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House of Representatives - Draft Minutes

These minutes are a draft record of the proceedings of the House of Representatives as they occur, and are subject to revision. The official record of proceedings is the Votes and Proceedings.

This site is updated every five minutes when the House is sitting. Regular refreshing of your screen will provide the latest proceedings through the day.

Draft minutes are also available for the Federation Chamber.

Related documents: Daily Program ("The Blue")  | Bills, including proposed amendments | Votes and Proceedings  | Notice Paper | Sitting calendar

Last updated: Thursday, 10 October 2024 at 5:41 PMNo updates available
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Draft Minutes

No. 149

Thursday, 10 October 2024

- 9:00:14 AM

 1The House met, at 9 am, pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker (the Honourable M. Dick) took the Chair, made an acknowledgement of country and read Prayers.

- 9:01:14 AM

 2Universities Accord (Student Support and Other Measures) Bill 2024—DEFERRED DIVISION

The order of the day having been read for the further consideration in detail of the bill—

The following question, on which a division had been called for and deferred in accordance with standing order 133, was put—

Question—That the amendments be agreed to (see item No. 29, Votes and Proceedings, 9 October 2024).

- 9:01:47 AM

Division 478

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 12

Mr Bandt

Ms Daniel

Dr Scamps

Ms Tink

Mr Bates

Dr Haines

Ms Spender*

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Chandler-Mather

Dr M Ryan*

Ms Steggall

Mr Wilkie

NOES, 68

Dr Aly

Mr Dreyfus

Dr Leigh

Ms Rishworth

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mrs Elliot

Mr Lim

Ms Roberts

Ms Belyea

Ms Fernando

Ms McBain

Ms Rowland

Mr Bowen

Dr Freelander

Ms McBride

Ms J Ryan

Mr Burnell

Dr Garland

Mr McCormack

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Burns

Mr Georganas

Ms Mascarenhas

Mr Shorten

Mr Butler

Mr Giles

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Sitou

Ms Byrnes

Mr Goodenough

Mr B Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Dr Chalmers

Mr Gorman

Dr Mulino

Ms Stanley*

Dr Charlton

Mr Gosling

Mr Neumann

Ms Swanson

Ms Chesters

Mr Hill

Mr O’Connor

Ms Templeman

Mr Clare

Mr Jones

Ms Payne

Ms Thwaites

Ms Claydon

Ms Kearney

Mr Perrett

Ms Vamvakinou

Ms Coker

Mr Khalil

Mrs Phillips

Mr Watts

Ms Collins

Ms C King

Mr Rae

Ms Wells

Mr Conroy

Ms Lawrence

Dr Reid

Mr J Wilson

Ms Doyle

Mr Laxale

Mr Repacholi

Mr Zappia

* Tellers

And so it was negatived.

- 9:08:38 AM

Bill, as amended, agreed to.

Consideration in detail concluded.

- 9:09:07 AM

On the motion of Mr Clare (Minister for Education)by leave, the bill was read a third time.

- 9:09:45 AM

 3Treasury Laws Amendment (Mergers and Acquisitions Reform) Bill 2024

Dr Chalmers (Treasurer), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, and for related purposes.


Dr Chalmers presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 9:10:20 AM

Dr Chalmers moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 9:21:27 AM

Debate adjourned (Mr McCormack), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 9:21:53 AM

 4Oversight Legislation Amendment (Robodebt Royal Commission Response and Other Measures) Bill 2024

Mr Dreyfus (Attorney-General), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend legislation related to certain oversight bodies, and for related purposes.


Mr Dreyfus presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 9:22:27 AM

Mr Dreyfus moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 9:28:55 AM

Debate adjourned (Mr McCormack), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 9:29:27 AM

 5Better and Fairer Schools (Funding and Reform) Bill 2024

Mr Clare (Minister for Education), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Australian Education Act 2013, and for related purposes.


Mr Clare presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 9:29:51 AM

Mr Clare moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 9:42:17 AM

Debate adjourned (Mr McCormack), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 9:42:31 AM

 6Aged Care Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

Ms Wells (Minister for Aged Care), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the law relating to aged care, and for related purposes.


Ms Wells presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 9:42:54 AM

Ms Wells moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 9:46:30 AM

Debate adjourned (Mr McCormack), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 9:46:55 AM

 7Proposed Select Committee on Nuclear Energy

Ms Rishworth (Minister for Social Services), for Mr Burke (Leader of the House), pursuant to notice, moved—That:

 (1)a House Select Committee on Nuclear Energy be appointed to specifically inquire into and report on the consideration of nuclear power generation, including deployment of small modular reactors, in Australia, including:

 (a)deployment timeframes;

 (b)fuel supply, and transport of fuel;

 (c)uranium enrichment capability;

 (d)waste management, transport and storage;

 (e)water use and impacts on other water uses;

 (f)relevant energy infrastructure capability, including brownfield sites and transmission lines;

 (g)Federal, state, territory and local government legal and policy frameworks;

 (h)risk management for natural disasters or any other safety concerns;

 (i)potential share of total energy system mix;

 (j)necessary land acquisition;

 (k)costs of deploying, operating and maintaining nuclear power stations;

 (l)the impact of the deployment, operation and maintenance of nuclear power stations on electricity affordability; and

 (m)any other relevant matter;

 (2)the committee presents its final report by no later than 30 April 2025;

 (3)the committee may choose to table an interim report at any time;

