

This Summary of Inquiry is being released by authorisation of the Senate Select Committee on the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement. This is not the Committee's final report. The final report will include additional comments and recommendations from all parties. The Committee hopes to table this by 5 August 2004.

The Committee decided that it would assist the debate and consideration of the FTA implementing legislation to have this Summary of Inquiry in the public domain. The Committee met at 1.30 pm on 2 August 2004 and made the decisions outlined below.

Summary of meeting, 2 August 2004


That the Committee adopt the text, comprising the 'Introduction and Summary' and 10 chapters, as a balanced summary of the inquiry.

For: Senators Cook, Conroy, O'Brien, Harris

Against: Senator Ridgeway

Abstained: Senators Brandis, Ferris, Boswell

The Committee noted the recent announcement by Labor members of the Committee that they would recommend that the Senate agree to the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement Implementation Bill subject to 42 qualifying recommendations.


That the Committee recommend that the Senate agree to the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement Implementation Bill.

For: Senators Cook, Conroy, O'Brien, Brandis, Ferris, Boswell

Against: Senators Ridgeway, Harris


That the Committee approve publication of the Summary of Inquiry, consisting of the 'Introduction and Summary' and 10 chapters together with a one page record of the resolutions passed at the private meeting of 2 August 2004 and also a second volume of additional information.

For: Senators Cook, Conroy, O'Brien, Harris, Boswell, Brandis and Ferris

Against: Senator Ridgeway