Recent House Committee reports

Spring session 2024

Date tabled Committee and report name
12 September 2024 Standing Committee on Appropriations and Administration
Report No 30 - Annual Report 2023-24
10 September 2024 Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training
Study Buddy or Influencer

Winter session 2024

Date tabled Committee and report name
3 July 2024 Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport
The State of Diabetes Mellitus in Australia in 2024

Autumn Session 2024

Date tabled Committee and Report name
27 March 2024 Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs
Recognising, valuing and supporting unpaid carers
26 March 2024 Standing Committee on Economics
Better Competition, Better Prices
25 March 2024 Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training
Shared vision, equal pathways
21 March 2024 Standing Committee on Appropriations and Administration
Report 27 Annual Report 2022-2023
28 February 2024 Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs
Inquiry into the Administrative Review Tribunal Bill 2023 and the Administrative Review Tribunal (Consequential and Transitional Provisions No.1) Bill 2023
13 February 2024 Standing Committee on Appropriations and Administration
Report No 28 - Additional Estimates 2023-2024

Spring Session 2023

Date tabled Committee and Report name
15 December 2023 Standing Committee on Regional Development, Infrastructure and Transport
Inquiry into the implications of severe weather events on the national regional, rural, and remote road network
7 December 2023 Standing Committee on Agriculture
Australian Food Story: Feeding the Nation and Beyond
30 November 2023 Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Resources
Sovereign, smart, sustainable: Driving advanced manufacturing in Australia
30 November 2023 Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services
Rebuilding Employment Services: Final report on Workforce Australia Employment Services
15 November 2023 Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts
Connecting the country: Mission critical - Inquiry into co-investment in multi-carrier regional mobile infrastructure

Winter Session 2023

Date tabled Committee and Report name
7 August 2023 Standing Committee on Procedure
Raising the Standard: Inquiry into recommendations 10 and 27 of Set the standard: Report on the Independent Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces
26 June 2023 Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs
You win some, you lose more
13 June 2023 Standing Committee on Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water
Inquiry into the 2009 and 2013 amendments to the 1996 Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972 (London Protocol)
11 May 2023 Standing Committee on Appropriations and Administration
Report No 26 - Budget Estimates 2023-2024

Autumn Session 2023

Date tabled Committee and Report name
19 April 2023 Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport
Sick and tired: Casting a long shadow
1 March 2023 Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services
Your Future Planning – Interim report on ParentsNext
16 February 2023 Standing Committee of Privileges and Members' Interests
Budget Estimates 2022-23 Report No.25

Spring session 2022

Date tabled Committee and Report name
27 October 2022 Standing Committee on Appropriations and Administration
Budget Estimates 2022-23 Report No.25
27 October 2022 Standing Committee on Appropriations and Administration
Annual Report 2021-22 Report No.24

Autumn session 2022

Date tabled Committee and Report name
31 March 2022 Standing Committee on Health, Age Care and Sport
Inquiry into childhood rheumatic diseases: Interim report
31 March 2022 Standing Committee on Infrastructure, Transport and Cities
Government Procurement: A sovereign security imperative
25 March 2022 Standing Committee on Economics
Uncharted Territory: Review of the Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Reports 2019 and 2020
23 March 2022 Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts
The Future of Regional Newspapers in a Digital World
22 March 2022 Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training
Inquiry into the Fair Work Commission Annual Report 2019-20
22 March 2022 Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training
Don't take it as read: Inquiry into adult literacy and its importance
21 March 2022 Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs
Interim report on better corporate engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers: an issues paper
17 March 2022 Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue
The Australian Dream: Inquiry into housing affordability and supply in Australia
17 March 2022 Standing Committee on Economics
Report on the implications of common ownership and capital concentration in Australia
15 March 2022 Select Committee on Regional Australia
Pride of Place: Inquiry into the future of Regional Australia
15 March 2022 Select Committee on Social Media and Online Safety
Social Media and Online Safety
9 February 2022 Standing Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources
Supporting a strong future for Australian aquaculture: Australian aquaculture sector
31 January 2022 Standing Committee on Procedure
Maintenance of the standing orders