 (4)the committee consist of:

 (a)seven voting members, four Members of the House of Representatives to be nominated by the Government Whip or Whips, two Members of the House of Representatives to be nominated by the Opposition Whip or Whips, and one crossbench member to be nominated by the Opposition Whip; and

 (b)two supplementary (non-voting) members (one Government, one non-Government) who may be substituted from time to time as advised by the Government Whip or Whips (in the case of a supplementary Government member) and the Opposition Whip or Whips (in the case of a supplementary non-Government member);

 (5)every nomination of a member of the committee be notified in writing to the Speaker of the House of Representatives;

 (6)the members of the committee hold office as a House select committee until presentation of the committee’s final report or the House of Representatives is dissolved or expires by effluxion of time, whichever is the earlier;

 (7)the committee elect a:

 (a)Government member as its chair; and

 (b)non-Government member as its deputy chair who shall act as chair of the committee at any time when the chair is not present at a meeting of the committee;

 (8)at any time when the chair and deputy chair are not present at a meeting of the committee the members present shall elect another Government member to act as chair at that meeting;

 (9)in the event of an equally divided vote, the chair, or the deputy chair when acting as chair, shall have a casting vote;

 (10)three members of the committee including at least one Government member constitute a quorum of the committee;

 (11)the committee:

 (a)have power to appoint subcommittees consisting of three or more of its members and to refer to any subcommittee any matter which the committee is empowered to examine or conduct public hearings; and

 (b)appoint the chair of each subcommittee who shall have a casting vote only;

 (12)at any time when the chair of a subcommittee is not present at a meeting of the subcommittee, the members of the subcommittee present shall elect another member of that subcommittee to act as chair at that meeting;

 (13)two members of a subcommittee constitute a quorum of that subcommittee including at least one government member;

 (14)members of the committee who are not members of a subcommittee may participate in the proceedings of that subcommittee but shall not vote, move any motion or be counted for the purpose of a quorum;

 (15)the committee or any subcommittee have power to:

 (a)call for witnesses to attend and for documents to be produced;

 (b)conduct proceedings at any place it sees fit;

 (c)sit in public or in private;

 (d)report from time to time; and

 (e)adjourn from time to time and sit during any adjournment of the House of Representatives; and

 (16)the provisions of this resolution, so far as they are inconsistent with the standing orders, have effect notwithstanding anything contained in the standing orders.

- 9:47:34 AM

Debate ensuing—

- 9:47:43 AM

Mr Ted O’Brien moved, as an amendment—That paragraphs (1), (4) and (11) be omitted and replaced with the following:

 (1)a House Select Committee on Nuclear Energy be appointed to specifically inquire into and report on the consideration of nuclear power generation, including deployment of small modular reactors and modern larger plants, in Australia, including:

 (a)deployment timeframes;

 (b)fuel supply, and transport of fuel;

 (c)the front-end of the nuclear fuel cycle including value-add opportunities such as fuel fabrication and uranium enrichment capability;

 (d)waste management, transport and storage;

 (e)cooling options including water, its use and impacts on other water uses;

 (f)relevant energy infrastructure capability, including brownfield sites and transmission lines;

 (g)Federal, state, territory and local government legal and policy frameworks;

 (h)risk management for natural disasters or any other safety concerns;

 (i)ability to complement renewables and potential share of total energy system mix;

 (j)necessary land acquisition;

 (k)costs of deploying, operating and maintaining nuclear power stations;

 (l)the impact of the deployment, operation and maintenance of nuclear power stations on electricity affordability;

 (m)the impact on energy affordability;

 (n)the impact on energy reliability;

 (o)the impact on emissions reduction;

 (p)the impact on energy security;

 (q)the impact on the environment including geographic footprint;

 (r)the impact on regional communities, especially coal communities;

 (s)the potential for employment and broader economic impact;

 (t)the potential to leverage and expand the uranium sector;

 (u)ability to leverage existing nuclear institutions and capabilities including ANSTO, ASNO, ARPANSA and ARWA;

 (v)synergy with AUKUS;

 (w)potential to replace coal as a source of 24/7 baseload power;

 (x)global trends and lessons to be applied in the Australian context;

 (y)market design options to facilitate lowest cost electricity supply;

 (z)a cost comparison between alternate pathways to achieving a net-zero electricity grid including nuclear energy and the 2024 Integrated System Plan of the Australian Energy Market Operator; and

 (aa)any other relevant matter;

 (4)the committee consist of:

 (a)seven voting members, three Members of the House of Representatives to be nominated by the Government Whip or Whips, three Members of the House of Representatives to be nominated by the Opposition Whip or Whips, and one crossbench member to be nominated by the Opposition Whip; and

 (b)three supplementary (non-voting) members (one Government, one Opposition and one crossbench) who may be substituted from time to time as advised by the Government Whip or Whips (in the case of a supplementary Government member) and the Opposition Whip or Whips (in the case of a supplementary non-Government member);

 (11)the committee:

 (a)have power to appoint subcommittees consisting of three or more of its members (including at least one Government and one Opposition member) and to refer to any subcommittee any matter which the committee is empowered to examine or conduct public hearings; and

 (b)appoint the chair of each subcommittee who shall have a casting vote only.

Mr Stevens 9:57:40 AM.
- 10:08:00 AM

Debate ensued.

