Matters of interest to the Senate

Senate standing order 23(4) requires the committee to scrutinise each instrument to determine whether the Senate's attention should be drawn to it on the ground that it raises significant issues, or otherwise gives rise to issues that are likely to be of interest to the Senate. These may include instruments which contain significant policy matters or significant elements of a regulatory scheme, instruments which amend primary legislation, and instruments which have a significant impact on personal rights and liberties.

The table below lists the instruments that the committee has drawn to the Senate's attention under standing order 23(4) in 2023, with the exception of instruments specifying Commonwealth expenditure, which are listed here. The table includes links to the Delegated Legislation Monitor in which the committee noted its decision to raise the matter with the Senate.

About this committee

The Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation assesses delegated legislation against a set of scrutiny principles that focus on compliance with statutory requirements, the protection of individual rights and liberties, and principles of parliamentary oversight.

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Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 62773066