Child safe framework compliance

Commonwealth Child Safe Framework compliance statement 2023 (PDF 58KB)

The Department of the Senate is committed to promoting a culture that does not permit or tolerate child harm or abuse, and protects children by creating and maintaining behaviours and practices that are safe for children.

The majority of the department's involvement with children is through the work of the Parliamentary Education Office, which provides education programs to school children at Parliament House, through outreach visits to schools and through video conference programs. From time to time, the department may also have contact with children through our work providing secretariat support to Parliamentary committees. For example, committee inquiries may involve interaction with children during hearings or site visits. The department may also interact with children through our support of special events, such as Parliament House open day.

We are compliant with the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework, the core requirements of which are: (i) undertake annual risk assessments, (ii) establish a system of training and compliance, (iii) adopt the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, and (iv) publish an annual statement of compliance.

In 2023, the department undertook a risk assessment which determined that the overall child safety risk rating for the department is 'low'. This was consistent with risk assessments conducted in previous years. The assessment again confirms the appropriateness of the department's child safety measures, training and systems. The department has in place a Policy on Child Safety detailing the department's commitment to child safety and what is required by departmental employees to support this commitment.

The department understands that managing child safety risks is an ongoing process and will continue to regularly analyse and review the measures we have in place to mitigate risks.