Mr Repacholi 10:08:03 AM. Mr Ramsey 10:12:15 AM.
- 10:22:37 AM

Dr M Ryan moved, as an amendment to the amendment proposed by Mr Ted OBrienThat paragraph (4) be omitted and replaced with the following:

 (4)the committee consist of:

 (a)seven voting members, three Members of the House of Representatives to be nominated by the Government Whip or Whips, three Members of the House of Representatives to be nominated by the Opposition Whip or Whips, and one crossbench member to be nominated by the crossbench; and

 (b)three supplementary (non-voting) members (one Government, one Opposition and one crossbench) who may be substituted from time to time as advised by the Government Whip or Whips (in the case of a supplementary Government member) and the crossbench (in the case of a supplementary non-Government member);

- 10:24:50 AM

Debate ensued.

Mr Burke 10:24:55 AM.
- 10:25:17 AM


Mr Burke moved—That the question be now put.

Question—That the question be now put—put.

- 10:25:35 AM

Division 479

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 74

Dr Aly

Ms Fernando

Ms McBain

Ms Rishworth

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Dr Freelander

Ms McBride

Ms Roberts

Ms Belyea

Dr Garland

Mr Marles

Ms Rowland

Mr Bowen

Mr Georganas

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms J Ryan

Mr Burke

Mr Giles

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Burnell

Mr Gorman

Mr B Mitchell

Mr Shorten

Mr Burns

Mr Gosling

Mr R Mitchell

Ms Sitou

Mr Butler

Mr Hill

Dr Mulino

Mr Smith*

Ms Byrnes

Mr Husic

Mr Neumann

Ms Stanley*

Dr Charlton

Mr Jones

Mr O’Connor

Ms Swanson

Ms Chesters

Ms Kearney

Ms O’Neil

Ms Templeman

Mr Clare

Mr Keogh

Ms Payne

Mr Thistlethwaite

Ms Claydon

Mr Khalil

Mr Perrett

Ms Thwaites

Ms Coker

Ms C King

Mrs Phillips

Ms Vamvakinou

Ms Collins

Ms M. M. H. King

Ms Plibersek

Mr Watts

Mr Conroy

Ms Lawrence

Mr Rae

Ms Wells

Ms Doyle

Mr Laxale

Dr Reid

Mr J Wilson

Mr Dreyfus

Dr Leigh

Mr Repacholi

Mr Zappia

Mrs Elliot

Mr Lim

NOES, 64

Mrs Andrews

Mr Fletcher

Mrs Marino

Mr Taylor

Mrs Archer

Mr Gee

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Tehan

Mr Bandt

Mr Goodenough

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Thompson

Mr Bates

Dr Haines

Mr Pasin

Ms Tink

Ms Bell

Mr Hamilton

Mr Pearce

Mr van Manen

Mr Birrell

Mr Hastie

Mr Pike

Mr Vasta

Mr Boyce

Mr Hawke

Mr Pitt

Mr Violi

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hogan

Ms Price

Ms Ware

Mr Caldwell

Mr Howarth

Mr Ramsey*

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Chandler-Mather

Mr Joyce

Dr M Ryan

Dr Webster

Ms Chaney

Mr Kennedy

Dr Scamps

Mr Wilkie

Mr Chester

Ms Le

Ms Sharkie

Mr Willcox

Mr Conaghan

Mr Leeser

Ms Spender

Mr R Wilson

Mr Coulton*

Ms Ley

Ms Steggall

Mr Wolahan

Ms Daniel

Mr Littleproud

Mr Stevens

Mr Wood

Mr Entsch

Mr McCormack

Mr Sukkar

Mr Young

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 10:34:31 AM

And the question—That the amendment moved by Dr M Ryan to the amendment proposed by Mr Ted O’Brien be agreed tobeing accordingly put

- 10:34:36 AM

Division 480

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 52

Mrs Andrews

Mr Gee

Mr Pasin

Mr Tehan

Mrs Archer

Mr Goodenough

Mr Pearce

Ms Tink

Mr Bandt

Dr Haines

Mr Pike

Mr van Manen

Mr Bates

Mr Hastie

Ms Price

Mr Vasta

Ms Bell

Mr Hawke

Mr Ramsey*

Mr Violi

Mr Birrell

Mr Hogan

Dr M Ryan

Ms Ware

Mr Caldwell

Mr Joyce

Dr Scamps

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Chandler-Mather

Ms Le

Ms Sharkie

Dr Webster

Ms Chaney

Mr Leeser

Ms Spender

Mr Wilkie

Mr Chester

Mr Littleproud

Ms Steggall

Mr Willcox

Mr Coulton*

Mr McCormack

Mr Stevens

Mr R Wilson

Ms Daniel

Mrs Marino

Mr Sukkar

Mr Wolahan

Mr Fletcher

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Taylor

Mr Wood

NOES, 75

Dr Aly

Mrs Elliot

Mr Lim

Ms Rishworth

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Ms Fernando

Ms McBain

Ms Roberts

Ms Belyea

Dr Freelander

Ms McBride

Ms Rowland

Mr Bowen

Dr Garland

Mr Marles

Ms J Ryan

Mr Burke

Mr Georganas

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Burnell

Mr Giles

Ms Miller-Frost

Mr Shorten

Mr Burns

Mr Gorman

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Sitou

Mr Butler

Mr Gosling

Mr R Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Ms Byrnes

Mr Hill

Dr Mulino

Ms Stanley*

Dr Chalmers

Mr Husic

Mr Neumann

Ms Swanson

Dr Charlton

Mr Jones

Mr O’Connor

Ms Templeman

Ms Chesters

Ms Kearney

Ms O’Neil

Mr Thistlethwaite

Mr Clare

Mr Keogh

Ms Payne

Ms Thwaites

Ms Claydon

Mr Khalil

Mr Perrett

Ms Vamvakinou

Ms Coker

Ms C King

Mrs Phillips

Mr Watts

Ms Collins

Ms M. M. H. King

Ms Plibersek

Ms Wells

Mr Conroy

Ms Lawrence

Mr Rae

Mr J Wilson

Ms Doyle

Mr Laxale

Dr Reid

Mr Zappia

Mr Dreyfus

Dr Leigh

Mr Repacholi

* Tellers

And so it was negatived.

