Daily Program 30/08/2016

House of Representatives
Parl No.
30 Aug 2016

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Opening Program


Tuesday, 30th August 2016


Welcome to Country ceremony

Prior to Members assemble in the Great Hall for the Welcome to Country ceremony.

9 am

9.30 am Welcome to Country ceremony concludes.

Announcement of proclamation calling Parliament together, procession to Senate and opening declaration by the Deputy of the Governor-General

10.25 am Bells.

Members assemble in the Chamber.

Serjeant-at-Arms places Mace below Table as bells cease — Members to be seated.

10.30 am The Clerk reads the proclamation calling Parliament together.

House awaits arrival of Usher of the Black Rod at Chamber door.

Serjeant-at-Arms, from the Bar of the House, announces —

“Honourable Members — The Usher of the Black Rod with a Message from the Deputy appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General”.

Usher of the Black Rod, who is received standing, states —

“Honourable Members — The Deputy of His Excellency the Governor‑General desires your attendance in the Senate Chamber”.

Usher of the Black Rod retires.

All Members remain in their places until the Serjeant-at-Arms and Clerks take up their positions at the lower step of the main aisle.

Order of procession to Senate Chamber —



Party Leaders


On entering the Senate Chamber, Members bow to the Governor-General’s Deputy and should take available seats immediately.

The authority of the Deputy to open Parliament will be read. The Deputy declares Parliament open and then informs Parliament that after Members have made an oath or affirmation of allegiance and the Speaker has been chosen, His Excellency the Governor‑General will declare the causes of the calling together of the Parliament.

Members return to the House (Serjeant-at-Arms, Clerks and Party Leaders heading the procession).

There is a pause in the proceedings at this point while Justice Kiefel is escorted to the Chamber.

Administration of the oath or affirmation of allegiance to Members

10.55 am Serjeant-at-Arms conducts the Hon Susan Mary Kiefel AC,

(approx) Justice of the High Court of Australia, to the Chamber.

Serjeant-at-Arms, from the Bar of the House, announces —

“Honourable Members — The Honourable Susan Mary Kiefel AC, Justice of the High Court of Australia.”

and conducts her to the Chair.

Justice Kiefel is received standing and her Associate hands to the Clerk to be read the Justice’s authority to administer the oath or affirmation of allegiance. The Clerk reads the authority.

The Clerk lays on the Table the writs for the general election of Members of the House of Representatives held on 2 July 2016.

The Clerk then says —

“Will honourable Members please come to the Table in the order in which their names are read, so that they may make an oath or affirmation”.

Senior officers hand forms to Members as they come to the Table.

Members make an oath or affirmation at the Table and sign form.

The number of Members sworn and affirmed is inserted on Attestation forms.

Justice Kiefel signs the Attestation forms.

Justice Kiefel retires, preceded by the Serjeant-at-Arms, Members standing.

Election of Speaker

11.35 am Election of Speaker takes place.


The Speaker is conducted to the Chair by the proposer and seconder and is received by the Members and Clerks standing. The Speaker stands on the upper step and says —

“I wish to express my grateful thanks for the high honour the House has been pleased to confer upon me”.

Speaker takes the Chair.

Serjeant-at-Arms places Mace on the Table.

Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, Leader of The Nationals and other Members offer their congratulations.

Speaker makes acknowledgment.

The Prime Minister informs the House —

“I have ascertained that it will be His Excellency the Governor-General’s pleasure to receive the Speaker, in the Members’ Hall immediately after the resumption of the sitting at 2.40 pm”.

Speaker announces —

“Prior to my presentation to His Excellency this afternoon, the bells will ring for 5 minutes so that honourable Members may attend in the Chamber and accompany me to the Members’ Hall.

The sitting is suspended until 2.40 pm”.

The Speaker leaves the Chamber.


Presentation of Speaker to Governor-General

2.35 pm Bells.

2.40 pm Serjeant-at-Arms announces Speaker.

Speaker resumes the Chair.

On advice from the Clerk, Speaker says —

“I shall be glad if honourable Members will accompany me when I present myself to His Excellency the Governor-General”.

Order passing through Chamber is —

Serjeant-at-Arms (with Mace)



Party Leaders


In the Members’ Hall the Speaker goes to a position facing the Governor‑General and says —

“Your Excellency — I have the honour to present myself as the Speaker chosen by the House of Representatives”.

His Excellency congratulates the Speaker.

His Excellency will hand to the Speaker an authority to administer the oath or affirmation of allegiance to Members.

Speaker thanks His Excellency.

