Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Public hearings and witnesses

Friday 14 February 2013—Melbourne

BASHAM, Ms Jennifer, Policy Adviser, Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce
BURN, Associate Professor Jennifer, Director, Anti-Slavery Australia, University of Technology, Sydney
COLEMAN, Ms Misha Louise, Executive Officer, Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce
GROVES, Associate Professor Matthew Nathan, Private capacity
HANSON, Mr Gregory John, Solicitor and Registered Migration Agent, Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre
HUGGINS, Right Reverend Bishop Philip, Member, Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce
KARAPANAGIOTIDIS, Mr Kon, Chief Executive Officer, Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
LARKINS, Ms Alison, First Assistant Secretary, Refugee Humanitarian and International Policy, Department of Immigration and Border Protection
MANNE, Mr David Thomas, Executive Director, Principal Solicitor and Registered Migration Agent, Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre
McADAM, Professor Jane, Private capacity
MOULDS, Ms Sarah, Acting Co-Director, Criminal Law and Human Rights Division, Law Council of Australia
NICOLLE, Ms Sophie, Government Relations Adviser, Amnesty International Australia
PARKER, Ms Vicki, General Counsel, Legal and Assurance Division, Department of Immigration and Border Protection
PENOVIC, Ms Tania Sandra, Deputy Director, Castan Centre for Human Rights Law
SAUL, Professor Ben, Member, National Human Rights Committee, Law Council of Australia
THOM, Dr Graham, Refugee Coordinator, Amnesty International Australia 1
TRIGGS, Professor Gillian, President, Australian Human Rights Commission
YANG, Reverend Mewon, Board Member, Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce

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