Senate disallowable instruments list

The disallowable instruments listed below have been tabled by the Clerk in the Senate. The official record of the tabling of these instruments may be found in the Journals of the Senate.

Notifications to which an asterisk (*) is prefixed appear for the first time.

What is delegated legislation?

Delegated legislation is law made by a person or body other than Parliament (such as the Governor-General or a minister), under authority granted to that person or body by the Parliament. Delegated legislation has the same force of law as an Act of Parliament. Individual pieces of delegated legislation are known by a variety of names, such as regulations, rules, or determinations; however, they are broadly termed 'legislative instruments'.

Parliament's consideration of delegated legislation

Disallowance is the primary mechanism by which the Parliament exercises control over delegated legislation. The disallowance process allows either House of the Parliament to veto a legislative instrument. All legislative instruments are subject to disallowance unless exempted by law.

Once a legislative instrument has been tabled in the Senate or the House of Representatives, any member of the relevant House may give a notice of motion to disallow a legislative instrument within 15 sitting days. Disallowance has the effect of repealing the legislative instrument.

For further information regarding the disallowance process, see Odgers' Australian Senate Practice or the Guide to Senate Procedure No. 19.

For information regarding disallowable instruments currently subject to a notice of motion to disallow see the Disallowance Alert

See also:

Presented to the Senate on 19 September 2024

*15 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow

  • Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024—Administrative Review Tribunal Regulations 2024 [F2024L01166].
  • Native Title Act 1993
    • Native Title (Indigenous Land Use Agreements) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01170].
    • Native Title (Notices) Determination 2024 [F2024L01172].
    • Native Title (Tribunal) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01169].
  • Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988—Guide for Arranging Rehabilitation Assessments and Requiring Examinations 2024 [F2024L01164].
  • Seat of Government (Administration) Act 1910—National Land (Road Transport) Ordinance 2014—National Land (Road Transport) (Parking) Rules 2024 [F2024L01168].

Presented to the Senate on 18 September 2024

14 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow

  • Aged Care Act 1997 and Aged Care (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997
    • Aged Care Legislation Amendment (September Indexation) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01157].
    • Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Subsidy and Other Measures) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01156].
  • Australian Capital Territory (Planning and Land Management) Act 1988—National Capital Plan Amendment (No. 99 – Molonglo Valley Town Centre) Amending Instrument [F2024L01132].
  • Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011—Autonomous Sanctions Regulations 2011Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons – Iran) Amendment (No. 2) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01165].
  • Corporations Act 2001 and Electronic Transactions Act 1999—Treasury Laws Amendment (Delivering Better Financial Outcomes) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01152].
  • Electronic Transactions Act 1999—Electronic Transactions Amendment Regulations 2024 [F2024L01147].
  • Fisheries Management Act 1991—Fisheries Management Legislation Amendment (Minor Updates to Management Plans) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01167].

Presented to the Senate on 17 September 2024

13 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow

  • Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983
    • Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Definition of senior political staff member) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01160].
    • Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Non-executive Director—Selection Criteria) Determination 2024 [F2024L01158].
  • Australian Education Act 2013—Australian Education Amendment (Capital Funding Indexation and Other Measures) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01155].
  • Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999—Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens – South Australian Beach-cast Marine Algae Fishery, September 2024—EPBC303DC/SFS/2024/19 [F2024L01150].
  • Legislation Act 2003
    • Legislation (Deferral of Sunsetting—Airport Instruments) Amendment Certificate 2024 [F2024L01140].
    • Legislation (Deferral of Sunsetting—National Security Information (Criminal and Civil Proceedings) Regulation) Certificate 2024 [F2024L01142].
  • Payment Times Reporting Act 2020—Payment Times Reporting Rules 2024 [F2024L01148].
  • Social Security Act 1991—Social Security (Youth Allowance — Satisfactory Study Progress) Guidelines 2024 [F2024L01149].
  • Special Broadcasting Service Act 1991—Special Broadcasting Service Corporation (Non-executive Director—Selection Criteria) Determination 2024 [F2024L01161].]

