What's new in Statistics . . . June 2022

Statistics and Data
Joanne Simon-Davies

This month: food insecurity, household income and wealth

Releases in June

2021 Census of Population and Housing

The results of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2021 Census of Population and Housing are due for release on 28 June and will include data on:

  • Population (sex and age)
  • Cultural diversity (country of birth, year of arrival, ancestry, language, and religion)
  • Health (including long-term health conditions)
  • Housing (including housing type and housing costs)
  • Education and training (qualifications, educational attendance, and type of educational institution)
  • Income and work (individual and family income, occupation, and employment)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (Information on ancestry, language, and health)
  • Households and families (including relationships in household and family)
  • Location (Information on place of usual residence, migration, and place of work)
  • Disability and carers (need for assistance)
  • Unpaid work and care (information on unpaid domestic work, unpaid childcare, and voluntary work)
  • Transport (number of motor vehicles and method of travel to work)
  • Australian Defence Force service.

The ABS will also be releasing their flagship products: Census TableBuilder, Census QuickStats and the Census Community Profiles.

  Statistical reports Release date
ABS Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product, March 2022 1 June
ABS Managed Funds, March 2022 2 June
ABS Retail Trade, April 2022 2 June
ABS International Trade in Goods and Services, April 2022 2 June
ABS Assets and Liabilities of Australian Securitisers, March 2022 2 June
ABS Lending Indicators, April 2022 3 June
ANZ ANZ Job Advertisements 6 June
ABS Building Approvals, April 2022 7 June
AIHW Health of Veterans 7 June
ABS Labour Account, March 2022 8 June
ABS Weekly Payroll Jobs and Wages in Australia, Week ending 14 May 2022 9 June
ABS Industrial Disputes, March 2022 9 June
ABS Corrective Services, March Quarter 2022 9 June
ABS Monthly Business Turnover Indicator, April 2022 10 June
ABS Monthly Household Spending Indicator, April 2022 14 June
ABS Total Value of Dwellings, March Quarter 2022 14 June
ABS Research and Experimental Development, Government and Private Non-Profit Organisation, 2020–21  15 June
ABS Land and Housing Supply Indicators, 2022 15 June
ABS Overseas Arrivals and Departures, April 2022 15 June
ABS Labour Force, May 2022 16 June
ABS Federal Defendants, 1 July 2020–30 June 2021 16 June
AIHW Australia’s Mothers and Babies 2020 21 June
ABS Developing the Australian Defence Industry Account, 2022 22 June
ABS Provisional Mortality Statistics, Jan–Mar 2022 23 June
ABS Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth, March 2022 23 June
ABS Labour Force, Detailed, May 2022 23 June
ABS Tourism Satellite Accounts: Quarterly Tourism Labour Statistics, Experimental Estimates, March 2022 23 June
AIHW Australia's Health 2022 23 June
ABS Underemployed Workers, May 2022 24 June
ABS National, State and Territory Population, December 2021 28 June
ABS Census of Population and Housing: Details of Overcount and Undercount, 2021 28 June
ABS International Trade: Supplementary Information, 2020–21 29 June
ABS Retail Trade, May 2022 29 June
AIHW Housing Assistance in Australia 29 June
ABS Job Vacancies, May 2022 30 June
ABS Recorded Crime – Victims, 2021 30 June

Note: Release dates may be subject to change without notice.

If you are interested in any of the forthcoming releases or datasets, please contact the Parliamentary Library to discuss in more detail.

After the latest economic statistics? Visit the Parliamentary Library’s new Economic Dashboard: Monthly Statistical Dashboard

New reports

Foodbank Hunger Report, 2021 (Foodbank Australia)

Did you know . . .

  • One in 6 Australians (17%) can be categorised as being severely food insecure which means they have multiple disruptions to the eating patterns and forced to reduce their food intake. These individuals and families are often forced to eat smaller meals to make the food last longer or skip meals altogether (p. 3). The most common reasons why people report experiencing food insecurity are unexpected expenses or bill shock (35%), overall low incomes (30%) and rent or mortgage repayments (30%) (p. 6).

Other reports: Food Insecurity in the Time of Covid-19 report 2020, Foodbank Rumbling Tummies report 2018

Household Income and Wealth, 2019–20 (ABS)

Did you know . . .

  • Average equivalised disposable household income was $1,124 per week ($1,034 in 2009–10).
  • Average net worth for all Australian households in 2019–20 was $1,042,000, a 19% increase when compared with 2009–10 ($878,200).
  • Three in four (75%) households had debt in 2019–20. Of these households, 30% were servicing a total debt three or more times their annualised disposable income. This is an increase of 6% from 2009–10.

Other reports of interest:

Interested in finding out what the latest statistics are telling us about the Australian economy and population?

Each month the Parliamentary Library will publish a Flag Post listing new reports on a wide variety of topics. The list will include important upcoming releases from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) as well as other research organisations and government departments.