National Broadband Network

On 14 November 2013 the Senate established a Select Committee on the National Broadband Network to inquire into and report on the Government's reviews of the National Broadband Network (NBN) and the governance of NBN Co, with interim reports as the committee sees fit and a final report on or before 10 June 2014.

On 14 May 2014, the Senate agreed to extend the date for the presentation of the final report to the last sitting day of the 44th Parliament. The committee has subsequently agreed to continue accepting submissions.

An interim report was tabled on 26 March 2014.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Senior Clerk's Office
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3555
Fax: +61 2 6277 3899

On 14 November 2013 the Senate established a Select Committee on the National Broadband Network to inquire into and report on the Government's reviews of the National Broadband Network (NBN) and the governance of NBN Co, with interim reports as the committee sees fit and a final report on or before 10 June 2014.

On 14 May 2014, the Senate agreed to extend the date for the presentation of the final report to the last sitting day of the 44th Parliament. The committee has subsequently agreed to continue accepting submissions.

An interim report was tabled on 26 March 2014.

Past Public Hearings

15 Mar 2016: Canberra
04 Mar 2016: Canberra
14 Sep 2015: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Report Tabled

How to make a submission

The committee invites individuals and organisations to send in their opinions and proposals in writing (submissions)


We are committed to ensuring that everyone who wishes to can participate in the Committee’s inquiry. If you have accessibility requirements, please contact the Committee Secretariat.

Further information regarding accessibility can be found at