- 10:41:05 AM

Question—That the amendment moved by Mr Ted O’Brien be agreed to—put.

- 10:41:25 AM

Division 481

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 53

Mrs Andrews

Mr Hastie

Mr Pike

Mr Thompson

Mrs Archer

Mr Hawke

Mr Pitt

Ms Tink

Ms Bell

Mr Hogan

Ms Price

Mr van Manen

Mr Birrell

Mr Howarth

Mr Ramsey*

Mr Vasta

Mr Buchholz

Mr Joyce

Dr M Ryan

Mr Violi

Mr Caldwell

Ms Le

Dr Scamps

Ms Ware

Ms Chaney

Mr Leeser

Ms Sharkie

Dr Webster

Mr Chester

Mr Littleproud

Ms Spender

Mr Wilkie

Mr Coulton*

Mr McCormack

Ms Steggall

Mr Willcox

Ms Daniel

Mrs Marino

Mr Stevens

Mr R Wilson

Mr Fletcher

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Sukkar

Mr Wolahan

Mr Gee

Mr Pasin

Mr Taylor

Mr Wood

Mr Goodenough

Mr Pearce

Mr Tehan

Mr Young

Dr Haines

NOES, 75

Dr Aly

Mrs Elliot

Mr Lim

Ms Rishworth

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Ms Fernando

Ms McBain

Ms Roberts

Ms Belyea

Dr Freelander

Ms McBride

Ms Rowland

Mr Bowen

Dr Garland

Mr Marles

Ms J Ryan

Mr Burke

Mr Georganas

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Burnell

Mr Giles

Ms Miller-Frost

Mr Shorten

Mr Burns

Mr Gorman

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Sitou

Mr Butler

Mr Gosling

Mr R Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Ms Byrnes

Mr Hill

Dr Mulino

Ms Stanley*

Dr Chalmers

Mr Husic

Mr Neumann

Ms Swanson

Dr Charlton

Mr Jones

Mr O’Connor

Ms Templeman

Ms Chesters

Ms Kearney

Ms O’Neil

Mr Thistlethwaite

Mr Clare

Mr Keogh

Ms Payne

Ms Thwaites

Ms Claydon

Mr Khalil

Mr Perrett

Ms Vamvakinou

Ms Coker

Ms C King

Mrs Phillips

Mr Watts

Ms Collins

Ms M. M. H. King

Ms Plibersek

Ms Wells

Mr Conroy

Ms Lawrence

Mr Rae

Mr J Wilson

Ms Doyle

Mr Laxale

Dr Reid

Mr Zappia

Mr Dreyfus

Dr Leigh

Mr Repacholi

* Tellers

And so it was negatived.

- 10:45:45 AM

Question—That the motion be agreed to—put and passed.

- 10:46:37 AM


Mr Burke (Leader of the House) presented the following document:

Proposed parliamentary sittings 2025.

- 10:46:39 AM

Mr Burke, by leave, moved—That the proposed parliamentary sittings for 2025 be agreed to.

- 10:47:31 AM

Question—put and passed.

- 10:47:52 AM


Message No. 3579 October 2024, from the Senate was reported informing the House that the Senate had agreed to the following resolution:

That the Senate and the House of Representatives approve the following standards of behaviour and behaviour codes with effect from 14 October 2024, noting the Behaviour Code for staff employed under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 is subject to a determination by the Special Minister of State:

Behaviour Standards for Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces

Welcome to this Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplace. Please be aware we have clear guidelines on how we must behave towards each other:

Act respectfully, professionally and with integrity.

Encourage and value diverse perspectives and recognise the importance of a free exchange of ideas.

Recognise your power, influence or authority and do not abuse them.

Uphold laws that support safe and respectful workplaces, including anti‑discrimination, employment, work health and safety and criminal laws.

Bullying, harassment, sexual harassment or assault, or discrimination in any form, including on the grounds of race, age, sex, sexuality, gender identity, disability, or religion will not be tolerated, condoned or ignored.

Behaviour Code for Australian Parliamentarians

Purpose of Parliamentarians’ Behaviour Code

 (1)All Australian Parliamentarians have a shared responsibility as employers and leaders in the community to ensure that Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces meet the highest standards of integrity, dignity, safety and mutual respect.

 (2)All Australian laws must be upheld, including the employer obligations outlined in the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984.

 (3)This code forms the Parliament’s expectations for how we behave towards each other and others we engage with in the course of our work, while recognising the importance of a free exchange of ideas and parliamentary privilege, which is an integral part of our democracy.

Code coverage

 (4)Every Parliamentarian is required to understand and comply with this code and the Behaviour Standards for Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces. These codes and standards are enforceable and a breach of either code could lead to sanctions being imposed.

