Senate Occasional Lecture Series transcripts - 2002

N.B. The following are the original transcripts provided by the lecturers. They have not been edited in anyway.

Date Presenter Transcript Multimedia
08/11/02 Bruce Stone Australian Bicameralism Beyond the Senate: Potential and Performance in the State Upper Houses (PDF 68KB)
25/10/02 Don Russell The Role of Executive Government in Australia (PDF 68KB)
11/10/02 Ross McMullin Vigour, Rigour and Charisma: The Remarkable Pompey Elliott, Soldier and Senator (PDF 56KB)
23/08/02 Gary Johns Senate Occasional Lecture (PDF 92KB)
21/06/02 Pat Barrett Auditing in a changing governance environment (PDF 211KB)
17/05/02 Campbell Sharman Politics at the Margin: Independents and the Australian Political System (PDF 70KB)
22/03/02 Professor Ted Morton Senate Envy: Why Western Canada Wants What Australia Has (PDF 67KB)
15/02/02 Dr Julianne Schultz Two Cultures: the Media versus Parliament (PDF 71KB)