Governance in the Indian Ocean Territories - Interim Report: Economic Development

On Tuesday, 23 June 2015, the Committee tabled its interim report – Governance in the Indian Ocean Territories - Interim report: Economic Development.

© Commonwealth of Australia 2015


ISBN 978-1-74366-344-8 (Printed version)

ISBN 978-1-74366-345-5 (HTML version)

View report as a single document - (PDF 473KB)

View report in hypertext markup language - (HTML)

View the report as separate downloadable chapters/appendixes:

Preliminary pages
Chair's Foreward, Membership of the Committee, Terms of reference, Abbreviations, Recommendations
(PDF 116KB)
Chapter 1: Introduction
Overview of governance and economic development issues in the Indian Ocean Territories - recurring themes
(PDF 93KB)
Chapter 2: Reopening the Christmas Island Casino (PDF 144KB)
Chapter 3: International students on Christmas Island (PDF 123KB)
Chapter 4: Shipping and freight  (PDF 144KB)
Chapter 5: Mining to Plant Enterprises Project: a case-study for potential economic diversification (PDF 124KB)
Appendix A: List of Submissions and other documentary evidence (PDF 91KB)
Appendix B: List of Hearings and Witnesses (PDF 54KB)

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 4355

About this inquiry

The Committee will inquire into and report on governance in the Indian Ocean Territories.

Past Public Hearings

03 Dec 2015: Canberra
23 Nov 2015: Canberra
12 Nov 2015: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Submissions Closed


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