Terms of reference

Terms of reference

That the Committee inquire into and report on all aspects of the 2022 federal election and related matters, including consideration of:

  1. reforms to political donation laws, particularly the applicability of 'real-time' disclosure and a reduction of the disclosure threshold to a fixed $1,000;
  2. potential reforms to funding of elections, particularly regarding electoral expenditure caps and public funding of parties and candidates;
  3. the potential for 'truth in political advertising' laws to enhance the integrity and transparency of the electoral system;
  4. encouraging increased electoral participation and lifting enfranchisement of First Nations People;
  5. the potential for the creation of a single national electoral roll capable of being used for all federal, state and territory elections in Australia;
  6. encouraging increased electoral participation and supporting enfranchisement generally, and specifically in relation to:
  1. accessibility of enrolment and voting for persons with a disability;
  2. voting rights of Australians abroad;
  3. Australian permanent residents and new Australian citizens; and
  4. New Zealand citizens residing in Australia; and
  1. proportional representation of the states and territories in the Parliament, in the context of the democratic principle of 'one vote, one value'.