Additional Documents

1 PDF: Chronology of events, tabled by Ms Christine Holgate, 13 April 2021 Chronology of events, tabled by Ms Christine Holgate, 13 April 2021
2 PDF: Response to Australia Post submission and subsequent announcements, tabled by Ms Christine Holgate, 13 April 2021 Response to Australia Post submission and subsequent announcements, tabled by Ms Christine Holgate, 13 April 2021
3 PDF: The Issues surrounding the secret review of Australia Post by the Boston Consulting Group, tabled by Ms Christine Holgate, 13 April 2021 The Issues surrounding the secret review of Australia Post by the Boston Consulting Group, tabled by Ms Christine Holgate, 13 April 2021
4 PDF: Opening Statement, tabled by Ms Christine Holgate, 13 April 2021 Opening Statement, tabled by Ms Christine Holgate, 13 April 2021
5 PDF: Opening Statement, tabled by Mr Lucio Di Bartolomeo 13 April 2021 Opening Statement, tabled by Mr Lucio Di Bartolomeo 13 April 2021
6 PDF: Summary of telephone calls between the Australia Post Chairman and Ms Christine Holgate, tabled 13 April 2021 Summary of telephone calls between the Australia Post Chairman and Ms Christine Holgate, tabled 13 April 2021
7 PDF: Minutes of Australia Post Board meeting 22 Oct, tabled by Mr Lucio Di Bartolomeo, 13 April 2021 Minutes of Australia Post Board meeting 22 Oct, tabled by Mr Lucio Di Bartolomeo, 13 April 2021
8 PDF: Australia Post WA Deliveries Tracker Daily Update, tabled by Senator Carr, 13 April 2021 Australia Post WA Deliveries Tracker Daily Update, tabled by Senator Carr, 13 April 2021
9 PDF: Photograph, Tweed Heads mail facility (redacted), tabled by CEPU, 27 April 2021 Photograph, Tweed Heads mail facility (redacted), tabled by CEPU, 27 April 2021
10 PDF: Opening statement, Mr Shane Murphy, National Divisional President, CEPU, tabled 27 April 2021 Opening statement, Mr Shane Murphy, National Divisional President, CEPU, tabled 27 April 2021
11 PDF: Booklet, Our Ethics: How we do things at Australia Post, tabled by CWU Postal & Telecommunication Branch Victoria, 27 April 2021 Booklet, Our Ethics: How we do things at Australia Post, tabled by CWU Postal & Telecommunication Branch Victoria, 27 April 2021
12 PDF: Licenced Post Office Group Tweet, tabled by Senator Henderson, 27 April 2021 Licenced Post Office Group Tweet, tabled by Senator Henderson, 27 April 2021
13 PDF: Emails from Christine Holgate to Australia Post executives on 23 and 25 Oct 2020 (redacted), tabled by Australia Post, 27 April 2021 Emails from Christine Holgate to Australia Post executives on 23 and 25 Oct 2020 (redacted), tabled by Australia Post, 27 April 2021
14 PDF: Audit and Risk Committee Charter, tabled by Australia Post, 3 May 2021 Audit and Risk Committee Charter, tabled by Australia Post, 3 May 2021
15 PDF: Boston Consulting Group Opening Statement, tabled by BCG, 3 May 2021 Boston Consulting Group Opening Statement, tabled by BCG, 3 May 2021
16 PDF: Mr Lucio Di Bartolomeo, Chair, Opening Statement, tabled by Australia Post, 3 May 2021 Mr Lucio Di Bartolomeo, Chair, Opening Statement, tabled by Australia Post, 3 May 2021
17 PDF: Mr Tony Nutt Opening Statement, tabled 3 May 2021 Mr Tony Nutt Opening Statement, tabled 3 May 2021
18 PDF: Mr Lucio Di Bartolomeo, Chair’s outgoing call logs, 22 Oct to 30 Nov 2020, tabled by Australia Post, 13 April 2021 Mr Lucio Di Bartolomeo, Chair’s outgoing call logs, 22 Oct to 30 Nov 2020, tabled by Australia Post, 13 April 2021
19 PDF: Ms Christine Holgate’s outgoing call logs, 22 Oct 2020, tabled by Australia Post, 13 April 2021 Ms Christine Holgate’s outgoing call logs, 22 Oct 2020, tabled by Australia Post, 13 April 2021
20 PDF: Mr Tony Nutt’s outgoing call logs, 22 Oct 2020, tabled by Mr Nutt, 3 May 2021 Mr Tony Nutt’s outgoing call logs, 22 Oct 2020, tabled by Mr Nutt, 3 May 2021

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526

Past Public Hearings

03 May 2021: Canberra
27 Apr 2021: Canberra
13 Apr 2021: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Report tabled


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