

Recommendation 1

4.76 The Committee recommends that the Senate refer to the Finance and Public Administration References Committee for inquiry and report the matter of the impact of outcome budgeting for appropriations on Parliamentary consideration and approval of government expenditure, and the accountability of government for such expenditure.

Recommendation 2

5.70 The Committee recommends that for all major government advertising campaigns, the responsible department should conduct or commission a qualitative evaluation of key facets of the campaign (such as media placement strategy, campaign concept, response of target audience, value for money and so on) and report the evaluation results to the MCGC.

Recommendation 3

6.71 The Committee recommends that the government update the 1995 Guidelines on Australian Government Information Activities as a matter of urgency.

Recommendation 4

6.72 The Committee recommends that the Government adopt the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit's draft guidelines for government advertising, amended as follows:

Recommendation 5

7.81 The Committee recommends that the government implement, as a matter of urgency, a mechanism to monitor and enforce compliance with guidelines on government advertising activity.

Recommendation 6

7.84 The Committee recommends that once an advertising campaign valued at $250,000 or more has been given final approval by the MCGC, the advertisements must be submitted to the Auditor-General by the department that is incurring the expenditure. The Auditor-General must report back to the department and the portfolio minister as soon as possible whether the campaign complies with the revised guidelines on government advertising, and the extent of any non-compliance.

Recommendation 7

7.85 The Committee recommends that every six months the Auditor-General must table a report in the Parliament which details his or her assessment against the guidelines of the advertising campaigns that have been implemented during that six-month period.

Recommendation 8

7.86 The Committee recommends that if a department continues with a campaign that the Auditor-General has assessed as not complying with the guidelines, and has provided reasons for that course of action, the Auditor-General must include the departmental response in the tabled report. If a department has amended a campaign in the light of the Auditor-General's initial assessment, the Auditor-General will not table the initial report but only the final assessment made of the campaign.

Recommendation 9

7.90 The Committee recommends that the government comply with the Senate Order of 29 October 2003 relating to agency advertising and public information projects.

Recommendation 10

7.94 The Committee recommends that the Government Communications Unit in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet publish an annual report on government advertising, commencing in financial year 2005-06. The annual report should be modelled on the Annual Report on the Government of Canada's Advertising 2003-04. It should include:

Recommendation 11

7.95 The Committee recommends that from financial year 2005-06 the annual reports of each government agency must include:

Recommendation 12

7.96 The Committee recommends that from financial year 2005-06 the annual reports of each government agency must include:

Recommendation 13

7.97 The Committee recommends that public opinion and market research commissioned by government departments be made available by departments to the public through the National Library of Australia and the Parliamentary Library.

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