The Hansard is the report of the proceedings of the Australian parliament and its committees. This includes the Senate, House of Representatives, the Federation Chamber and all parliamentary committees.

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2022-2023 Supplementary Budget Estimates

Transcript Date Transcript title Transcript Links
07 Jul 2014 Senate - Final PDF: Senate - Final - 07 Jul 2014 XML: Senate - Final - 07 Jul 2014 ParlInfo Link: Senate - Final - 07 Jul 2014
08 Jul 2014 House of Representatives - Final PDF: House of Representatives - Final - 08 Jul 2014 XML: House of Representatives - Final - 08 Jul 2014 ParlInfo Link: House of Representatives - Final - 08 Jul 2014
08 Jul 2014 Senate - Final PDF: Senate - Final - 08 Jul 2014 XML: Senate - Final - 08 Jul 2014 ParlInfo Link: Senate - Final - 08 Jul 2014
09 Jul 2014 Senate - Final PDF: Senate - Final - 09 Jul 2014 XML: Senate - Final - 09 Jul 2014 ParlInfo Link: Senate - Final - 09 Jul 2014
10 Jul 2014 Senate - Final PDF: Senate - Final - 10 Jul 2014 XML: Senate - Final - 10 Jul 2014 ParlInfo Link: Senate - Final - 10 Jul 2014

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To provide an accurate, substantially verbatim account of the proceedings of the parliament and its committees which, while usually correcting obvious mistakes, neither adds to nor detracts from the meaning of the speech or the illustration of the argument. Read full mission statement