Agriculture, Water and Environment
Implementation of an integrated information system for biosecurity surveillance
Building landcare community and capacity (Assess the effectiveness of the administration of grant funding under the Building Landcare Community and Capacity Program. An audit would seek to determine whether $32.9 million in ad hoc grant funding is being appropriately and effectively administered to delivery outcomes for Landcare groups and farming organisations
Water for Fodder Program
Reinstatement of the review of the operation of Regional Forest Agreements
Efficiency of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal’s case management
Implementation of the WoG Legal Services Panel
Management of complaints by the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman
Implementation of the revised PSF
Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
Trade support loans
Administration of the Research and Development Tax incentive (joint with industry)
Process undertaken by the ATO in identifying and selecting 152 Wharf Street as preferred site for works
Defence’s implementation of cultural reform
Delivery of security vetting services follow-up
Defence’s management of inventory
Management of health services to the Australian Defence Force
Support for veterans to transition to civilian life (joint with veterans – implementation and effectiveness of Defence and Veteran’s Affairs programs and services to support veterans with their transition to civilian life, including career planning and employment, education and training, health and wellbeing, financial advice and family engagement
Education, Skills and Employment
Trade support loans
The employer fund
Trade support loans
Australian Skills Quality Authority
Use and administration of wage subsidies
Youth jobs PaTH (prepare, trial and hire): design and monitoring
Foreign Affairs and Trade
Overseas crisis management and response (scope addition – consider the strategies, processes and coordination arrangements for preparing for, and responding to the COVID-19 outbreak and assisting Australians overseas
Recruitment and retention of Doctors across rural and remote Australia
Administration of the Medical Research Future Fund
Community Health and Hospitals Program (assess the administration of this program including the project selection, value for money assessments and delivery, including funding agreements and performance assessment
COVID-19 Health procurement to increase the supply of the National Medical Stockpile
Design and administration of the Community Sport Infrastructure, female facilities and water safety stream
Home Affairs
Administration of the Family Migration Program (assess the administration of the family migration program, in particular partner, and spouse visas which are not limited by s86 Migration Act 1958, but which are characterised by long delays in processing, and a significant and growing backlog each year
Industry, Science, Energy and Resources
Supporting Australia’s nuclear and related scientific assets and research into the future
Underwriting New Generation Investment
Administration of the Research and Development Tax Incentive (joint with ATO
Design and delivery of the Building Better Regions Fund (joint with Infrastructure)
Snowy 2.0 Governance of early implementation
Energy data management
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications
Design and delivery of the Building Better Regions Fund (joint with Industry)
Administration of the Urban Congestion Fund (include design of program in full)
Administration of the Drought Communities Program (to examine the allocation and distribution of funds as well as the assessment of value for money and effectiveness)
Building Better Regions Fund
National Water Infrastructure Development Fund
Parliamentary Departments
Business continuity management at Parliament House (scope addition – consider the disruptions caused as a result of COVID-19)
Prime Minister and Cabinet
Design and administration of the community development grants program
Administration of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (focus on Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Department of Home Affairs, and Department of Environment)
COVID-19 Coordination of the Australian Public Service’s response to the pandemic
Use of evidence and data in policy development
Services Australia
Management of customer information
Planning and management of payments and services in an emergency
Data systems and debt recovery in Services Australia (and processor or relevant departments) have implemented the recommendations of the Auditor-General in Report no.41 (2016-17), Management of Selected Fraud Prevention and Compliance Budget Measures. The audit should also look at the implementation of changes to Centrelink’s debt recovery systems and compliance policies that followed the suspension of debt recover action, and the effectiveness of data-matching systems, algorithms and related procedures in operation across the entity
COVID-19 Services Australia measures and enterprise risk management
Social Services
Planning and management of payments and services in an emergency
Effectiveness of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission’s Regulatory Functions
Management of NDIS partners in the community
Follow-up audit for planning and management of people with disability in an emergency (Eg. Bushfires, COVID-19)
Efficacy of NDIA IT systems, with particular regard to the payment and complaints systems
COVID-19 Services Australia measures and enterprise risk management
Implementation of the Cashless Debit Card trials
Administration of the JobActive and ParentsNext programs
Mental health programs to support residents in residential aged care
National Action Plan for Reducing Violence Against Women (assess the extent to which recommendations made in the report Coordination and Targeting of Domestic Violence Funding and Actions, Report No.45 2018-19, were adopted when developing and implementing the Fourth National Action Plan
Veteran’s Affairs
Management of customer information
Planning and management of payments and services in an emergency
Data systems and debt recovery in Services Australia (and processor or relevant departments) have implemented the recommendations of the Auditor-General in Report no.41 (2016-17), Management of Selected Fraud Prevention and Compliance Budget Measures. The audit should also look at the implementation of changes to Centrelink’s debt recovery systems and compliance policies that followed the suspension of debt recover action, and the effectiveness of data-matching systems, algorithms and related procedures in operation across the entity
Delivering veteran centric reforms
Fraud control for veterans payments (scope should be adjusted to consider fraud control for DVA grants to ex-service organisations)
Support for veterans to transition to civilian life (joint with Defence – implementation and effectiveness of Defence and Veteran’s Affairs programs and services to support veterans with their transition to civilian life, including career planning and employment, education and training, health and wellbeing, financial advice and family engagement
Cross Entity
Economic health response to COVID-19
(Assess the implementation and ongoing performance of the Australian Government’s economic response to COVID-19 outbreak. An audit would assess the implementation and efficacy of the economic response, including expenditure of Commonwealth funding, and seek to monitor the significantly increased advance to the Finance Minister, and the use of extraordinary powers granted to the Minister for social services and the Treasurer)
Implementation of recommendations from independent review of whole of government internal regulation
Implementation of the ANAO and parliamentary committee recommendations
Implementation of the Australian Government public data policy
Management of cyber security
National COVID-19 Coordination Commission