Daily Program 25/05/2017

House of Representatives
Parl No.
25 May 2017

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Thursday, 25 May 2017

9.30 am

3dbb7b90-34b9-42f9-b77e-32ddd1480afeAcknowledgement of country


570849f9-ca03-4fb0-903d-69a79ac39d25Government business


6362eaf4-034b-4329-aa2a-c5472074eaa2No. 1 — Statute Update (Winter 2017) Bill 2017 Mr Frydenberg (Minister for the Environment and Energy) to present a bill. First reading. Second reading to be moved.

6362eaf4-034b-4329-aa2a-c5472074eaa2Debate to be adjourned.

394798d4-0ba2-4fe5-baa5-5cf5f8710856No. 2 — Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Bill 2017 Mr McCormack (Minister for Small Business) to present a bill. First reading. Second reading to be moved.

394798d4-0ba2-4fe5-baa5-5cf5f8710856Debate to be adjourned.

6c2455db-4c45-447b-aa45-2187d9b53ae8Without Notice

dad98fc5-1863-4dd4-b49f-812803ae791bTreasury Laws Amendment (2017 Measures No. 2) Bill 2017 Mr McCormack (Minister for Small Business) to present a bill. First reading. Second reading to be moved.

dad98fc5-1863-4dd4-b49f-812803ae791bDebate to be adjourned.

cc7a45aa-4fdf-4e16-8f6f-20daee828477Notices – continued

56919c6d-7cb6-48bf-b95f-cad4af2316aaNo. 3 — International Monetary Agreements Amendment Bill 2017 Mr McCormack (Minister for Small Business) to present a bill. First reading. Second reading to be moved.

56919c6d-7cb6-48bf-b95f-cad4af2316aaDebate to be adjourned.

6b728bca-5605-4960-8a52-8011b3abc9eaWithout Notice – continued

3afab511-fed4-4b81-866e-1445cc241dccTreasury Laws Amendment (Accelerated Depreciation For Small Business Entities) Bill 2017 Mr McCormack (Minister for Small Business) to present a bill. First reading. Second reading to be moved.

3afab511-fed4-4b81-866e-1445cc241dccDebate to be adjourned.

4d41c087-008c-4057-9947-4759be7c743bOrders of the day

No. 1 Australian Education Amendment Bill 2017 — Resumption of debate on second reading and on the amendment moved by Ms Plibersek (Sydney). Question put on amendment. Second reading.

Speaker to report a message from the Governor-General recommending appropriation.

Consideration in detail; third reading, by leave.

No. 2 — Enhancing Online Safety for Children Amendment Bill 2017 — Resumption of debate on second reading.

Debate to be interrupted.

At 1.30 pm

Members’ statements — Speaker to call on Members’ statements.

(Each Member — 90 seconds. Total time allotted — 30 minutes)

At 2 pm

Speaker to call on —

Questions without notice

Presentation of documents — Ministers

Matter of public importance

If matter submitted, terms will be circulated after 12 noon to Members in the Chamber. Requires support of 8 Members.

Ministerial statements, by leave

Reports from committee

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Mr C. Kelly
(Chair — Hughes) to present the following reports:

Examination of the Australian Crime Commission annual report 2014-15.

Examination of the Australian Federal Police Annual Report 2014-15.

Government business – continued

Orders of the day– continued

No. 2 — Enhancing Online Safety for Children Amendment Bill 2017 — Resumption of debate on second reading.

Debate to be interrupted.


Question expected to be proposed at 4.30 pm and debate to conclude by 5 pm, unless otherwise ordered.

(The next sitting of the House is expected to commence at 10 am on Monday, 29 May 2017.)

David Elder

Clerk of the House of Representatives

Monitor House Chamber events by using the Votes Officer’s Minutes at


The Notice Paper (formal agenda) is available at www.aph.gov.au/HouseNP. It contains hyperlinks to bills that have been presented, showing the text of the bill, previous debate, and proposed amendments.

Votes and Proceedings (formal minutes) are available the next day at www.aph.gov.au/votes

ParlTV channel 103 provides captions of current proceedings in the House Chamber.


Thursday, 25 May 2017

9.45 am

3 minute constituency statements

Chair to call on 3 minute constituency statements.

(Each Member — 3 minutes. Total time allotted — 30 minutes, irrespective of suspensions for divisions in the House.)

Government business

Orders of the day

No. 1 — Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2017-2018 — Resumption of debate on second reading.

Cognate debate with order of the day No. 2, Appropriation Bill (No. 2) 2017-2018 and order of the day No. 3, Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 1) 2017-2018.

Debate to be interrupted.


Question expected to be proposed at approximately 1.30 pm (no debate), unless otherwise ordered.

(The Federation Chamber is expected to be adjourned until 10.30 am on Monday, 29 May 2017.)

David Elder

Clerk of the House of Representatives

Monitor Federation Chamber events by using the Assistant Votes Officer’s Minutes at


Refresh your screen regularly to see the latest item.

ParlTV channel 106 provides captions of current proceedings in the Federation Chamber.


Thursday, 25 May 2017

Standing Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources

Inquiry into water use efficiency in Australian agriculture

1R2, Parliament House, Canberra commencing at 12:15 pm

Contact: Secretary 02 6277 4500

Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs

Inquiry into the educational opportunities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
1R3, Parliament House, Canberra commencing at 11:45 am

Contact: Secretary 02 6277 4559

Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs

Parliamentary inquiry into a better family law system to support and protect those affected by family violence

1R6, Parliament House, Canberra commencing at 12:30 pm

Contact: Secretary 02 6277 2358


Clerk of the House of Representatives