 (5)Both the code and the standards apply to Parliamentarians in the course of their role, including at social events, when travelling for work, and outside of normal business hours. This includes conduct engaged in by any means, including in person, or by electronic communication. Alcohol is no excuse for breach of this code or the standards.

 (6)Ensuring compliance with the code and the standards is a core requirement of Parliamentarians discharging their work health and safety obligations as employers.


 (7)Parliamentarians must treat all those with whom they come into contact in the course of their parliamentary duties and activities with dignity, courtesy, fairness and respect.

 (8)Parliamentarians, as employers and leaders in the community, have a leading role to play in fostering a healthy, safe, respectful and inclusive environment where all people feel safe and valued.


 (9)Parliamentarians, as employers and leaders in the community, have a role in fostering and respecting diversity in their workplace, to ensure everyone feels safe and welcome to contribute.

 (10)Parliamentarians recognise the importance and value of diverse viewpoints, and that robust debate is conducted with respect for differing views, which are essential for a functioning democracy.

Prohibited behaviours

 (11)Bullying and harassment, sexual harassment and assault, discrimination in all its forms including on the grounds of race, age, sex, sexuality, gender identity, disability, or religion is unacceptable. Such behaviour will not be tolerated, condoned or ignored.

Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission

 (12)Anyone who believes this code has been breached is encouraged to raise their concerns about the breach.

 (13)Disclosures and complaints in relation to this code will be received confidentially and managed by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission (IPSC).

 (14)Advice and support regarding this code can be sought from the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service.

 (15)Parliamentarians have obligations to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission to:

 (a)cooperate with investigations and comply with sanctions imposed;

 (b)maintain the confidentiality of the complaint process, unless authorised by the IPSC (or otherwise required by law) to share or release information; and

 (c)act on allegations of misconduct made about their staff and to implement recommendations of the IPSC in relation to staff misconduct.

 Failure to do so may be a breach of this code and sanctions may apply.

Complaints under this code

 (16)A vexatious complaint or a complaint made in bad faith may itself be a breach of this code and may be subject to sanctions.

 (17)Any attempt to intimidate or victimise a reporter/complainant or to lobby, influence or intimidate the IPSC (its office-holders, staff or contractors) will be treated as a serious and aggravated breach of this code.

Upholding the Code for Parliamentarians

 (18)Parliamentarians must incorporate this code in their everyday workplace practice. This is done by:

 (a)undertaking any training or professional development as recommended or deemed necessary as an employer and leader within the community; and

 (b)complying with all workplace policies.

Behaviour Code for staff employed under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984

Purpose of MOP(S) Act Behaviour Code

 (1)All employees employed under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 (MoPS Act) have a shared responsibility to ensure that Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces meet the highest standards of integrity, dignity, safety and mutual respect.

 (2)All Australian laws must be upheld, including relevant workplace laws.

 (3)This code forms the expectations for behaviour in the course of MoP(S) Act employment while recognising the importance of a free exchange of ideas, which is an integral part of our democracy.

Code coverage

 (4)Every MoP(S) Act employee is required to understand and comply with this code and the Behaviour Standards for Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces. These codes and standards are enforceable and a breach of either could lead to sanctions being imposed.

 (5)Both the code and standards apply to all duties undertaken in the course of MoP(S) Act employment, including at social events, when travelling for work, and outside of normal business hours. This includes conduct engaged in by any means, including in person, or by electronic communication. Alcohol is no excuse for breach of this code or the standards.


 (6)MoP(S) Act employees must treat all those with whom they come into contact in the course of their MoP(S) Act duties and activities with dignity, courtesy, fairness and respect.

 (7)All MoP(S) Act employees have a role in fostering a healthy, respectful and inclusive environment where all people feel safe and valued.


 (8)All MoP(S) Act employees have a role in fostering and respecting diversity in their workplace, to ensure everyone feels safe and welcome to contribute.

 (9)MoP(S) Act employees recognise the importance and value of diverse viewpoints, and that robust debate is conducted with respect for differing views, which are essential for a functioning democracy.

Prohibited behaviours

 (10)Bullying and harassment, sexual harassment and assault, discrimination in all its forms including on the grounds of race, age, sex, sexuality, gender identity, disability, or religion is unacceptable.

Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission

 (11)Anyone who believes this code has been breached is encouraged to raise their concerns about the breach.

 (12)Disclosures and complaints in relation to this code will be received confidentially and managed by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission (IPSC).

 (13)Advice and support regarding this code can be sought from the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service.

 (14)MoP(S) Act employees have obligations to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission to:

 (a)cooperate with investigations and comply with sanctions imposed; and

 (b)maintain the confidentiality of the complaint process, unless authorised by the proposed IPSC (or otherwise required by law) to share or release information.

Complaints under this code

 (15)A vexatious complaint or a complaint made in bad faith may itself be a breach of this code and may be subject to sanctions.

 (16)Any attempt to intimidate or victimise a reporter/complainant or to lobby, influence or intimidate the IPSC (its office-holders, staff or contractors) will be treated as a serious and aggravated breach of this code.

Upholding the Code

 (17)MoP(S) Act employees must incorporate this code in their everyday workplace practice. This is done by:

 (a)undertaking any training or professional development as recommended or deemed necessary; and

 (b)complying with all workplace policies as required by the Parliament.

The Senate requests the concurrence of the House in this resolution.

- 10:48:17 AM

Ordered—That the message be considered immediately.

