Annual Report 2015-16


1.1        The Standing Committee on Appropriations, Staffing and Security is appointed under Senate standing order 19. The Committee inquires into:

1.2        Following the Senate's adoption in March 2015 of the recommendations of the Procedure Committee in its First Report of 2015, the name of the Committee was changed from the Appropriations and Staffing Committee to the Appropriations, Staffing and Security Committee.

1.3        Standing order 19(3)(d) was also amended, giving the Committee the capacity to consider the administration, operation and funding of security measures affecting the Senate and advise the President and the Senate as appropriate.[1]

1.4        Under a resolution of the Senate agreed to in 1987 the Committee also examines proposed changes in the structure and responsibilities of the parliamentary departments and, following the adoption by the Senate on 27 November 2012 of the recommendation in the Committee’s 54th Report, the Committee may advise the President and the Senate on the administration and funding of information and communications technology services for the Parliament.

1.5        Under standing order 19(3)(c) the Committee is required to make an annual report to the Senate on the operations of the Senate’s appropriations and staffing and related matters.

1.6        The Committee is chaired by the President of the Senate and includes the Deputy President and 8 other senators. The Senate Leaders of the Government and the Opposition are ex officio members.[2]

Committee membership

1.7        During the year, which saw the dissolution of the Senate on 9 May 2016, the following senators were Committee members:

Committee activities

1.8        During the reporting period, the Committee tabled two reports:

1.9        The Committee met on two occasions. At its meeting on 15 October 2015, the Committee:

1.10      At its meeting on 2 December 2015, the Committee:

Senator the Hon Stephen Parry

November 2016

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