Presented to the Senate on 16 September 2024

12 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow

  • Legislation Act 2003
    • Legislation (Deferral of Sunsetting—Competition and Consumer (Industry Code—Port Terminal Access (Bulk Wheat)) Regulation) Certificate 2024 [F2024L01138].
    • Legislation (Deferral of Sunsetting—National Health (Immunisation Program—Designated Vaccines) Determination) Certificate 2024 [F2024L01136].
  • Migration Act 1958—Migration (Subclass 462 (Work and Holiday) Visa Pre-application Process) Determination (LIN 24/060) 2024 [F2024L01141].
  • Ministers of State Act 1952—Ministers of State Regulations 2024 [F2024L01145].
  • National Health Act 1953—National Health (Weighted average disclosed price – October 2024 reduction day) Amendment Determination 2024—PB 91 of 2024 [F2024L01134].
  • Radiocommunications (Spectrum Licence Tax) Act 1997—Radiocommunications (Spectrum Licence Tax) Amendment Determination 2024 (No. 1) [F2024L01146].
  • Social Security Act 1991—Social Security (Personal Care Support) (NSW Lifetime Care and Support Scheme – direct funding of treatment and care needs) Determination 2024 [F2024L01131].
  • Taxation Administration Act 1953—Taxation Administration (Withholding Variation for Certain Payments to US Resident Entertainers Including Athletes) Legislative Instrument 2024 [F2024L01123].

Presented to the Senate on 12 September 2024

11 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow

  • A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999—A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax): Waiver of Tax Invoice Requirement (Motor Vehicle Incentive Payment Made to Motor Vehicle Dealer) Determination 2024 [F2024L01121].
  • Corporations Act 2001—ASIC Corporations (Amendment) Instrument 2024/733 [F2024L01117].
  • Defence Act 1903
    • Defence Determination, Conditions of service Amendment Determination 2024 (No. 10) [F2024L01119].
    • Defence (Individual benefits) Determination 2024 (No. 4) [F2024L01126].
  • Excise Act 1901—Excise (Blending Exemptions) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01120].
  • Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Act 2001
    • Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 11 of 2024 [F2024L01124].
    • Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 12 of 2024 [F2024L01125].
    • Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 13 of 2024 [F2024L01127].
    • Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 14 of 2024 [F2024L01128].
  • Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018—Road Vehicle Standards Rules 2019—Road Vehicle Standards (Information on the Register of Approved Vehicles) Amendment Determination 2024 [F2024L01129].

Presented to the Senate on 11 September 2024

10 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow

  • Corporations Act 2001
    • ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Nexus Derivatives) Instrument 2024/603 [F2024L01113].
    • ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Nexus Derivatives Repeal) Instrument 2024/602 [F2024L01112].
  • Tax Agent Services Act 2009—Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Amendment (Measures No. 1) Determination 2024 [F2024L01118].

Presented to the Senate on 10 September 2024

9 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow

  • Corporations Act 2001
    • ASIC Corporations (Repeal) Instrument 2024/604 [F2024L01114].
    • ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting) 2024—ASIC Regulated Foreign Markets Determination (Amendment) Instrument 2024/605 [F2024L01115].