- 10:48:42 AM

Mr Bowen (Minister for Climate Change and Energy) moved—That:

(1)the House concur in the resolution of the Senate relating to behaviour standards for Commonwealth parliamentary workplaces; and

(2)a message be sent to the Senate acquainting it of this resolution.

- 10:48:48 AM

Question—put and passed.

- 10:49:22 AM

 10Treasury Laws Amendment (2024 Tax and Other Measures No. 1) Bill 2024—REPORT FROM FEDERATION CHAMBER

The Speaker reported that the Federation Chamber had been unable to complete its consideration of the bill and had returned the bill with an unresolved question (see item No. 7, Minutes of Proceedings of the Federation Chamber, 9 October 2024), and presented a certified copy of the bill together with a schedule of the unresolved question.

- 10:49:44 AM

Unresolved question—That the amendment be agreed to

- 10:49:58 AM


- 10:50:07 AM

Division 482

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 57

Mrs Andrews

Mr Hamilton

Mr Pasin

Mr Tehan

Mrs Archer

Mr Hastie

Mr Pearce

Mr Thompson

Ms Bell

Mr Hawke

Mr Pike

Ms Tink

Mr Birrell

Mr Hogan

Mr Pitt

Mr van Manen

Mr Boyce

Mr Howarth

Ms Price

Mr Vasta

Mr Buchholz

Mr Joyce

Mr Ramsey*

Mr Violi

Mr Caldwell

Mr Kennedy

Dr M Ryan

Ms Ware

Ms Chaney

Mr Leeser

Dr Scamps

Dr Webster

Mr Chester

Ms Ley

Ms Sharkie

Mr Wilkie

Mr Conaghan

Mr Littleproud

Ms Spender

Mr Willcox

Mr Coulton*

Mr McCormack

Ms Steggall

Mr R Wilson

Ms Daniel

Mrs Marino

Mr Stevens

Mr Wolahan

Mr Entsch

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Sukkar

Mr Wood

Mr Fletcher

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Taylor

Mr Young

Mr Goodenough

NOES, 79

Dr Aly

Ms Doyle

Mr Laxale

Ms Rishworth

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Dreyfus

Dr Leigh

Ms Roberts

Mr Bandt

Mrs Elliot

Mr Lim

Ms Rowland

Mr Bates

Ms Fernando

Ms McBain

Ms J Ryan

Ms Belyea

Dr Freelander

Ms McBride

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Bowen

Dr Garland

Ms Mascarenhas

Mr Shorten

Mr Burke

Mr Georganas

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Sitou

Mr Burnell

Mr Giles

Mr B Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Burns

Mr Gorman

Mr R Mitchell

Ms Stanley*

Mr Butler

Mr Gosling

Dr Mulino

Ms Swanson

Ms Byrnes

Dr Haines

Mr Neumann

Ms Templeman

Dr Chalmers

Mr Hill

Mr O’Connor

Mr Thistlethwaite

Mr Chandler-Mather

Mr Husic

Ms O’Neil

Ms Thwaites

Dr Charlton

Mr Jones

Ms Payne

Ms Vamvakinou

Ms Chesters

Ms Kearney

Mr Perrett

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Clare

Mr Keogh

Mrs Phillips

Mr Watts

Ms Claydon

Mr Khalil

Ms Plibersek

Ms Wells

Ms Coker

Ms C King

Mr Rae

Mr J Wilson

Ms Collins

Ms M. M. H. King

Dr Reid

Mr Zappia

Mr Conroy

Ms Lawrence

Mr Repacholi

* Tellers

And so it was negatived.

- 10:56:49 AM

Question—That the bill be now read a second time—put and passed—bill read a second time.

- 10:57:04 AM

Message from the Governor-General

Message No. 2059 September 2024, from Her Excellency the Governor-General was announced recommending an appropriation for the purposes of the bill.

- 10:57:40 AM

Consideration in detail

Bill, by leave, taken as a whole.

- 10:57:40 AM

Question—That the bill be agreed to

- 10:57:41 AM

Debate ensued.

Mr Howarth 10:57:45 AM. Mr Jones 11:00:11 AM.
- 11:02:35 AM

Bill agreed to.

Consideration in detail concluded.

- 11:02:59 AM

On the motion of Mr Jones (Assistant Treasurer)by leave, the bill was read a third time.

- 11:03:24 AM

 11National Broadband Network Companies Amendment (Commitment to Public Ownership) Bill 2024

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—

Debate resumed.

Mr Perrett 11:03:37 AM. Mr Stevens 11:15:37 AM. Mr B Mitchell 11:30:44 AM. Mr Kennedy 11:44:35 AM. Point of order, Ms Stanley. 11:55:55 AM. Mr Kennedy 11:56:20 AM.
- 11:59:50 AM

Debate adjourned (Ms PlibersekMinister for the Environment and Water), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for a later hour this day.

- 12:00:14 PM


The House was informed that the Chief Government Whip had nominated Members to be members of the Select Committee on Nuclear Energy.

Ms Plibersek (Minister for the Environment and Water), by leave, moved—That Mr Burnell, Ms Mascarenhas, Mr Perrett and Mr Repacholi be appointed members of the Select Committee on Nuclear Energy.

Question—put and passed.

- 12:01:24 PM

 13Human Rights—Parliamentary Joint Committee—REPORT—STATEMENT BY MEMBER

Mr Burns (Chair) presented the following document:

Human Rights—Parliamentary Joint CommitteeHuman rights scrutiny report: Report 9 of 2024Report, incorporating a dissenting report, 10 October 2024.

