What's new in Statistics . . . January

Statistics and Data
Joanne Simon-Davies

Welcome to the new year.

This month: deaths in custody, rental affordability and homelessness services.

Statistics releases in January 2022

If you are interested in any of the forthcoming releases or datasets, please contact the Parliamentary Library to discuss in more detail.

  Statistical reports Release date
ANZ Job Advertisements, December 2021 4 Jan
ABS Building Approvals, November 2021 10 Jan
ABS International Trade in Goods and Services, November 2021 11 Jan
ABS Retail Trade, November 2021 11 Jan
ABS Job Vacancies, November 2021 12 Jan
ABS Engineering Construction Activity, September 2021 12 Jan
ABS Lending Indicators, November 2021 14 Jan
ABS Building Approvals, November 2021 17 Jan
ABS Overseas Arrivals and Departures, November 2021 18 Jan
ABS Building Activity, September 2021 19 Jan
ABS Employee Earnings and Hours, May 2021 19 Jan
ABS Weekly Payroll Jobs and Wages in Australia, Week ending 18 December 2021 19 Jan
ABS Labour Force, December 2021 20 Jan
ABS Monthly Business Turnover Indicator, November 2021 21 Jan
NVCER Apprentices and trainees, June Quarter 2021 24 Jan
NVCER Historical time-series of apprenticeships and traineeships in Australia from 1963 24 Jan
ABS Consumer Price Index, December 2021 25 Jan
ABS International Trade Price Indexes, December 2021 27 Jan
ABS Labour Force, Detailed, December 2021 27 Jan
ABS Producer Price Indexes, December 2021 28 Jan
ABS Perspectives on Migrants 31 Jan
RBA Housing Lending Rates, October 2021 31 Jan

Please contact the Library if you would like to see further information on any of these releases. Note: Release dates may be subject to change without notice.

New reports

Deaths in custody in Australia, 2020–21 (Australian Institute of Criminology)

‘The National Deaths in Custody Program has monitored the extent and nature of deaths occurring in prison, police custody and youth detention in Australia since 1980. In 2020–21 there were 82 deaths in custody: 66 in prison custody and 16 in police custody or custody-related operations. This report contains detailed information on these deaths and compares the findings with longer term trends’.


Rental Affordability Index, November 2021 findings (National Shelter, The Brotherhood of St Laurence, Beyond Bank and SGS Economics and Planning)

‘The ACT, Greater Sydney, Greater Perth and Greater Brisbane remain the most unaffordable of all capital cities with RAI scores of 27 (Extremely Unaffordable). Households solely reliant on JobSeeker payments and rental assistance would require an income nearly triple the current level to move into the Acceptable affordability band. Rental stress pushes single persons on JobSeeker to the outer fringes of our cities, well away from opportunities to get them back into employment.’

Other reports of interest:

Statistics of the month

Specialist homelessness services, 2020–21 (AIHW)

The Specialist homelessness services (SHS) report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ‘is an annual report summarising data from the Specialist Homelessness Services Collection (SHSC). It describes the characteristics of clients of specialist homelessness services, the services requested, outcomes achieved, and unmet requests for services’.


Specialist homelessness agencies provide a wide range of services to assist those who are experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness, ranging from general support and assistance to immediate crisis accommodation.


In 2020–21:

  • 278,300 clients were supported by SHS; however, on average, more than 300 requests per day could not be assisted, a total of around 114,000 unassisted requests.
  • The number of SHS clients with a current mental health issue increased; around 88,200 (32%) compared with 77,300 (27%) in 2016–17.
  • The number of SHS clients who have experienced family and domestic violence increased; almost 116,200 (42%) compared with 114,800 (40%) in 2016–17.
  • 60% of SHS clients were female (167,400).
  • 28% of SHS clients were aged under 18.

Chart 1: main reason for seeking assistance, 2020–21


Source: AIHW, Specialist homelessness services annual report 2020–21 (Canberra, 2021)

  • More than one-quarter of clients (almost 73,300) who provided their Indigenous status identified as being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin. Nationally, this equated to 810.6 Indigenous clients per 10,000 Indigenous population compared with a rate of 80.2 for non-Indigenous clients.
  • 81% of clients aged 15 and over currently received some form of government payment as their main source of income. The most common government payments were JobSeeker (33% or 60,350 clients), Parenting Payment (17% or 30,900) and Disability Support Pension (15% or 27,700).

Interested in finding out what the latest statistics are telling us about the Australian economy and population?

Each month the Parliamentary Library will publish a Flag Post listing new reports on a wide variety of topics. The list will include important upcoming releases from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) as well as other research organisations and government departments.