Presented to the Senate on 9 September 2024

8 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow

  • Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988—Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Amendment Regulations 2024 [F2024L01091].
  • Australian Communications and Media Authority Act 2005—Radiocommunications (Charges) Amendment Determination 2024 (No. 1) [F2024L01025]—Rectified authorised version.
  • Banking Act 1959
    • Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 1 of 2024 [F2024L01073].
    • Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 2 of 2024 [F2024L01074].
    • Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 3 of 2024 [F2024L01075].
  • Banking Act 1959, Insurance Act 1973, Life Insurance Act 1995 and Private Health Insurance (Prudential Supervision) Act 2015—Banking, Insurance, Life Insurance and Health Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 1 of 2024 [F2024L01053].
  • Banking Act 1959, Insurance Act 1973, Life Insurance Act 1995, Private Health Insurance (Prudential Supervision) Act 2015 and Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993—Banking, Insurance, Life Insurance, Health Insurance and Superannuation (prudential standard) variation No. 1 of 2024 [F2024L01107].
  • Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011—Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Rule 2015—Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) (Audit Thresholds) Amendment (Low Risk Plantation Forestry Projects) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01067].
  • Civil Aviation Act 1988
    • Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 and Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998—Carrying Out and Supervising Maintenance (Ex-Armed Forces, Historic and Replicas of Class B Aircraft) Instrument 2024—CASA EX36/24 [F2024L01066].
    • Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998—Remotely Piloted Aircraft Operations Beyond Visual Line of Sight Exemption 2024—CASA EX51/24 [F2024L01057].
  • Corporations Act 2001
    • ASIC Corporations (CCIV Auditors) Instrument 2024/668 [F2024L01087].
    • ASIC Corporations (DDRS Class Exemption) Instrument 2024/557 [F2024L01035].
    • ASIC Corporations (Repeal) Instrument 2024/556 [F2024L01034].
    • ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting and Clearing) Amendment Instrument 2024/416 [F2024L01032].
    • ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Securities Markets) 2017—
      • ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Securities Markets) Determination 2024/723 [F2024L01110].
      • ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Securities Markets) Repeal Instrument 2024/724 [F2024L01111].
  • Currency Act 1965
    • Currency (Australian Coins) Amendment (2024 Perth Mint No. 5) Determination 2024 [F2024L01062].
    • Currency (Australian Coins) Amendment (2024 Royal Australian Mint No. 9) Determination 2024 [F2024L01038].
  • Defence Act 1903
    • Defence (Military Factor – Clearance diver transitional payment) Determination 2024 (No. 1) [F2024L01059].
    • Defence (Non-foreign work restricted individual) Amendment Determination 2024 [F2024L01055].
    • Defence Determination, Conditions of service Amendment (ADF Military Factor Framework consequential amendments) Determination 2024 (No. 9) [F2024L01058].
  • Defence Trade Controls Act 2012—Defence Trade Controls (Excluded DSGL goods and DSGL technology) Determination 2024 [F2024L01100].
  • Designs Act 2003, Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987, Patents Act 1990, Plant Breeder’s Rights Act 1994 and Trade Marks Act 1995—Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Amounts and Other Measures) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01093].
  • Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
    • Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (National Recovery Plan for the Forty-spotted Pardalote (Pardalotus quadragintus)) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01094].
    • Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (National Recovery Plan for the Malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata)) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01095].
    • List of Threatened Ecological Communities Amendment (EC184) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01090].
    • List of Threatened Species Amendment (404) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01078].
    • List of Threatened Species Amendment (405) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01080].
    • List of Threatened Species Amendment (406) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01081].
    • List of Threatened Species Amendment (407) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01077].
    • List of Threatened Species Amendment (408) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01085].
    • List of Threatened Species Amendment (409) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01083].
