Submissions received

Inquiry into the the provisions of the Environment & Heritage Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2006

Submissions received

Spacer Image
Sub No.  
1 Association of Mining & Exploration Companies (Inc) (PDF 160KB)
2 Dr Geoff Mosley (PDF 18KB)
3 Environment East Gippsland (PDF 76KB)
4 Mudgee District Environment Group Inc (PDF 284KB)
5 The Coastwatchers Assoc Inc (PDF 12KB)
6 The South East Region Conservation Alliance (SERCA) (PDF 23KB)
7 Ms Isabella Jeans (PDF 12KB)
8 Dr Maralyn J Bennett (PDF 15KB)
9 Ms Joan Dawson (PDF 10KB)
10 Birds Australia (PDF 210KB)
11 Mr Peter Smith (PDF 12KB)
12 Manduka Cooperative (PDF 17KB)
13 Australia ICOMOS (PDF 35KB)
14 Ms Kath Crilly (PDF 19KB); Attachment 1(PDF 33KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 73KB); Attachment 3 (Word 44KB); Attachment 4 (PDF 1175KB)
15 Dr Lee Godden and Ms Jacqueline Peel (PDF 57KB)
16 Mr Rolf W Beck (PDF 12KB)
17 Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices Inc (PDF 341KB)
18 Ms Margaret Blakers (PDF 45KB)
19 Dr Carol Booth (PDF 27KB)
20 Department of Tourism, Arts and the Environment, Tasmania (PDF 55KB)
21 Nature Conservation Council of NSW (PDF 100KB)
22 National Trust of Australia (Western Australia) (PDF 369KB)
23 National Parks Association of NSW (PDF 18KB)
24 Alliance to Save Hinchinbrook Inc (PDF 55KB)
25 Lawyers for Forests Inc (PDF 88KB)
26 IFAW Asia Pacific (PDF 30KB)
27 Australian Conservation Foundation (PDF 73KB)
28 The Colong Foundation for Wilderness Ltd (PDF 118KB)
29 Australian Archaeological Association Ltd (PDF 23KB)
30 Mr Don Baxter (PDF 11KB)
31 Urban Bushland Council WA Inc (PDF 48KB)
32 Ms Diarne Wiercinski (PDF 16KB)
33 Douglas Shire Sustainability Group (PDF 20KB)
34 M Ellis (PDF 13KB)
35 ACT Heritage Council (PDF 20KB)
36 Dr Sarah Bekessy (PDF 198KB)
37 Law Council of Australia (PDF 227KB)
38 Government of Victoria (PDF 44KB)
39 Dr Brendan Wintle (PDF 193KB)
40 Australian Marine Conservation Society (PDF 86KB)
41 Mr David Matheson (PDF 14KB)
42 Mr Nathan Summers (PDF 11KB)
43 Ms Heather Kenway (PDF 12KB)
44 Mr Luke Chamberlain (PDF 10KB)
45 Ms Janine Turner (PDF 11KB)
46 Ms Liz Riley (PDF 10KB)
47 Australasian Native Orchid Society (PDF 11KB)
48 Mr Lewis Morley (PDF 13KB)
49 Mr Donald and Mrs Elizabeth Hutchison (PDF 10KB)
50 Mr James Tedder (PDF 10KB)
51 Mr Bill Harvey (PDF 10KB)
52 C. Hartley (PDF 10KB)
53 Ms Valerie Hutt (PDF 11KB)
54 Mr Ken Holland (PDF 12KB)
55 Mr Mark Purcell (PDF 11KB)
56 See separate entry at end of submissions list
57 See separate entry at end of submissions list
58 The Environment Association Inc (PDF 24KB)
59 Mr Peter Andren, MP - Federal Member for Calare (PDF 4331KB)
60 The Australia Institute (PDF 60KB); Attachment (PDF 555KB)
61 National Parks Australia Council (PDF 148KB)
62 History Council of Western Australia (PDF 36KB)
63 The Chamber of Minerals & Energy WA (PDF 75KB)
64 National Farmers' Federation (PDF 77KB)
65 The Minerals Council of Australia (PDF 25KB)
66 WWF-Australia; Humane Society International and Tasmanian Conservation Trust (PDF 241KB)
67 Property Council of Australia (PDF 42KB)
68 Australian Council of National Trusts (PDF 86KB)
69 Mr Nathan Sidney (PDF 12KB)
70 Ms Meg Good (PDF 14KB)
71 The Wilderness Society (PDF 275KB)

Standard letter, submission 56 (PDF 51KB)
The committee received a number of submissions based on information provided by the Environmental Defender's Office. These have been given the one submission number, 56, and an example is available above. Many of them contained identical text, but some contained additional information. All these submissions have been accepted by the committee and are being considered by it as part of its deliberations on the bill. These submissions were received from the following individuals and organisations:
Wide Bay Burnett Conservation Council Mackay & Whitsunday Bird Observers Club of Australia Environmental Defender's Office (SA) Inc
Ms Prudence Barnard Mr John Beasley Ms Jo-Anne Bragg
Cairns and Far North Environment Centre Centenary and District Environment Action Inc Dr Ian Curtis
Ms Amy E Glade Mackay Conservation Group Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Logan Branch Inc
Rana Koroglu Tamborine Mountain Natural History Association Queensland Conservation Council
Ms Noelle Rattray The National Parks Association Queensland Inc Mr Peter Schneider
Ms Jennifer Singfield Ms Margery Street Mr Ross Street
Tamborine Mountain Progress Association Inc Mr Eric Walker Dr Martin Wardrop
Larissa Waters The Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland Bayside Branch Inc Natalie Frischknecht
Name and address withheld (4)    

Standard letter, submission 57 (PDF 11KB)
The committee received a number of submissions based on a common set of points. These have been given the one submission number, 57, and an example is available above. Many of them contained identical text, but some contained additional information. All these submissions have been accepted by the committee and are being considered by it as part of its deliberations on the bill. These submissions were received from the following individuals and organisations:
Australian Conservation Foundation-Central Coast Branch Mr Bart Beech Ms Leonie Blain
Community Environment Network Ms Christine Davies Ms Vicki Maree Dick
Mr Daniel Endicott Ms Carmel Flint Ms Sarah Gunn
Mr Michael Hensen Mr Brent Hoare Mr Greg Holdaway
Margaret Lamerton & family Ms Fiona McMullin Mr Michael Mizzi
Mr Ian Olsen Ms Christina Pender Mr Steve Phillips
Ms Sheila Quonoey Dr Janet Ramsay and Ms Anne Jolliffe Mr Matt Ratcliffe
Mr James Ryan Ms Celeste Salter Ms Ann Sharp
Mr Benjamin Silverstone Rylstone District Environment Society Dr Samantha Stevens
Ms Lyndal Sullivan Mr Roman Suwald Mr Bruce Taylor
Ms Linda Thomas Wildlife Queensland Dr Marshall Wilkinson
Mr George Winston AM Mr Gerhard Hassler  

Answers to questions taken on notice

The Department of the Environment and Heritage (PDF 34KB)
Law Council of Australia (PDF 187KB)

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818