In accordance with standing order 39(e) the report was made a Parliamentary Paper.

- 12:01:42 PM

Mr Burns, by leave, made statement in connection with the report.

- 12:05:54 PM

 14Wage Justice for Early Childhood Education and Care Workers (Special Account) Bill 2024

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—And on the amendment moved thereto by Ms Bell, viz.—That all words after “That” be omitted with a view to substituting the following words:

whilst not declining to give the bill a second reading, the House notes:

(1)the Government’s economic mismanagement and cost of living crisis has led to higher wage bills, and higher utility, rent and grocery bills for providers;

(2)the bill will place further administrative burden on providers, particularly small and medium providers;

(3)the bill will put further financial pressure on providers who will have to cover the majority of the on costs, cannot increase their fees and have to pay the wages upfront, whilst receiving reimbursement in arrears;

(4)the Government has done nothing to address child care deserts and thin markets around the country, and this bill will not increase access for parents who currently have none; and

(5)the bill is a one-off sugar hit, which will only increase inflation, further contributing to current cost of living pressures

Debate resumed.

Dr Garland 12:06:12 PM. Ms Daniel 12:18:40 PM. Ms J Ryan 12:25:29 PM. Ms Tink 12:37:36 PM. Ms Fernando 12:49:35 PM. Mr Tehan 1:01:41 PM.
- 1:16:48 PM

Mr Georganas addressing the House—

- 1:30:13 PM

It being 1.30 pm, the debate was interrupted in accordance with standing order 43Mr Georganas was granted leave to continue his speech when the debate is resumed, and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for a later hour this day.

- 1:30:28 PM


Members’ statements were made.

Mr Broadbent 1:30:30 PM. Ms Chesters 1:32:09 PM. Mr Boyce 1:33:40 PM. Mr Zappia 1:34:58 PM. Ms Sharkie 1:36:15 PM. Ms Fernando 1:37:37 PM. Mr Bandt 1:39:04 PM. Dr Ananda-Rajah 1:40:36 PM. Mrs Andrews 1:41:56 PM. Dr Garland 1:43:28 PM. Mr Young 1:44:56 PM. Ms Belyea 1:46:22 PM. Mr Hamilton 1:47:57 PM. Mr Perrett 1:49:30 PM. Mr Howarth 1:51:00 PM. Mr Repacholi 1:52:34 PM. Mr Willcox 1:54:00 PM. Mr Burnell 1:55:25 PM. Mr Pitt 1:56:52 PM. Mr Rae 1:58:24 PM.
- 2:00:28 PM


Mr Marles (Acting Prime Minister) informed the House that, during the absence overseas of Mr Albanese (Prime Minister), he would answer questions on his behalf.

- 2:00:39 PM


- 2:00:58 PM

 (1)Mr Thompson to Mr Marles (Acting Prime Minister)

- 2:04:38 PM

 (2)Ms Stanley to Ms Rowland (Minister for Communications)

- 2:07:51 PM

 (3)Ms Ley to Mr Marles (Acting Prime Minister)

- 2:10:14 PM

 (4)Mrs Phillips to Mr Marles (Acting Prime Minister)

- 2:13:37 PM

Distinguished visitor announced.

- 2:14:38 PM

Mr Marles (Acting Prime Minister), by indulgence, made a statement welcoming a delegation from the Republic of Fiji.

- 2:15:39 PM

Mr Dutton, by indulgence, made a statement on the same matter.

- 2:16:42 PM

 (5)Ms Spender to Dr Chalmers (Treasurer)

- 2:20:14 PM

 (6)Ms Scrymgour to Ms Rowland (Minister for Communications)

- 2:24:00 PM

 (7)Ms Ley to Mr Marles (Acting Prime Minister)

- 2:25:02 PM

 (8)Ms Fernando to Dr Chalmers (Treasurer)

- 2:28:30 PM

 (9)Ms Ware to Ms Rowland (Minister for Communications)

Point of order, Ms Ware. 2:31:22 PM. Point of order, Mr Burke. 2:31:40 PM. Ms Rowland 2:32:30 PM.
- 2:33:36 PM

 (10)Ms Coker to Mr Burke (Minister representing the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations)

- 2:37:07 PM

 (11)Mr Wolahan to Ms Rowland (Minister for Communications)

- 2:39:11 PM

 (12)Mr Zappia to Mr Butler (Minister for Health and Aged Care)

- 2:42:36 PM

 (13)Dr Haines to Ms Wells (Minister for Aged Care)

- 2:46:00 PM

 (14)Ms Byrnes to Dr Aly (Minister for Early Childhood Education)

- 2:49:05 PM

 (15)Mr Chester to Ms McBain (Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories)

Point of order, Mr Chester. 2:51:43 PM. Ms McBain 2:52:25 PM.
- 2:54:42 PM

 (16)Ms Belyea to Dr Chalmers (Treasurer)

- 2:58:09 PM

 (17)Mr Gee to Mr Butler (Minister for Health and Aged Care)

- 3:01:52 PM

 (18)Ms J Ryan to Mr Dreyfus (Attorney-General)

- 3:04:50 PM

 (19)Ms Price to Mr Marles (Acting Prime Minister)

- 3:08:19 PM

 (20)Mr Repacholi to Mr Bowen (Minister for Climate Change and Energy)

- 3:12:32 PM

 (21)Mr Stevens to Mr Clare (Minister for Education)

Point of order, Mr Dutton. 3:14:50 PM. Mr Clare 3:15:44 PM.
- 3:17:17 PM

 (22)Mr Lim to Mr Marles (Acting Prime Minister)

- 3:20:52 PM

 18Department of the House of Representatives Annual Report

The Speaker presented the following document:

Department of the House of Representatives—Report for 2023-24.