Spring session 2021

Date tabled Committee and Report name
2 December 2021 Standing Committee on Industry, Innovation, Science and Resources
The Now Frontier: Developing Australia's Space Industry
29 November 2021 Standing Committee on Economics
Review of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Annual Reports 2019 and 2020
25 November 2021 Standing Committee on Health, Age Care and Sport
The New Frontier - Delivering better health for all Australians: Inquiry into approval processes for new drugs and novel medical technologies in Australia
1 November 2021 Select Committee on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention - Final Report
27 October 2021 Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts
Sculpting a National Cultural Plan: Igniting a post-COVID economy for the arts
26 October 2021 Standing Committee of Privileges and Members' Interests
Report concerning legal action in the Federal Court of Australia and possible issues of parliamentary privilege
26 October 2021 Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue
2018-19 Commissioner of Taxation Annual Report
25 October 2021 Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue
The Development of the Australian Corporate Bond Market: A Way Forward

Winter session 2021

Date Tabled Committee and Report name
28 August 2021 Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue
Owning a Share of Your Work: Tax Treatment of Employee Share Schemes
4 August 2021 Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee
Final report: Inquiry into homelessness in Australia
24 June 2021 House of Representatives Standing Committee on Petitions
Report on the inquiry into aspects of petitioning security and accessibility
22 June 2021 Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee
Inquiry into Ending Indefinite and Arbitrary Immigration Detention Bill 2021—Statement to the House, 22 June 2021
13 May 2021 Standing Committee on Procedure
A window on the House: Inquiry into the practices and procedures relating to question time

Autumn session 2021

Date Tabled Committee and Report name
15 April 2021 Select Committee on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention - Interim Report
23 March 2021 Standing Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources
Aussie logs for Aussie jobs
4 February 2021 Standing Committee on Environment and Energy
Tackling the feral cat pandemic: a plan to save Australian wildlife: Report of the inquiry into the problem of feral and domestic

Spring session 2020

Date tabled Committee and Report name
11 December 2020 Standing Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources
Growing Australia: Inquiry into growing Australian agriculture to $100 billion by 2030
9 December 2020 Standing Committee on Economics
Review of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Annual Report 2019
9 December 2020 Standing Committee on Economics
Review of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Annual Report 2019 (Second Report)
9 December 2020 Standing Committee on Infrastructure, Transport and Cities
Inquiry options for financing faster rail
7 December 2020 Standing Committee on Procedure
Report of the inquiry into the practices and procedures put in place by the House in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
7 December 2020 Standing Committee on Industry, Innovation, Science
From Rubbish to Resources: Building a Circular Economy
11 November 2020 Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training
Education in remote and complex environments
8 October 2020 Standing Committee on Appropriations and Administration
Report No 20 - Annual Report 2019-2020
8 October 2020 Standing Committee on Appropriations and Administration
Report No 19 - Budget Estimates 2020-2021
7 October 2020 Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs
Shelter in the storm – COVID-19 and homelessness: Interim report of the inquiry into homelessness in Australia
31 August 2020 Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy
Advisory report on the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Amendment (Transparency in Carbon Emissions Accounting) Bill 2020
31 August 2020 Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy
Parliamentary Delegation to India: 3 to 7 November 2019

Autumn session 2020

Date tabled Committee and Report name
15 June 2020 Standing Committee on Health Aged Care and Sport
Walking the allergy tightrope: Addressing the rise of allergies and anaphylaxis in Australia
12 May 2020 Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts
The Next Gen Future: Inquiry into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia
27 March 2020 Select Committee on Regional Australia
Interim Report on the Inquiry into Regional Australia
5 March 2020 Standing Committee on Economics
Advisory report on the Banking Amendment (Rural Finance Reform) Bill 2019
5 March 2020 Standing Committee on Economics
Review of the Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report 2019 (First Report)
5 March 2020 Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy
Report of the inquiry into vegetation and land management policy relating to bushfires: Inquiry into the efficacy of past and current vegetation and land management policy, practice and legislation and their effect on the intensity and frequency of bushfires and subsequent risk to property, life and the environment
5 March 2020 Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs
Protecting the age of innocence: Report of the inquiry into age verification for online wagering and online pornography
2 March 2020 Standing Committee on Economics
Review of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Annual Report 2019
10 February 2020 Standing Committee on Economics
Review of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Annual Report 2018

Spring session 2019

Date tabled Committee and Report name
13 December 2019 Standing Committee on Environment and Energy
Not without your approval: a way forward for nuclear technology in Australia: Report of the inquiry into the prerequisites for nuclear energy in Australia
12 December 2019 Standing Committee on Economics
Review of the Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report 2018 (Second Report)
28 November 2019 Standing Committee on Appropriations and Administration
Report No.18 Annual Report 2018-2019
28 November 2019 Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training
Status of the teaching profession
25 November 2019 Standing Committee on Economics
Review of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Annual Report 2018