    • List of Threatened Species Amendment (410) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01082].
  • Explosives Act 1961—Explosives Regulations 2024 [F2024L01086].
  • Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Act 1997—Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Foreign Affairs and Trade Measures No. 3) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01069].
  • Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975—Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment (No-anchoring Areas) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01088].
  • Health Insurance Act 1973—Health Insurance (Diagnostic Imaging Services Table) Amendment (Equipment Capital Sensitivity) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01089].
  • Industry Research and Development Act 1986—Industry Research and Development (WHS Accreditation Scheme Residential Builders Assistance Grant Program) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01071].
  • Migration Act 1958—Migration Amendment (Subclass 462 (Work and Holiday) Visa) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01105].
  • Migration (Visa Pre-application Process) Charge Act 2023—Migration (Visa Pre‑application Process) Charge Amendment (Work and Holiday Visa) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01106].
  • National Health Act 1953
    • National Health (Commonwealth Price and Conditions for Commonwealth Payments for Supply of Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment Determination 2024 (No. 8)—PB 87 of 2024 [F2024L01097].
    • National Health (Efficient Funding of Chemotherapy) Special Arrangement Amendment (September Update) Instrument 2024—PB 89 of 2024 [F2024L01099].
    • National Health (Highly Specialised Drugs Program) Special Arrangement Amendment (September Update) Instrument 2024—PB 88 of 2024 [F2024L01098].
    • National Health (Immunisation Program – Designated Vaccines) Amendment Determination 2024 [F2024L01064].
    • National Health (Listed Drugs on F1 or F2) Amendment Determination 2024 (No. 7)—PB 92 of 2024 [F2024L01101].
    • National Health (Listing of Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment (Maximum Dispensed Quantities September Update) Instrument 2024—PB 85 of 2024 [F2024L01104].
    • National Health (Minimum Stockholding) Amendment Determination (No. 8) 2024—PB 90 of 2024 [F2024L01065].
    • National Health (Pharmaceutical benefits – early supply) Amendment Instrument 2024 (No. 8)—PB 86 of 2024 [F2024L01096].
    • National Health (Price and Special Patient Contribution) Amendment Determination 2024 (No. 7)—PB 93 of 2024 [F2024L01102].
  • Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Act 2021—Offshore Electricity Infrastructure (Declared Area OEI-03-2024) Declaration 2024 [F2024L01108].
  • Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973—Remuneration Tribunal (Members’ Fees and Allowances) Amendment Regulations 2024 [F2024L01092].
  • Telecommunications Act 1997—ACCC Telecommunications (Infringement Notices) Guidelines 2024 [F2024L01068].
  • Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979—Telecommunications (Interception and Access) (Emergency Service Facilities — New South Wales) Amendment Instrument (No. 1) 2024 [F2024L01084].
  • Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986
    • Statement of Principles concerning fracture (Balance of Probabilities)—No. 63 of 2024 [F2024L01042].
    • Statement of Principles concerning fracture (Reasonable Hypothesis)—No. 62 of 2024 [F2024L01041].
    • Statement of Principles concerning ingrown nail (Balance of Probabilities)—No. 73 of 2024 [F2024L01052].
    • Statement of Principles concerning ingrown nail (Reasonable Hypothesis)—No. 72 of 2024 [F2024L01051].
    • Statement of Principles concerning Meniere disease and Meniere syndrome (Balance of Probabilities)—No. 69 of 2024 [F2024L01048].
    • Statement of Principles concerning Meniere disease and Meniere syndrome (Reasonable Hypothesis)—No. 68 of 2024 [F2024L01047].
    • Statement of Principles concerning neoplasm of the pituitary gland (Balance of Probabilities)—No. 71 of 2024 [F2024L01050].
    • Statement of Principles concerning neoplasm of the pituitary gland (Reasonable Hypothesis)—No. 70 of 2024 [F2024L01049].
    • Statement of Principles concerning osteoporosis (Balance of Probabilities)—No. 67 of 2024 [F2024L01046].
    • Statement of Principles concerning osteoporosis (Reasonable Hypothesis)—No. 66 of 2024 [F2024L01045].
    • Statement of Principles concerning pathological fracture (Balance of Probabilities)—No. 65 of 2024 [F2024L01044].
    • Statement of Principles concerning pathological fracture (Reasonable Hypothesis)—No. 64 of 2024 [F2024L01043].
    • Statement of Principles concerning pinguecula (Balance of Probabilities)—No. 61 of 2024 [F2024L01040].
    • Statement of Principles concerning pinguecula (Reasonable Hypothesis)—No. 60 of 2024 [F2024L01039].

