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Table of contents
start of business
dairy industry
Fitzgibbon, Joel, MP
Jones, Stephen, MP
Littleproud, David, MP
counter-terrorism legislation amendment bill 2019
first reading
second reading
Porter, Christian, MP
foreign influence transparency scheme amendment bill 2019
first reading
second reading
Porter, Christian, MP
water amendment (indigenous authority member) bill 2019
first reading
second reading
Littleproud, David, MP
treasury laws amendment (putting members' interests first) bill 2019
first reading
second reading
Robert, Stuart, MP
ministerial statements
australia-united states joint facilities
Pyne, Christopher, MP
Marles, Richard, MP
governor-general amendment (salary) bill 2019
second reading
Butler, Terri, MP
Drum, Damian, MP
Keogh, Matt, MP
Watts, Tim, MP
Irons, Steve, MP
third reading
Irons, Steve, MP
Hunt, Greg, MP
treatment benefits (special access) bill 2019, treatment benefits (special access) (consequential amendments and transitional provisions) bill 2019
second reading
Rishworth, Amanda, MP
reference to federation chamber
Littleproud, David, MP
export finance and insurance corporation amendment (support for infrastructure financing) bill 2019
second reading
Clare, Jason, MP
reference to federation chamber
Littleproud, David, MP
future drought fund bill 2018, future drought fund (consequential amendments) bill 2018
second reading
Fitzgibbon, Joel, MP
Joyce, Barnaby, MP
statements by members
Watts, Tim, MP
whitney, mr desmond, gulaptis, mr christopher
Hogan, Kevin, MP
minister for finance and the public service
Aly, Anne, MP
dividend imputation
Evans, Trevor, MP
government procurement
Champion, Nick, MP
cousins, professor michael john, am
Falinski, Jason, MP
member for goldstein
Thistlethwaite, Matt, MP
boothby electorate: health services
Flint, Nicolle, MP
indi electorate
McGowan, Cathy, MP
moore electorate: health services
Goodenough, Ian, MP
minister for agriculture and water resources
Swanson, Meryl, MP
cowper electorate: federal election
Hartsuyker, Luke, MP
minister for small and family business, skills and vocational education, minister for human services and digital transformation
Chesters, Lisa, MP
canning electorate: peel health campus
Hastie, Andrew, MP
morrison government
Husic, Ed, MP
petrie electorate: aged care
Howarth, Luke, MP
member for moore
Keogh, Matt, MP
Joyce, Barnaby, MP
morrison government
Albanese, Anthony, MP
dairy industry
Gillespie, David, MP
questions without notice
queensland: floods (O'Toole, Cathy, MP)
morrison government (Crewther, Chris, MP)
minister for small and family business, skills and vocational education (O'Connor, Brendan, MP)
regional australia (Christensen, George, MP)
government procurement (Shorten, Bill, MP)
distinguished visitors
Smith, Tony, MP
questions without notice
climate change (Bandt, Adam, MP)
dividend imputation (O'Brien, Ted, MP)
government procurement (Chalmers, Jim, MP)
national security (Sudmalis, Ann, MP)
government procurement (Chalmers, Jim, MP)
economy (Entsch, Warren, MP)
government procurement (Champion, Nick, MP)
dividend imputation (Goodenough, Ian, MP)
government procurement (Chalmers, Jim, MP)
national security (Vasta, Ross, MP)
government procurement (Chalmers, Jim, MP)
economy (Wood, Jason, MP)
government procurement (Chalmers, Jim, MP)
national security (Wicks, Lucy, MP)
government procurement
Chalmers, Jim, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
Morrison, Scott, MP
distinguished visitors
Smith, Tony, MP
auditor-general's reports
report no. 27 of 2018-19
Smith, Tony, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
matters of public importance
workplace relations
Smith, Tony, MP
O'Connor, Brendan, MP
Irons, Steve, MP
Burke, Tony, MP
parliamentary representation
Macklin, Jenny, MP
O'Dwyer, Kelly, MP
future drought fund bill 2018, future drought fund (consequential amendments) bill 2018
second reading
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Ramsey, Rowan, MP
Mitchell, Brian, MP
Wilson, Rick, MP
Keay, Justine, MP
Ley, Sussan, MP
McGowan, Cathy, MP
Chester, Darren, MP
Perrett, Graham, MP
Gee, Andrew, MP
Bandt, Adam, MP
aboriginal land rights (northern territory) amendment (land scheduling) bill 2018
reference to federation chamber
Marino, Nola, MP
Smith, Tony, MP
new south wales state election
Elliot, Justine, MP
bennelong electorate: australia day awards
Alexander, John, MP
adelaide: high school zoning
Georganas, Steve, MP
menzies electorate: stronger communities program
Andrews, Kevin, MP
solomon electorate
Gosling, Luke, MP
mallee electorate
Broad, Andrew, MP
federation chamber
start of business
constituency statements
port adelaide electorate: health care
Butler, Mark, MP
forde electorate: child care
van Manen, Bert, MP
macarthur electorate: centrelink, macarthur electorate: national disability insurance scheme
Freelander, Mike, MP
groom electorate: sunrise way
McVeigh, John, MP
indi electorate: national disability insurance scheme
McGowan, Cathy, MP
australian national phenome centre
Morton, Ben, MP
holt electorate: centenary of armistice
Byrne, Anthony, MP
dairy industry
O'Brien, Llew, MP
disability services, education
Lamb, Susan, MP
calare electorate: australia day awards
Gee, Andrew, MP
morrison government
O'Toole, Cathy, MP
moore electorate: health care
Goodenough, Ian, MP
al-araibi, mr hakeem
Giles, Andrew, MP
bonner electorate: health care
Vasta, Ross, MP
queensland: hospitals
Perrett, Graham, MP
page electorate: little athletics, new south wales state election
Hogan, Kevin, MP
canberra electorate: aged care
Brodtmann, Gai, MP
calare electorate: australia day awards
Gee, Andrew, MP
Dick, Milton, MP
flynn electorate: mining
O'Dowd, Ken, MP
statements on indulgence
australia-israel relationship: 70th anniversary
Danby, Michael, MP
O'Dowd, Ken, MP
Phelps, Kerryn, MP
Frydenberg, Josh, MP
Kelly, Mike, MP
Vamvakinou, Maria, MP
Dick, Milton, MP
Freelander, Mike, MP
Wilson, Rick, MP
Marles, Richard, MP
ministerial statements
closing the gap
Claydon, Sharon, MP
Phelps, Kerryn, MP
King, Catherine, MP
Gosling, Luke, MP
Stanley, Anne, MP
Leigh, Andrew, MP
McGowan, Cathy, MP
Brodtmann, Gai, MP
treatment benefits (special access) bill 2019, treatment benefits (special access) (consequential amendments and transitional provisions) bill 2019
second reading
Flint, Nicolle, MP
Perrett, Graham, MP
Alexander, John, MP
Drum, Damian, MP
Kearney, Ged, MP
Chester, Darren, MP
treatment benefits (special access) (consequential amendments and transitional provisions) bill 2019
second reading
export finance and insurance corporation amendment (support for infrastructure financing) bill 2019
second reading
O'Brien, Ted, MP
Thistlethwaite, Matt, MP
Mitchell, Brian, MP
Keay, Justine, MP
Templeman, Susan, MP
Khalil, Peter, MP
Coulton, Mark, MP
consideration in detail
Bandt, Adam, MP
Coulton, Mark, MP
Bandt, Adam, MP
Questioner :
Answer :
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