
Submissions received by the Committee

Submissions may be re-ordered by clicking on a column header. They may also be grouped by Organisation/Individual, State/Territory.

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Page size:
 81 items in 5 pages
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Page size:
 81 items in 5 pages
1Mr Vinesh Chand (PDF 50 KB) 
2Mr Malcolm Porter (PDF 166 KB) 
3Ms Manu Saunders (PDF 116 KB) 
4South Australian Apiarists' Association Inc (PDF 191 KB) 
5Central Tablelands Branch  (PDF 53 KB) 
6Superbee Honey Factory (PDF 220 KB) 
7Mr Ken Gell (PDF 47 KB) 
8Mr Don McArthur (PDF 93 KB) 
9Mr Dan Heard (PDF 33 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 203 KB) 
10Mr Thomas Sharman (PDF 35 KB) 
11Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (PDF 2007 KB) 
12Mr Rod Yates (PDF 512 KB) 
13Lucerne Australia (PDF 144 KB) 
14Crop Pollination Association Inc (Vic) (PDF 243 KB) 
15Professor Madeleine Beekman (PDF 2764 KB) 
16Mr Harold Saxvik (PDF 86 KB) 
17Mr Anthony James Eden (PDF 25 KB) 
18Mr Peter Warhurst (PDF 105 KB) 
19Mr Stephen Targett (PDF 99 KB) 
20Mr Roland S. Inman (PDF 42 KB) 

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About this inquiry

An inquiry into the future of the beekeeping and pollination service industries in Australia.

Past Public Hearings

20 May 2014: Brisbane
15 Apr 2014: Murray Bridge


Inquiry Status

Report Tabled


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