Daily Program 02/03/2015

House of Representatives
Parl No.
02 Mar 2015

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Description: dailyprogram2

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Monday, 2 March 2015

10 am

Acknowledgement of country



Petitions Committee — Dr Jensen (Chair — Tangney) to present petitions and Ministerial responses.

Statements may be made (statements to conclude by 10.10 am).

Committee and delegation business

bf4f6372-8764-4eae-879f-61ad3f16626aPresentation and statements

No. 1 — Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit — Dr Southcott (Chair — Boothby) to present the following report:

Report 447: EPBC Act, Cyber Security, Mail Screening, ABR and Helicopter Program—Review of Auditor-General Reports Nos. 32-54 (2013-14).

Statements on the report may be made.
(Time allotted for statements — all statements to conclude by 10.20 am
Speech time limits —
Dr Southcott — 5 minutes.
Next Member — 5 minutes.
Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 2 x 5 minutes.)

Dr Southcott to move — That the House take note of the report.

Debate to be adjourned.

Dr Southcott to move — That the order of the day be referred to the Federation Chamber. Question to be put.

Private Members’ business


No. 1 — Imported Food Warning Labels Bill 2015 — Mr Katter (Kennedy) to present a bill. First reading. Second reading to be moved. (Time allowed — 10 minutes.)

No. 2 — Australian Defence Force — Mrs Prentice (Ryan) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in her name.

(Time allotted for debate — 50 minutes.
Speech time limits —
Mrs Prentice — 10 minutes.
Next Member — 10 minutes.
Other Members — 5 minutes each.
Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 2 x 10 mins + 6 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

No. 3 — Social services funding — Ms O’Neil (Hotham) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in her name.

(Time allotted for debate — remaining private Members’ business time prior to 12 noon.
Speech time limits —
Ms O’Neil — 5 minutes.
Other Members — 5 minutes each.
Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 8 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

At 12 noon

Committee — Appointment of Member

Minister, by leave, to move motion appointing a Member to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement.

Report from committee

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security— Mr Tehan (Chair — Wannon) to present the following report and seek leave to make a statement:

Advisory report on the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Bill 2014.

Government business

Orders of the day

No. 1 — Australian Securities and Investments Commission Amendment (Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee Abolition) Bill 2014 — Resumption of debate on second reading; second reading; 77987940-c8dc-4ab8-a65a-1d077a55a405consideration in detail; third reading, by leave.

At 1.30 pm

Members’ statements — Speaker to call on Members’ statements.

(Each Member — 90 seconds. Total time allotted — 30 minutes)

At 2 pm

Speaker to call on —

Questions without notice

Presentation of documents — Ministers

Ministerial statements, by leave

Government business – continued

Orders of the day – continued

No. 2 — Appropriation Bill (No. 3) 2014-2015 — Resumption of debate on second reading and on the amendment moved by Mr A. S. Burke (Watson).

Cognate debate with order of the day No. 3, Appropriation Bill (No. 4) 2014‑2015 and order of the day No. 4, Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 2) 2014-2015.

Debate to be adjourned.1

No. 5 — Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2014 — Resumption of debate on second reading.

If no objection, cognate debate with order of the day No. 6, Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Regulatory Levies) Amendment (Designated Coastal Waters) Bill 2014, order of the day No. 7, Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Miscellaneous Matters) Bill 2015 and order of the day No. 8, Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Regulatory Levies) Amendment (Miscellaneous Matters) Bill 2015.

Debate to be adjourned.


Question expected to be proposed at 9 pm and debate to conclude by 9.30 pm, unless otherwise ordered.

(The next sitting of the House is expected to commence at 12 noon on Tuesday, 3 March 2015.)

David Elder

Clerk of the House of Representatives

Description: j0296193

Monitor House Chamber events by using the Votes Officer’s Minutes online at


The Votes Officer’s Minutes are updated every minute
so refresh your screen regularly to see the latest item.

Channel 103 of the House Monitoring System provides captions of current proceedings in the House of Representatives Chamber.

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Description: Fed_Chamber-Graphic-Feb2012

Monday, 2 March 2015

10.30 am

3 minute constituency statements

Chair to call on 3 minute constituency statements.

(Each Member — 3 minutes. Total time allotted — 30 minutes, irrespective of suspensions for divisions in the House).

4dd1d88b-4f86-4a89-9fa8-417c691dc5feAt 11 am

Private Members’ business


No. 1 — International Women’s Day — Ms Claydon (Newcastle) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in her name.

(Time allotted for debate — 30 minutes.
Speech time limits —
Ms Claydon — 5 minutes.
Other Members — 5 minutes each.
Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 6 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

No. 2 — Development of Northern Australia — Mr E. T. Jones (Herbert) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in his name.

(Time allotted for debate — 60 minutes.
Speech time limits —
Mr E. T. Jones — 10 minutes.
Next Member — 10 minutes.
Other Members — 5 minutes each.
Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 2 x 10 mins + 8 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

No. 3 — Mobile Black Spot Programme — Ms McGowan (Indi) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in her name.

(Time allotted for debate — 30 minutes.
Speech time limits —
Ms McGowan — 5 minutes.
Other Members — 5 minutes each.
Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 6 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

No. 4 — Testing and labelling of food imports — Ms Parke (Fremantle) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in her name.

(Time allotted for debate — remaining private Members’ business time prior to 1.30 pm
Speech time limits —
Ms Parke — 5 minutes.
Other Members — 5 minutes each.
Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 6 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

At 1.30 pm the Federation Chamber meeting will be suspended.

At 4 pm the meeting of the Federation Chamber is expected to be resumed.

Members’ statements —Chair to call on Members’ statements.

(Each Member — 90 seconds. Total time allotted — 45 minutes)

Government business

Orders of the day

If no Member present objects, Grievance debate may commence at 4.45 pm.

No. 1 — Grievance debate — Question — That grievances be noted.

(Each Member — 10 minutes.)

After 1 hour, unless debate adjourned earlier, the debate is interrupted in accordance with standing order 192B.


Question expected to be proposed at approximately 5.45 pm (no debate), unless otherwise ordered.

(The next meeting of the Federation Chamber is expected to commence at
9.30 am on Wednesday, 4 March 2015.)


Clerk of the House of Representatives

Description: j0296193

Monitor Federation Chamber events by using the Assistant Votes Officer’s Minutes online at


The Assistant Votes Officer’s Minutes are updated every minute
so refresh your screen regularly to see the latest item.

Channel 106 of the House Monitoring System provides captions of current proceedings in the Federation Chamber.

Description: committee

Monday, 2 March 2015

Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

Treaty tabled 18 June 2014

Treaty tabled 24 November 2014

Treaty tabled on 2 December 2014

Committee Room 2R1, Parliament House, Canberra commencing at 11.10 am

Contact: Secretary 02 6277 4002


Clerk of the House of Representatives

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