

Recommendation 1

2.71    The committee recommends an evaluation of current concessional loan schemes to ensure that the schemes are utilising appropriate data and that eligibility criteria are designed in consultation with the sector to ensure that  schemes are as accessible as possible for those in need of Commonwealth government assistance.

Recommendation 2

2.75    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth government consider the development of a land management technology fund to support the rural sector, and to ensure that the sector is equipped with appropriate Commonwealth government managed data.

Recommendation 3

3.23    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth government works with state and territory governments to ensure that the seafood and aquaculture industry is an integral partner in all future mitigation planning and post-disaster reconstruction and recovery efforts.

Recommendation 4

3.48    The committee recommends that future Commonwealth government investment is focused on training and skills development of the automotive workforce to allow them to transition their skills and expertise to other areas of the local and national economy.

Recommendation 5

3.50    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth government consider extending concessional loan schemes to the manufacturing industry to support sustainable manufacturing businesses.

Recommendation 6

3.55    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth government works with state and territory governments to develop best practice guidelines to assist stakeholders in managing post disaster recovery fundraising efforts and that these be disseminated widely.

Recommendation 7

3.69    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth government works with state and territory governments to provide more information, practical preparation and recovery guides/advice for individuals, businesses and communities affected or likely to be affected by natural disasters.

Recommendation 8

3.71    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth government engages with state and territory governments and industry to ensure businesses are well-informed and resources are available to help expedite recovery following a natural disaster.

Recommendation 9

3.90    The committee does not recommend the establishment of an Australia Fund.

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