Terms of Reference

Inquiry into the powers of Australia's communications regulators

Terms of Reference

The Senate has referred the following matters to the Committee for inquiry and report by 10 March 2005:

(a) the provisions of the Australian Communications and Media Authority Bill 2004 and the Australian Communications and Media Authority (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2004 and related bills;

(b) whether the powers of the proposed Australian Communications and Media Authority and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will be sufficient to deal with emerging market and technical issues in the telecommunications, media and broadcasting sectors; and

(c) whether the powers of Australia's competition and communications regulators meet world best practice, with particular reference to the United Kingdom regulator OFCOM and regulators in the United States of America and Europe.

The Committee invites written submissions from interested individuals and organisations preferably in electronic form sent by email to ecita.sen@aph.gov.au. The email must include full postal address and contact details.

Alternatively, submissions may be sent to The Secretary, Senate Environment, Communications Information Technology and the Arts Legislation Committee Parliament House, CANBERRA ACT 2600, or faxed to 02 6277 5818.

Submission must be received by no later than Monday, 31 January 2005.

The terms of the bills and related explanatory material are available via the links above and notes on preparing submissions are available on the Committee's web site at:


or by contacting the Committee secretariat as follows:

phone: 02 6277 3526, fax: 01 6277 5818, or email: ecita.sen@aph.gov.au

Submissions become committee documents and are made public only after a decision by the Committee. Persons making submissions must not release them without the approval of the Committee. Submissions are covered by parliamentary privilege but the unauthorised release of them is not.

Inquiries from hearing and speech impaired people should be directed to the Parliament House TTY number (02) 6277 7799. Adobe also provides tools for the blind and visually impaired to access PDF documents. These tools are available at: http://access.adobe.com/. If you require any special arrangements in order to enable you to participate in a committee inquiry, please contact the committee secretary.

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818
Email: ecita.sen@aph.gov.au