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The Senate
Order of Business

Sitting is adjourned

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Last updated: Friday, 20 September 2024 at 9:54 AM
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Thursday, 19 September 2024

1. Acknowledgement of country and prayers

Commenced 9:00 AM

2. Tabling of documents by Clerk

Commenced 9:01 AM
Documents tabled

3. Committees—proposed meetings to be authorised


4. Private senators’ bills

Commenced 9:01 AM

Private senators’ bill

81—Blayney Gold Mine Bill 2024—second reading debate

Commenced 9:01 AM
Debate interrupted at 10 am

Not later than 10 am

5. Attendance by minister—Explanation

Minister representing the Minister for Defence (Senator Wong) to attend pursuant to order of 18 September 2024 relating to the Office of the Inspector‑General of the Australian Defence Force twenty-year review (see page 14 of the Notice Paper)

Commenced 10:00 AM
Motion to take note of the minister’s statement agreed to

6. Government business orders of the day

Standing order 24 allows any Senator to question a minister about government responsiveness to the Scrutiny of Bills committee

Commenced 10:30 AM

1—Government bill

Paid Parental Leave Amendment (Adding Superannuation for a More Secure Retirement) Bill 2024—in committee

Committee of the whole amendments:

Running sheet

  • Sheet 2854 - Opposition -{{Division #1190 in progress}}
Commenced 10:30 AM
Bill passed without amendments

2—Government bill

Australian Human Rights Commission Amendment (Costs Protection) Bill 2023

Second reading -{{Division #1191 in progress}}

Committee of the whole amendments:

Running sheet - revised

Commenced 10:40 AM
Committee reported progress

At 11.15 am

7. Notices of motion

Commenced 11:15 AM

Chair of the Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation (Senator O’Neill) to withdraw business of the Senate notice no. 1 for 4 sitting days after today

Commenced 11:15 AM
Notice given

8. Reference of bills

Commenced 11:16 AM

Chair of the Selection of Bills Committee (Senator Urquhart) to present report no. 11 of 2024 for adoption

Commenced 11:16 AM
Report tabled. Motion to adopt the report agreed to, as amended

9. Placing of business

Commenced 11:59 AM

Manager of Government Business (Senator Gallagher) to move a motion relating to—

Government business to be considered at 12.15 pm

Order of general business for today

Commenced 11:59 AM
Agreed to

Postponements to be authorised

Commenced 11:59 AM
Postponements authorised

Committees—extensions of time to be authorised

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee—Defence honours and awards system—from 28 November 2024 to 28 February 2025

Commenced 11:59 AM
Agreed to

10. Formal motions

Commenced 12:00 PM

Business of the Senate

1—Senator Dean Smith—Reference to Economics References Committee (Preparations for the 2026 Census)

Postponed to 9 October 2024

Business of the Senate

2—Senator Whish-Wilson—Reference to Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee (Australian winegrape purchases code of conduct)

Commenced 12:00 PM
Agreed to

General business

629—Senator Duniam—Order for production of documents—Antarctic operations

Commenced 12:00 PM
Agreed to

General business

630—Senator Duniam—Order for production of documents—Macquarie Island modernisation project

Commenced 12:01 PM
Agreed to

General business

632—Senator Antic—Order for production of documents—eSafety Commissioner -{{Division #1195 in progress}}

Commenced 12:01 PM
The senate divided

General business

633—Senator David Pocock—Order for production of documents—CSIRO—Australian carbon credit units

Commenced 12:08 PM
Agreed to

General business

635—Senator Thorpe—Order for production of documents—Non-disclosure agreements

Commenced 12:09 PM
Agreed to

General business

636—Senator Thorpe—Order for production of documents—Ilpeye Ilpeye Aboriginal Corporation

Commenced 12:10 PM
Agreed to

General business

637—Senator Thorpe—Order for production of documents—Deaths in custody (altered on 18 September 2024 – so77) -{{Division #1196 in progress}}

Commenced 12:10 PM
Agreed to
The Senate divided

General business

638—Senator Thorpe—Order for production of documents—Legal services—Funding (altered on 18 September 2024 – so77)

General business

639—Senator Henderson—Order for production of documents—Student visas

12. Messages

Message from the Governor-General informing the Senate of assent to certain laws

13. Business to be considered

Commenced 12:20 PM

Business of the Senate notices of motion

2—Senator Whish-Wilson—Reference to Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee (Australian winegrape purchases code of conduct)

