence plan for local hi-tech manufacturing and technology.[38]
This draws out two of the Budget’s major themes: support for
industry and investing in regional growth.
The Budget repeats the recently released Defence White
Paper’s promise of an additional $29.9 billion in funding for Defence across 10
years to 2025 and links this to expenditure of $195 billion in defence
capability across the same period. The Budget Overview document states that
this will aid in the creation of 3,600 Australian jobs as well as thousands
more in the supply chain.[39]
In addition, the Government has provided:
- $1.6 billion for industry competitiveness and skills
- $686 million for continued military operations.[40]
The budget documents set out defence capability already
announced such as the future submarines, offshore patrol vessels and future
frigates. However, since each of these projects is relatively new they make
little impact on the 2016–17 Budget.
Unsurprisingly, the Budget provides funding for Defence that
is very much in line with the funding model set out in the 2016 Defence
White Paper (2016 DWP) and accompanying Defence Integrated Investment
Program (DIIP). Both documents set out funding which aims to reach $42.4
billion by 2020–21 or 2 per cent of GDP based on current Treasury predictions.[41] Total Defence funding for 2016–17 of $32.8 billion is close to the 2016 DWP’s
forecast of $32.3 billion and the forward estimates are also aligned.[42]
Defence also enjoys a prominent presence in the Government’s
statement Investing in Regional Growth 2016–17.[43] This includes:
- defence assistance to the civil community in dealing with bushfires
and cyclones
- defence industry’s role in regional Australia
- the Centre for Industry Capability headquartered in Adelaide but
with services to be provided ‘across the country’
- Defence Logistics Transformation Program which aims to modernise
storage and transport facilities around the country
- Explosive Ordinance Logistics Reform Programs which seeks to do
the same for ordinance storage infrastructure
- Defence housing upgrades
- United States Force Posture initiative.
Not all of these measures include additional
funding—indeed, some of these measures do not have any funding identified—but
they are presented in a way that reinforces Defence’s contribution to regional
Public administration
The Government’s focus has moved from
reducing Commonwealth Public Service employee numbers to modernising the public
sector. Full time staff levels are expected to remain at current levels
(167,340). The efficiency dividend will remain at 2.5 per cent for an
additional year before slightly increasing through to 2019–20.[44] As a result of these
efficiencies, $500 million will be reinvested into specific agencies (not
named) to automate public services and business reengineering.[45] In total, the Public
Sector Transformation and the Efficiency Dividend will achieve $1.4 billion
net savings over three years.[46]
Operation Tetris will also achieve
savings of $200 million over the next 10 years by requiring agencies to fill
vacant leased office space in the ACT rather than entering into new leases or
renewing expiring leases. This initiative will then be rolled out nationally.[47]
In line with an expected 2016 Federal
Election and recent amendments to The Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918,
the Australian Electoral Commission has received a significant increase in
their Special Appropriations Budget in 2015–16, from $9.6 million to $83
million in 2016–17.[48]
Commonwealth-State relations
The Government appears to have solidified
its position in relation to the supporting the states’ and territories’
delivery of services, with further suggestions that the states and territories
should seek to take a greater role in funding and delivering services within
their core areas of responsibility. As an example, the Government stated:
Commonwealth payments to the States are continuing to grow at
a time when State budgets are in a strong position.
However, all levels of government must live within their
means and ensure services are based on what taxpayers can afford and the
economy can support.[49]
However, despite this statement, there were
no significant announcements in relation to Commonwealth funding of the states
and territories.
Table 8 shows the payments the Commonwealth
anticipates making to the states and territories in 2016–17 by function.