The document was made a Parliamentary Paper.

- 3:21:06 PM


The following documents were presented: 

*Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care—Report for 2023-24.

*Defence Force Discipline Act 1982—Director of Military Prosecutions—Report for 2023.

Health, Aged Care and SportStanding Committee—Inquiry into childhood rheumatic diseases: Interim report—Government response, September 2024.

Intelligence and Security—Parliamentary Joint Committee—Advisory Report on the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Declared Areas) Bill 2024—Government response, 23 September 2024.

Mental Health and Suicide Prevention—Select Committee—Mental health and suicide prevention: Final report—Government response, September 2024.

*Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA)—Report for 2023-24.

*The documents were made Parliamentary Papers.

- 3:21:49 PM

Mr Thompson sought leave to present a document. Leave not granted.

- 3:21:58 PM


The House was informed that Mr Fletcher (Manager of Opposition Business), had proposed that a definite matter of public importance be submitted to the House for discussion, namely, “This Government’s decision to give American company PsiQuantum almost one billion dollars of taxpayers money”.

- 3:22:19 PM

The proposed discussion having received the necessary support—

- 3:22:20 PM

Mr Fletcher addressed the House.

- 3:32:25 PM

Discussion ensued.

Mr Husic 3:32:32 PM. Mr Stevens 3:42:40 PM. Dr Charlton 3:47:46 PM. Mr Violi 3:52:42 PM. Ms Sitou 3:58:04 PM. Mr Caldwell 4:03:03 PM. Ms Mascarenhas 4:08:05 PM. Ms Ware 4:13:09 PM. Mr Laxale 4:18:14 PM.
- 4:23:15 PM

Discussion concluded.

- 4:23:28 PM


Messages from the Senate, 10 October 2024, were reported returning the following bills without amendments or requests:

No. 358Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Omnibus No. 1) 2024.

No. 359Customs Tariff Amendment (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership Expansion) 2024 (without requests).

No. 360Australian Naval Nuclear Power Safety 2024.

No. 361Australian Naval Nuclear Power Safety (Transitional Provisions) 2023.

- 4:24:00 PM


Message No. 36210 October 2024, from the Senate was reported informing the House that the Senate had considered message No. 457 of the House and concurs with the resolution relating to the appointment of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Parliamentary Standards.

- 4:24:37 PM


The House was informed that the Chief Government Whipthe Chief Opposition Whip and the Opposition Whip had nominated Members to be members of certain committees.

Mr Thistlethwaite (Assistant Minister for Immigration), by leave, moved—That:

- 4:24:54 PM

 (1)Mr Ted O’Brien, Mr Pitt and Dr M Ryan be appointed members of the Select Committee on Nuclear Energy; and

- 4:24:55 PM

 (2)Mr Chester, Ms Payne, Ms J Ryan, Ms Stanley, Mr Stevens and Mr Wilkie be appointed members of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Parliamentary Standards.

- 4:25:26 PM

Question—put and passed.

- 4:26:21 PM

 24Wage Justice for Early Childhood Education and Care Workers (Special Account) Bill 2024

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—And on the amendment moved thereto by Ms Bell (see item No. 14, page XX)

Debate resumed.

Mr Georganas 4:26:24 PM.
- 4:28:03 PM

Mr Pasin addressing the House—

- 4:30:06 PM


It being 4.30 pm—The question was proposed—That the House do now adjourn.

Debate ensued.

Mr Wilkie 4:30:12 PM. Mr Georganas 4:35:03 PM. Mr Joyce 4:40:05 PM. Ms Coker 4:45:15 PM. Mr Hamilton 4:50:14 PM. Ms Claydon 4:55:20 PM.
- 5:00:27 PM

The House continuing to sit until 5 pm—The Speaker adjourned the House until 10 am on Monday, 4 November 2024.

- 5:00:53 PM


 The following documents were deemed to have been presented on 10 October 2024 (An explanatory statement has been presented with each instrument unless otherwise indicated by an asterisk)

Lands Acquisition Act 1989—Statement under section 125—October 2024. 

Migration Act 1958—Notice under section 501C—7 October 2024. 

National Health Act 1953— 

Continence Aids Payment Scheme Amendment (Administrative Review Tribunal) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01275].  

National Health (Additional Community Supply Support Payment) Determination 2024—PB 94 of 2024 [F2024L01277].  

Sydney Airport Curfew Act 1995—Dispensation report—13/24. 

Tax Agent Services Act 2009—Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Amendment (Measures No. 2) Determination 2024 [F2024L01276]. 

Taxation Administration Act 1953—Commissioner of Taxation— 

Class Rulings—  

CR 2024/61, CR 2024/62.

Law Companion Ruling—LCR 2024/1.  

Product Ruling—PR 2024/17.  

- 5:00:55 PM


All Members attended (at some time during the sitting) except Mr AlbaneseMs BurneyMr ColemanDr GillespieMr KatterMs LandryMrs McIntoshMs McKenzie and Mr Wallace.