Speaker takes leave of His Excellency and then moves to join the Members.

Speaker says — “Honourable Members, I invite you to accompany me back to the House.”

Speaker, preceded by the Serjeant-at-Arms, accompanied by the Clerks, and followed by Party Leaders and Members, returns to the House.

Speaker resumes the Chair and reports —

“I have to report that, accompanied by honourable Members, I proceeded to the Members’ Hall and presented myself to His Excellency the Governor-General as the choice of the House as its Speaker, and that His Excellency was kind enough to congratulate me.

His Excellency also presented to me an authority to administer to Members the oath or affirmation of allegiance. I now lay the authority on the Table”.

Oaths or affirmations are administered to any Members not already sworn or affirmed.

There is a pause in the proceedings at this point while the Senate assembles and the Governor-General proceeds to that Chamber.

House processes to Senate Chamber to hear Governor-General’s speech

3.05 pm Usher of the Black Rod arrives at, and knocks on, Chamber door.

(approx) Serjeant-at-Arms, from the Bar of the House, announces the Usher of the Black Rod with a message from His Excellency the Governor-General.

Speaker says —

“Admit the Usher of the Black Rod”.

Usher of the Black Rod, who is received standing, states that His Excellency the Governor-General desires the attendance of honourable Members in the Senate Chamber.

Usher of the Black Rod retires.

Speaker remains standing and after a brief pause says —

“I shall be glad if honourable Members will accompany me to the Senate Chamber”.

Speaker, preceded by the Serjeant-at-Arms with Mace, accompanied by the Clerks, and followed by Party Leaders and Members, goes to the Senate Chamber where a chair at the Hansard table is provided for the Speaker. His Excellency will immediately invite the Speaker to be seated.

On entering the Senate Chamber, Members bow to the Governor-General and should take available seats immediately.

His Excellency declares the causes of the calling together of the Parliament. At the conclusion, the Official Secretary presents a copy of the speech to the Speaker, who stands to receive it. Speaker resumes seat.

His Excellency retires — Senators and Members standing.

Speaker and Members return to the House (Serjeant-at-Arms, Speaker, Clerks and Party Leaders leading the procession).

Formal business and bill

3.55 pm Speaker to call “The Honourable the Prime Minister” (who will announce the

(approx) Ministry, ministerial representation and Whips).

Speaker to call “The Honourable the Leader of the Opposition” (who will announce the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Australian Labor Party and Whips).

Speaker to call “The Honourable the Leader of The Nationals” (who will announce the Leader of The Nationals and Whips)

Speaker to call “The Honourable the Prime Minister”.

Prime Minister — “I present the Statute Law Revision Bill 2016.”

(signed copy of bill and the Explanatory Memorandum to be handed to Clerk).

First reading — Clerk reads the title.

Prime Minister — “I move — That the second reading be made an order of the day for the next sitting”.

Speaker puts the question — “That the motion be agreed to”.

Governor-General’s speech reported and formation of Address in Reply Committee

Speaker says — “I have to report that the House attended His Excellency the Governor-General in the Senate Chamber when His Excellency was pleased to make a speech to both Houses of the Parliament. I have received a copy of the speech which will be incorporated in Hansard for record purposes”.

Prime Minister to move that a Committee be appointed to prepare an Address in Reply to the speech delivered by His Excellency the Governor-General.

Speaker to put question.

Suspension of sitting

4 pm Speaker says — “I understand that it will suit the convenience of the House to

have the sitting suspended until 5pm. I will resume the Chair at that time”.

Resumption of sitting

4.55 pm Bells.

5 pm Serjeant-at-Arms announces Speaker.

Speaker resumes the Chair.

Election of Deputy Speaker and Second Deputy Speaker

The Deputy Speaker and Second Deputy Speaker are elected.

The Deputy Speaker and Second Deputy Speaker are then congratulated by the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, Leader of The Nationals and other Members and make acknowledgments.

Death of Eoin Harrap Cameron — Speaker to inform the House of the death of Eoin Harrap Cameron, a former Member (Lib, Stirling, 1993-98).

(As a mark of respect, all Members to stand.)

Government business

2016 Program of sittings Mr Pyne (Leader of the House), to present
2016 Program of sittings and, by leave, move motion.

(copies of the 2016 Program of sittings will be available to Members in the Chamber).

Debate may ensue. Speaker to put question.


Minister to move — That the House do now adjourn.

Speaker to put question.

(The next sitting of the House is expected to commence at 9 am on Wednesday, 31 August 2016).


Clerk of the House of Representatives