Daily Program 28/03/2017

House of Representatives
Parl No.
28 Mar 2017

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Tuesday, 28 March 2017

12 noon

Acknowledgement of country


Messages from the Senate

Speaker to report messages from the Senate returning bills without amendment or requests.

Government business

Orders of the day

No. 1 — Competition and Consumer Amendment (Misuse of Market Power) Bill 2016 — Further consideration in detail; third reading, by leave.

No. 2 — Biosecurity Amendment (Ballast Water and Other Measures) Bill 2017 — Resumption of debate on second reading; second reading; consideration in detail; third reading, by leave.

No. 3 — Disability Services Amendment (Linking Upper Age Limits for Disability Employment Services to Pension Age) Bill 2017 — Resumption of debate on second reading; second reading; consideration in detail; third reading, by leave.

No. 4 — Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Amendment (Polar Code) Bill 2017 — Resumption of debate on second reading; second reading; consideration in detail; third reading, by leave.

At 1.30 pm

Members’ statements — Speaker to call on Members’ statements.

(Each Member — 90 seconds. Total time allotted — 30 minutes)

At 2 pm

Speaker to call on —

Questions without notice

Presentation of documents — Ministers

Matter of public importance

If matter submitted, terms will be circulated after 12 noon to Members in the Chamber. Requires support of 8 Members.

Ministerial statements, by leave

Report from committee

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights Mr Goodenough
(Chair — Moore) to present the following report and seek leave to make a statement:

Human rights scrutiny report: Report 3 of 2017.

Government business – continued

Orders of the day – continued

No. 5 — Crimes Amendment (Penalty Unit) Bill 2017 — Resumption of debate on second reading; second reading; consideration in detail; third reading, by leave.

No. 6 — Copyright Amendment (Disability Access and Other Measures) Bill 2017 — Resumption of debate on second reading; second reading; consideration in detail; third reading, by leave.

No. 7 — Personal Property Securities Amendment (PPS Leases) Bill 2017 — Resumption of debate on second reading; second reading; consideration in detail; third reading, by leave.

No. 8 — Social Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 — Resumption of debate on second reading; second reading; consideration in detail; third reading, by leave.


Question expected to be proposed at 7.30 pm and debate to conclude by 8 pm, unless otherwise ordered.

(The next sitting of the House is expected to commence at 9.30 am on Wednesday, 29 March 2017.)

David Elder

Clerk of the House of Representatives

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

4 pm

3 minute constituency statements

Chair to call on 3 minute constituency statements.

(Each Member — 3 minutes. Total time allotted — 30 minutes, irrespective of suspensions for divisions in the House.)

Government business

Orders of the day

No. 1 — Appropriation Bill (No. 3) 2016-2017 — Resumption of debate on second reading; second reading; consideration in detail; report.

No. 2 — Appropriation Bill (No. 4) 2016-2017 — Resumption of debate on second reading; second reading; consideration in detail; report.



No. 3 — Last veterans’ mission to Korea—Ministerial statement — Resumption of debate on the motion of Mr Pyne (Leader of the House) — That the House take note of the document.

Debate to be adjourned.

Committee and delegation business

Orders of the day

No. 1 — Standing Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources — Report — Safe keeping: Inquiry into the biosecurity of Australian honey bees — Resumption of debate on the motion of Mr R. J. Wilson (O’Connor) — That the House take note of the report.

Debate to be adjourned.


Question expected to be proposed at approximately 7.30 pm (no debate), unless otherwise ordered.

(The next meeting of the Federation Chamber is expected to commence at 10 am on Wednesday, 29 March 2017.)

David Elder

Clerk of the House of Representatives

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