Presented to the Senate on 22 August 2024

7 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow

  • Australian Communications and Media Authority Act 2005—Radiocommunications (Charges) Amendment Determination 2024 (No. 1) [F2024L01025].
  • Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001, Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and Corporations Act 2001—Treasury Laws Amendment (Professional Standards Schemes No. 2) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01009].
  • Fair Work Act 2009, Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 and Independent Contractors Act 2006—Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01031].
  • Fair Work Act 2009—Fair Work Amendment (Contractor High Income Threshold) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01033].
  • Therapeutic Goods Act 1989
    • Therapeutic Goods (Standard for MDMA) (TGO 112) Order 2024 [F2024L01036].
    • Therapeutic Goods (Standard for Psilocybine) (TGO 113) Order 2024 [F2024L01037].

Presented to the Senate on 21 August 2024

6 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow

  • Coastal Trading (Revitalising Australian Shipping) Act 2012—Section 11 Exemption for Cruise Vessels 2024 [F2024L01027].
  • Corporations Act 2001 and National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009
    • ASIC Corporations and Credit (Reference Checking and Information Sharing Protocol) Instrument 2024/647 [F2024L00996].
    • ASIC Corporations and Credit (Repeal) Instrument 2024/648 [F2024L00997].
  • Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999—Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens – Western Australian West Coast Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Interim Managed Fishery, and the Southern Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Managed Fishery, August 2024 [F2024L01029].
  • Migration Act 1958—Migration Amendment (Visa Application Charge Refund) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01016].

Presented to the Senate on 20 August 2024

The Senate may disapprove the following instrument within 15 sitting days after tabling

5 sitting days remaining

  • Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973—Remuneration Tribunal (Official Travel) Determination 2024 [F2024L01000].

5 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection (Kings Plains) Declaration 2024 [F2024L00999].
  • Customs Act 1901—Defence and Strategic Goods List 2024 [F2024L01024].
  • Defence Trade Controls Act 2012
    • Defence Trade Controls (Australian Military Sales Program item) Determination 2024 [F2024L01020].
    • Defence Trade Controls (Foreign Country) Instrument 2024 [F2024L01019].
  • Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Act 1997
    • Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Measures No. 2) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01008].
    • Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Measures No. 1) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01012].
    • Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education Measures No. 3) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01010].
    • Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Foreign Affairs and Trade Measures No. 2) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01011].
    • Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Health and Aged Care Measures No. 3) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01013].
    • Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts Measures No. 4) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01014].
    • Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Treasury Measures No. 2) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01007].
  • Income Tax Assessment Act 1997—Income Tax Assessment Amendment (Transfer Balance Account Value for Certain Superannuation Income Streams) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01023].
  • Marriage Act 1961—Marriage (Recognised Denominations) Amendment Proclamation 2024 [F2024L01003].
  • Migration Act 1958—Migration Amendment (Administrative Review Tribunal Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01017].
  • Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973—Remuneration Tribunal (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment (Road Transport Advisory Group) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01021].
  • Taxation Administration Act 1953—Taxation Administration Amendment (Disclosure of Information to Operation Protego Integrity Taskforce) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01018].

Presented to the Senate on 19 August 2024

The Senate may disapprove the following instrument within 15 sitting days after tabling

4 sitting days remaining

  • Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973—Remuneration Tribunal Amendment Determination (No. 4) 2024 [F2024L01001].

4 sitting days remaining for notice to disallow

  • Currency Act 1965—Currency (Australian Coins) Amendment (2024 Royal Australian Mint No. 8) Determination 2024 [F2024L00993].
  • Defence Act 1903—Defence Regulation 2016—Defence (Shoalwater Bay—Defence Area) Declaration 2024 [F2024L00990].
  • Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999—Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens – Western Australian Pilbara Fish Trawl Interim Managed Fishery, August 2024 [F2024L00995].
  • Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Act 1997
    • Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Defence Measures No. 2) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01006].
    • Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Home Affairs Measures No. 3) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01005].
  • Industry Research and Development Act 1986
    • Industry Research and Development (Australia-United States Partnership in Landsat Next Program) Instrument 2024 [F2024L00991].
    • Industry Research and Development (First Nations Renewable Hydrogen Engagement Fund Program) Instrument 2024 [F2024L00994].
  • Migration Act 1958—Migration Amendment (Status of Forces Agreement—Fiji and Timor-Leste) Amendment Regulations 2024 [F2024L00998].

Presented to the Senate on 13 August 2024

1 sitting day remaining for notice to disallow

  • Corporations Act 2001—ASIC Corporations (Amendment) Instrument 2024/664 [F2024L00984].
  • Therapeutic Goods Act 1989—Therapeutic Goods (Excluded Goods) Amendment Determination (No. 2) 2024 [F2024L00985].

No disallowable instruments were presented to the Senate on the following days:

  • 14 August 2024
  • 15 August 2024