Appendix 1

Appendix 1

List of submissions

1 Defence Teaming Centre

2 Confidential

3 US Trade and Export Control Services  

4 Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU)

5 Saab Systems Pty Ltd

6 Boeing Australia and South Pacific

7 The University of Sydney
7A Supplementary Submission 
7B Supplementary Submission

8 Ambassador of the United States of America
8A Supplementary Submission

9 NewSat Ltd

10 Australian Industry Group

11 Universities Australia 
Covering Letter            
11A Supplementary Submission 
11B Supplementary Submission

12 National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) 
12A Supplementary Submission 

13 Australian Research Council 

14 Minister for Education, Training and Employment, the Hon John-Paul Langbroek MP, Queensland Government

15 Minister for Defence, the Hon. Stephen Smith MP
15A Department of Defence - Supplementary Submission
15B The Hon Stephen Smith MP Supplementary Submission
15C The Hon Stephen Smith MP Supplementary Submission

16 Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education

17 Cooperative Research Centres Association
17A Supplementary Submission

18 National Tertiary Education Industry Union

19 The University of New South Wales

20 Hunter Hill Branch, ALP 

21 Professor Ian Chubb, Chief Scientist of Australia

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