Submissions received by the Committee

Inquiry into interactive and online gambling and gambling advertising

Submissions received by the Committee

Please note that some submissions to this inquiry have included comments on the provisions of the bill currently before the committee (Interactive Gambling and Broadcasting Amendment (Online Transactions and Other Measures) Bill 2011). As the bill covers some similar areas to this reference the committee will consider the submissions for both inquiries together and hearings will cover both inquiries.

Sub No.

1Dr Declan Hill (PDF 26KB) Attachment 1(PDF 11KB) 
2Wesley Mission (PDF 47KB) 
3Dr Jeffrey Derevensky (PDF 159KB) Attachment 1(PDF 61KB) 
4FamilyVoice Australia (PDF 21KB) 
4a Supplementary Submission(PDF 34KB) 
5Netball Australia (PDF 557KB) 
6Anglicare Tasmania (PDF 160KB) 
7Dr Sally Gainsbury and Professor Alex Blaszczynski (PDF 272KB) 
8Australian Crime Commission (PDF 3168KB) 
9University of Sydney Gambling Treatment Clinic (PDF 50KB) 
10The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (PDF 204KB) 
11NSW Bookmakers' Co-operative Ltd (PDF 99KB) Attachment 1(PDF 129KB) 
12Betfair Pty Ltd (PDF 780KB) 
13QiLynx Systems (PDF 229KB) 
14Relationships Australia Inc (PDF 141KB) 
15WA Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor (PDF 1079KB) 
16The Coalition of Major Professional and Participation Sports (PDF 125KB) 
17Social Issues Executive, Anglican Diocese of Sydney (PDF 215KB) 
18Australian Bookmakers' Association Pty Ltd (PDF 799KB) 
19Gaming Technologies Association Limited (PDF 70KB) 
20Free TV Australia (PDF 1851KB) 
21Australian Christian Lobby (PDF 228KB) 
22Tabcorp Holdings Limited (PDF 121KB) 
23Telstra (PDF 116KB) 
24Clubs Australia (PDF 571KB) 
25Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (PDF 9164KB) 
26TAS Department of Treasury and Finance (PDF 233KB) 
27Australian Racing Board Limited (PDF 342KB) 
28Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (PDF 22KB) 
28a Supplementary Submission(PDF 140KB) 
29Responsible Gambling Advocacy Centre (PDF 912KB) 
30Clubs WA (PDF 263KB) 
31Victorian InterChurch Gambling Taskforce (PDF 65KB) 
31a Supplementary Submission(PDF 28KB) 
32Dr John McMullan (PDF 219KB) 
33Gambling Commission (Great Britain) (PDF 240KB) 
34Mr James McNeill (PDF 31KB) 
35Regis Controls Pty Ltd (PDF 1399KB) 
36Mr Bill Barton (PDF 105KB) 
37RSL and Services Clubs Association (PDF 83KB) 
38Tennis Australia (PDF 579KB) 
39Squash Rackets Association of SA Inc.  (PDF 316KB) 
40Leagues Clubs Australia (PDF 398KB) 
41Greyhounds Australasia (PDF 166KB) 
42iBus Media Limited (PDF 337KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1599KB) Attachment 2(PDF 1793KB) Attachment 3(PDF 689KB) 
43Betchoice Corporation Pty Ltd (PDF 148KB) 
44Sportsbet Pty Ltd (PDF 772KB) 
45Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Office for Sport (PDF 5051KB) 
45a Supplementary Submission(PDF 1340KB) 
46Gambling Impact Society (NSW) Inc. (PDF 78KB) 
47Alderney Gambling Control Commission (PDF 1059KB) Attachment 1(PDF 112KB) Attachment 2(PDF 35KB) 
48Australian Athletes Alliance (PDF 237KB) 
49Australian Federal Police (PDF 646KB) 
50Racing and Wagering Western Australia (PDF 156KB) 
51Northern Territory Racing Commission (PDF 29KB) 
52Harness Racing Australia (PDF 410KB) 
53Mr Paul Aalto (PDF 117KB) 
54Australian Internet Bookmakers Association (PDF 591KB) 
55QLD Department of Justice and Attorney-General (PDF 436KB) 
56NSW Government (PDF 58KB) 
57Ms Heather Coyne (PDF 1153KB) 
58Mr Jack Winchester (PDF 16KB) 
59George's story (PDF 51KB) 
60Name Withheld (PDF 43KB) 
62Responsible Gaming Networks Pty Ltd (PDF 749KB) 

Additional Information Received

1Additional information from the Australian Federal Police, received 19 August 2011(PDF 178KB) 
2Additional information from the Australian Federal Police, received 19 August 2011(PDF 94KB) 
3Correspondence from Senator Nick Xenophon to the Gambling Commissioner in Gibraltar(PDF 109KB) 
4Response from the Gambling Commissioner in Gibraltar to Senator Nick Xenophon(PDF 79KB) 
5Correspondence from Senator Nick Xenophon to the Chief Minister for Gibraltar(PDF 33KB) 
6Correspondence from Senator Nick Xenophon to the Northern Territory Licensing Commission(PDF 51KB) 
7Response from the Northern Territory Licensing Commission to Senator Nick Xenophon(PDF 70KB) 
8Additional information provided by the Coalition of Major Professional and Participation Sports on 11 August 2011(PDF 13556KB) 
9Additional information from the Responsible Gambling Advocacy Centre, received 4 November 2011(PDF 643KB) 
10Correspondence from Senator Nick Xenophon to ACMA, received 1 December 2011(PDF 73KB) 
11Response from ACMA to Senator Nick Xenophon, received 1 December 2011(PDF 195KB) 


1Correspondence from the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner (SA) received 15 September 2011(PDF 70KB) 
2Correspondence from the Tasmanian Gaming Commission received 16 September 2011(PDF 354KB) 
3Correspondence from the Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation received 20 September 2011(PDF 596KB) 
4Correspondence from the ACT Gambling and Racing Commission received 22 September 2011(PDF 292KB) 
5Correspondence from the Independent Gambling Authority (SA) received 12 September 2011(PDF 95KB) 
6Correspondence from the WA Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor received 30 September 2011(PDF 79KB) 
7Correspondence from the NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing received 5 October 2011(PDF 89KB) 
8Correspondence from the QLD Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation received 21 September 2011(PDF 1833KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1Answers to questions on notice provided by Responsible Gambling Advocacy Centre on 22 August 2011(PDF 49KB) 
2Answers to questions on notice provided by Betfair Pty Ltd on 23 August 2011(PDF 6806KB) 
3Answers to questions on notice provided by Professor Jeffrey Derevensky on 26 September 2011(PDF 35KB) 
4Answers to questions on notice provided by Sportsbet Pty Ltd on 6 October 2011(PDF 32KB) 

For further information, contact:

Senior Clerk's Office
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3555
Fax:+61 2 6277 3899