Report on matters referred to the Community Affairs References Committee in the 42nd Parliament

Report on matters referred to the Community Affairs References Committee in the 42nd Parliament

30 September 2010

© Commonwealth of Australia 2010

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The committee met and considered references which the committee commenced during the 42nd Parliament but for which, due to the timing of the election and prorogation of parliament, the committee was unable to make substantive reports.

The committee has resolved to recommend to the Senate that the following inquiries of the 42nd Parliament be re-referred with the same terms of reference so that the committee can complete and table a comprehensive report on the findings of the committee:

The committee has resolved to recommend to the Senate that the following inquiry of the 42nd Parliament be re-referred with updated terms of reference so that the committee can complete and table a comprehensive report on the findings of the committee:

The committee recommends the following updated terms of reference in order to clarify the intent of the inquiry into Planning Options and Services for People Ageing with a Disability:

Access to options for and services to assist people with a disability and their carers to plan for the future, including:

  1. Inadequacies in the choice and funding of planning options currently available to people ageing with a disability and their carers;
  2. Ways to ensure the continued quality of life for people with a disability as they and their carers age;
  3. The types of options and services that could be developed to help people with a disability and their carers to plan for the future; and
  4. Any other matters which would assist carers to find an adequate and appropriate answer to the question: 'What happens when I / we can no longer care?'

That, in respect of each of the matters to be referred to the committee, it have the power to consider and use the records of the Community Affairs References Committee appointed in the previous parliament.


Senator Rachel Siewert
September 2010

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515
Fax: +61 2 6277 5829