Business of the Senate order of the day

2—Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee—Proposed reference (Establishment of judicial commission)—Resumption of debate on motion moved by Senator Rennick

At 12.15 pm

Government business continued

5—Government bill

National Health Amendment (Technical Changes to Averaging Price Disclosure Threshold and Other Matters) Bill 2024—second reading debate

Commenced 12:20 PM
Bill passed without amendments

2—Government bill

Australian Human Rights Commission Amendment (Costs Protection) Bill 2023

Second reading - agreed to (see item 6 above)

Committee of the whole amendments:

Running sheet - revised

Commenced 12:36 PM
Committee reported progress

3—Government bills

Future Made in Australia Bill 2024
Future Made in Australia (Omnibus Amendments No. 1) Bill 2024—second reading debate

Second reading amendment:

Committee of the whole amendments:

4—Government bills

Nature Positive (Environment Protection Australia) Bill 2024
Nature Positive (Environment Information Australia) Bill 2024
Nature Positive (Environment Law Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2024—second reading debate

At 1.30 pm

14. 2 minute statements

Commenced 1:30 PM

At 2 pm

15. Questions

Commenced 2:00 PM

15a. Proposed suspension of standing orders

Senator Wong moved to suspend standing orders to move a motion to allow for the consideration of legislation.

  • Closure motion -{{Division #1199 in progress}}
  • Suspension of standing orders -{{Division #1200 in progress}}
  • Procedural motion closure -{{Division #1201 in progress}}
  • Procedural motion -{{Division #1202 in progress}}
  • Motion to allow for the consideration of legislation -{{Division #1203 in progress}}

Commenced 3:02 PM
Agreed to

15b. Government business

Commenced 3:21 PM

2—Government bill

Australian Human Rights Commission Amendment (Costs Protection) Bill 2023

Second reading - agreed to (see item 6 above)

Committee of the whole amendments:

Running sheet - revised

  • Sheet 2384 - Opposition - negatived (see item 13 above)
  • Sheet 2933 - Opposition -{{Division #1205 in progress}}
  • Sheet 2565 - Senator David Pocock -{{Division #1204 in progress}}
  • Sheet 2566 - Senator David Pocock - negatived (see item 13 above)

The remaining stages of the bill be agreed to and the bill be now passed -{{Division #1206 in progress}}

Commenced 3:21 PM
Bill passed without amendments

16. Motions to take note of answers

Commenced 3:38 PM

16a. Personal explanation by a Senator Nampijinpa Price

Commenced 4:10 PM

17. Tabling and consideration of committee reports and government responses

Commenced 4:12 PM

Economics References Committee (Senator Bragg)—

Improving consumer experiences, choice, and outcomes in Australia’s retirement system—Second interim report

Inflation rate statistics—Final report

Commenced 4:12 PM
Reports tabled

Government responses—

Education and Employment Legislation Committee—Report—Australian Research Council Amendment (Review Response) Bill 2023 [Provisions]

Select Committee on the Perth Mint and Commonwealth regulatory compliance—Final report

Commenced 4:33 PM
Documents tabled

18 - 19.Consideration of documents listed on the Notice Paper, see page 9

Consideration of committee reports, government responses and Auditor‑General’s reports listed on the Notice Paper, see page 10

Commenced 4:39 PM

19. Consideration of committee reports, government responses and Auditor‑General’s reports listed on the Notice Paper, see page 10

Commenced 4:46 PM

20. Ministerial statements

Commenced 4:58 PM
Commenced 4:58 PM
Documents tabled

20a. Committee memberships

Commenced 5:01 PM
Agreed to

20b. Messages

Commenced 5:01 PM

Message from the Governor-General informing the Senate of assent to certain laws

Commenced 5:01 PM
Message reported

21. General business debate

Commenced 5:02 PM

Notice of motion no. 634—Senator David Pocock—Gambling advertising

Commenced 5:02 PM
Vote deferred

22. Adjournment proposed—5.30 pm

Commenced 5:30 PM
Debate concluded

23. Adjournment—not later than 6 pm

Commenced 5:50 PM
The Senate adjourned at 5.50pm

Richard Pye

Clerk of the Senate