Table 8: Payments to the states and
territories by function 2016–17
2016‑17 |
WA |
SA |
NT |
Total |
$m |
$m |
$m |
$m |
$m |
$m |
$m |
$m |
$m |
General public services |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
8,000 |
Public order and safety |
86,417 |
66,271 |
54,281 |
32,203 |
21,330 |
7,957 |
11,369 |
76,574 |
356,402 |
Education |
6,033,238 |
4,858,024 |
4,162,301 |
1,945,132 |
1,373,147 |
451,362 |
320,513 |
383,634 |
19,528,870 |
Health |
5,786,259 |
4,431,558 |
3,683,800 |
2,058,486 |
1,280,270 |
418,636 |
343,822 |
304,801 |
18,723,248 |
Social security and welfare |
771,464 |
543,070 |
417,922 |
459,554 |
175,357 |
52,329 |
70,815 |
34,949 |
2,525,460 |
Housing and community amenities |
488,098 |
374,337 |
464,910 |
297,840 |
124,457 |
34,090 |
26,157 |
228,780 |
2,058,168 |
Recreation and culture |
5,000 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1,780 |
- |
- |
6,780 |
Fuel and energy |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Agriculture, forestry and fishing |
149,610 |
201,299 |
60,879 |
1,472 |
129,466 |
22,105 |
27,348 |
2,876 |
600,198 |
Mining, manufacturing and construction |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Transport and communication |
3,197,863 |
739,841 |
2,170,333 |
841,846 |
668,314 |
172,440 |
24,137 |
124,134 |
9,141,895 |
Other economic affairs |
4,831 |
2,779 |
2,920 |
1,388 |
989 |
775 |
775 |
775 |
15,232 |
Other purposes |
18,396,806 |
14,453,744 |
14,771,169 |
2,321,279 |
6,252,093 |
2,378,426 |
1,242,062 |
3,296,306 |
63,580,617 |
Total payments to the states |
34,919,586 |
25,670,923 |
25,788,515 |
7,959,200 |
10,025,423 |
3,539,900 |
2,066,998 |
4,452,829 |
116,544,870 |
less payments 'through' the states |
3,443,507 |
2,920,480 |
2,381,161 |
1,181,902 |
836,685 |
238,308 |
220,186 |
182,737 |
11,406,485 |
less financial assistance grants for local government |
712,232 |
541,819 |
450,095 |
280,220 |
151,505 |
71,546 |
48,611 |
32,649 |
2,288,677 |
less payments direct 'to' local government |
234,809 |
163,763 |
174,982 |
117,836 |
57,676 |
26,226 |
- |
12,931 |
788,223 |
equals total
payments 'to' the states for own‑purpose expenses |
30,529,038 |
22,044,861 |
22,782,277 |
6,379,242 |
8,979,557 |
3,203,820 |
1,798,201 |
4,224,512 |
102,061,485 |
The largest category, ‘other purposes,’
mostly comprises the revenue from the GST.
Additional information about proposed payments
in the years from 2017–18 to 2019–20 are available in Appendix B of Federal
financial relations: budget paper no. 3: 2016–17, which is available online
Goods and Services Tax revenue and its
The Government is forecasting a 6.8 per cent
increase in the Goods and Services Tax (GST) revenue pool between 2015–16 and
2016–17; from $57.1 billion to $61.0 billion respectively.[51] A perennial issue in
relation to the GST is the manner in which it is distributed amongst the states
and territories, in the process known as horizontal fiscal equalisation. Of
particular contention is the low ‘GST relativity’ currently enjoyed by Western
Australia, which means that Western Australia receives only about 30 per cent
of the GST revenue it would receive were the GST distributed on an equal, per
capita basis. The reason for the low share of the GST pool received by Western
Australia is mostly related to the high price of iron ore which has, over the
last decade or so, increased Western Australia’s assessed ‘revenue raising
capacity’ in the horizontal fiscal equalisation process.
In the 2015–16 Budget, the Government
provided two sets of forecasts for states’ and territories’ GST relativities:
one being a ‘technical extrapolation’ based on certain assumptions but
excluding forecast iron ore prices, and another which incorporated market
estimates of iron ore prices as they were at the time of the 2015–16 Budget.[52] In the 2016–17
Budget, however, the Government has not provided any forecasts of the states’
and territories’ GST relativities beyond 2016–17. The lack of a clear statement
by the Commonwealth regarding the expected distribution of the GST may make the
task of states and territories devising their own budgets more difficult.
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