
The committee received over 9,600 emails and form letters for this inquiry. The overwhelming majority of these were opposed to the Government's 2014 proposal to the World Heritage Committee to modify the boundaries of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. Due to the large number, the committee decided not to publish on its website every email and form letter it received from individuals. The committee decided to publish a selection of individual submissions, which were indicative of the types of views expressed, and has also published examples of each type of form letter received.

Submissions received by the Committee

Submissions may be re-ordered by clicking on a column header. They may also be grouped by Organisation/Individual, State/Territory.

Data pager
Data pager
Page size:
 113 items in 6 pages
Data pager
Data pager
Page size:
 113 items in 6 pages
1Ms Genevieve Grant (PDF 16 KB) 
2Ms Diana Rickard (PDF 16 KB) 
3Mr Keith Thompson (PDF 62 KB) 
4Ms Kylie Jones (PDF 63 KB) 
5Ms Lorraine Perrins (PDF 37 KB) 
6Dr Kevin Kiernan (PDF 3020 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 947 KB)  Attachment 2 (PDF 1282 KB) 
7Friends of the Earth (PDF 204 KB) 
8Huon Valley Environment Centre (PDF 295 KB) 
9Prof Brendan Mackey (PDF 323 KB) 
10The Bob Brown Foundation (PDF 68 KB) 
11Tasmanian Conservation Trust Inc (PDF 129 KB) 
12Australian ICOMOS (PDF 33 KB) 
13Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association (PDF 529 KB) 
14Department of the Environment (PDF 223 KB) 
15Tasmanian National Parks Association Inc (PDF 66 KB) 
16Mr Peter Matthews (PDF 779 KB) 
17Environmental Defender's Office (Tas) Inc (PDF 128 KB) 
18Florentine Protection Society (PDF 201 KB) 
19Women's Forest Trust (PDF 87 KB) 
20West Wellington Protection Group (PDF 68 KB) 

(Select multiple items for download by clicking the checkboxes)

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About this inquiry

An inquiry into the natural world heritage values of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area minor boundary extension and related matters.

Past Public Hearings

06 May 2014: CANBERRA
31 Mar 2014: HOBART


Inquiry Status

Submissions Closed


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