List of recommendations

List of recommendations

Recommendation 1

2.88    The committee recommends that the industry review its structure and introduce changes that provide all growers and other stakeholders with a more democratic and regionally representative peak industry body, finding an equitable balance between the need for industry 'presence' in terms of production volumes, and allowing small participants a meaningful say in the direction of their industry, and to provide for consistency in the selection of regional advisory bodies.

Recommendation 2

2.89    The committee recommends that the industry work with DAFF and the LRS towards a compulsory registration system for growers to develop a central database of growers – with data including their location, contact details, area under citrus cultivation, and varieties and volumes of citrus grown – to facilitate:

and that this database be in the custody of a body independent from the current representative bodies (such as DAFF) until such time as issues of equitable national and regional representation are resolved.

Recommendation 3

2.90    The committee recommends that the industry works with HAL to address apparent conflicts of interest created by having directors and/or employees of CAL on the Citrus IAC and IAC Technical Reference Committee.

Recommendation 4

2.91    The committee recommends that, as part of its review, HAL considers a membership structure which removes potential conflicts of interest in the allocation of funds to research projects.

Recommendation 5

3.120    The committee believes that DAFF needs to be more responsive to the needs, and more understanding of the capabilities, of the industry. Therefore, the committee recommends that, in its negotiations for market access on behalf of the Australian citrus industry, DAFF consult more closely with industry across the supply chain regarding protocols and work to better align protocols in new or emerging markets with existing/established markets.

Recommendation 6

3.121    The committee recommends that the Australian Government put more resources into finalising trade agreements with export destinations for Australian citrus, particularly those with considerable potential such as China.

Recommendation 7

3.122    The committee recommends that the Australian Government encourage small and emerging citrus exporters by addressing the costs of compliance and establishment registration charges.

Recommendation 8

3.123    The committee recommends that the Australian Government take steps to discourage the dumping of imported fruit juice concentrate, and reverse the onus of proof onto importing countries to ensure local Australian citrus growers are not discouraged from bringing cases to the relevant authorities – for example, the Anti-Dumping Commission.

Recommendation 9

4.116    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth and state governments continue to support the National Fruit Fly Strategy with a view to implementing key recommendations which would reduce the cost and effort to growers and industry of managing fruit fly.

Recommendation 10

4.117    The committee recommends that, in conjunction and consultation with horticultural industries, the Australian Government consider the introduction of a national fruit fly levy across all industries associated with host material, to help fund the implementation of the National Fruit Fly Strategy.

Recommendation 11

4.118    The Committee recommends that an integrated approach be taken to the management of fruit fly at both a national and regional level, to ensure that regionally-specific fruit fly issues (for example, South Australia being fruit fly free, New South Wales and Victoria dealing with Queensland fruit fly and Western Australia dealing with Mediterranean fruit fly) are managed appropriately.

Recommendation 12

4.119    The committee recommends that the Australian citrus industry and DAFF take immediate steps to ensure updated contingency plans are in place to effectively manage incursions of diseases such as HLB (and its vectors) and citrus canker, and ensuring this is adequately funded.

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