Inquiry into the tourism industry in Australia

House Select Committee on Tourism


On 26 October 1978, the Select Committee on Tourism tabled its Final report.

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This report is available in two parts to reduce download size.
If you have difficulty accessing the report, please contact the Committee Office.

This report is comprised of preliminary pages, 16 chapters and 4 appendices.

Final report of the Select Committee on Tourism

Part A: Preliminary pages up to Chapter 9 (PDF 3462KB)
Contents, Terms of Reference, List of Abbreviations, Committee Membership, Conclusions and Recommendations
Ch1: Introduction

Ch2: Definitions
Ch3: The significance of tourism in the Australian economy
Ch4: Special features of tourism
Ch5: The potential of tourism in Australia
Ch6: The development of tourism in Australia
Ch7: The importance of transport in the development of tourism
Ch8: Accommodation and other services

Ch9: Promotion of tourism

Part B: Chapter 10 to Appendix 4 (end) (PDF 3024KB)
Ch10: Role of the Commonwealth Government
Ch11: Role of State and Territory governments
Ch12: Role of local government
Ch13: Role of the industry
Ch14: Statistical needs
Ch15: Short term and long term issues
Ch16: Conclusions
Appendix 1: List of witnesses
Appendix 2: Persons and organisations who made submissions but were not called to appear
Appendix 3: The Cooper-Pigram Paper
Appendix 4: Commonwealth and State responsibilities