Inquiry into the Copyright legislation amendment Bill 2004

Inquiry into the Copyright legislation amendment Bill 2004


On 6 December 2004, the Senate referred the Copyright Legislation Amendment Bill 2004 (the Bill) to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 7 December 2004.

The Bill makes additional changes to the Copyright Act 1968 (Copyright Act), following changes to Australian copyright law made in the US Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act 2004 (USFTAI Act).

Conduct of the inquiry

The Committee conducted a public hearing on the 6 December 2004 at Parliament House in Canberra. Details of witnesses who attended the hearing to give evidence are listed at Attachment 1.

Given the short timeframe for reporting, the Committee has not had the opportunity to properly consider the issues raised in the inquiry. The Committee presents the proof Hansard transcript of the public hearing, to assist the Senate in its consideration of the Bill. Also presented are answers to questions taken on notice at the hearing, and documents tabled at the hearing (listed at Attachment 2).

Senator Nigel Scullion
Chair (for the purposes of the inquiry into the Copyright Legislation Amendment Bill 2004)