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  • Date
    02 Dec 2021 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Education, Skills and Employment 
    Amends the
    Higher Education Support Act 2003
    to: list Avondale University as a Table B provider; amend the definition of a 'grandfathered student' to include students undertaking an honours course that is related to a course of study they commenced before 1 January 2021; enable the minister to make rules prescribing matters of a transitional nature; and allow for grants to be made that will support the translation and commercialisation of research by higher education providers. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    02 Dec 2021 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Introduced with the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2021 and Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Manufacture Levy) Amendment Bill 2021, the bill amends the
    Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Import Levy) Act 1995
    to: remove the cap on the rate that levies can be set at and provide for the rate of levy to be prescribed by regulations; and remove the levy on the import of equipment that operates using ozone depleting substances. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    02 Dec 2021 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Introduced with the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2021 and Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Import Levy) Amendment Bill 2021, the bill amends the
    Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Manufacture Levy) Act 1995
    to remove the cap on the rate that levies can be set at and provide for the rate of levy to be prescribed by regulations. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    02 Dec 2021 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Introduced with the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Import Levy) Amendment Bill 2021 and Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Manufacture Levy) Amendment Bill 2021, the bill amends the
    Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989
    in relation to the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Program by: imposing controls that are currently imposed through licence conditions, such as the ban on import of bulk gas in non-refillable containers; clarifying licence and exemptions requirements; increasing the time allowed for submitting reports and payment levies; adopting the standard provisions of the
    Regulatory Powers (Standard Provisions) Act 2014
    , including certain minor modifications; updating the offence and civil penalty provisions; introducing information gathering powers including the ability to issue a notice to produce; providing the option of licence suspension as an alternative to immediate cancellation of financial penalties; providing for an internal review mechanism for reviewable decisions; and allowing the use or disclosure of certain information. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    01 Dec 2021 
    Not Proceeding 
    MCGRATH, Sen James 
    Amends the
    Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918
    to: replace compulsory preferential voting with optional preferential voting for House of Representatives elections; enable voters to allocate preferences to candidates of their choosing only; provide vote saving provisions for voters who do not preference each and every candidate; provide for the position of candidates listed on House of Representatives ballots papers to be re-ordered between ballot papers (the Robson Rotation); and distribute batches of ballot papers which list each candidate in favourable positions equally. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    29 Nov 2021 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    CHRISTENSEN, George, MP 
    The bill: protects Australian journalists from detention and prosecution by foreign governments by defining journalism as including conduct engaged in the ordinary course of legitimate journalism, such as publishing and passively receiving information and conduct engaged in for the purpose of journalistic activity that would not be an offence in Australia; provides for offences for detaining Australians for legitimate journalistic activities; and provides that conduct engaged in by Julian Assange for the purpose of WikiLeaks is legitimate journalistic activity. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    29 Nov 2021 
    Not Proceeding 
    WHISH-WILSON, Sen Peter 
    Amends the
    Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006
    to: cancel Petroleum Exploration Permit 11, and Petroleum Exploration Permit/T/49P (King Island, Tasmania); prevent any petroleum exploration leases for the Otway Basin/12 Apostles being granted; and prohibit any further petroleum exploration in the three areas. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    25 Nov 2021 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Agriculture and Northern Australia 
    Amends the:
    Australian Animal Health Council (Live-stock Industries) Funding Act 1996
    to: facilitate the funding of emergency responses under emergency biosecurity response deeds other than the Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement, including the proposed Emergency Response Deed for Aquatic Animal Diseases; provide for the Governor-General to make regulations prescribing certain matters; and remove redundant provisions that relate to honey, as honey-related levies are no longer paid to Animal Health Australia;
    Plant Health Australia (Plant Industries) Funding Act 2002
    to: broaden the scope of permissible uses for Emergency Plant Pest Response (EPPR) levies to include the promotion or maintenance of the health of an EPPR plant; provide for the secretary to determine by notifiable instrument a body in relation to a specified EPPR plant product; and remove redundant provisions that provide for the redirection of excess levies to research and development purposes; and
    Horticulture Marketing and Research and Development Services Act 2000
    Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989
    to make consequential amendments. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    25 Nov 2021 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Responds to a recommendation of the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters'
    Report on the conduct of the 2019 federal election and matters related thereto
    by amending the
    Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918
    to streamline the candidate qualification checklist relating to eligibility under section 44 of the Constitution and clarify when a response to a question is mandatory. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    25 Nov 2021 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Introduced with the Religious Discrimination Bill 2021 and Religious Discrimination (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2021, the bill amends the:
    Age Discrimination Act 2004
    Disability Discrimination Act 1992
    Sex Discrimination Act 1984
    Racial Discrimination Act 1975
    to amend or insert objects clauses to provide that, in giving effect to the objects of each Act, regard must be had to the indivisibility and universality of human rights and their equal status in international law, and the principle that every person is free and equal in their dignity and rights;
    Charities Act 2013
    to provide that otherwise charitable entities that engage in lawful activities promoting a traditional view of marriage are undertaking those activities for the public benefit and not contrary to public policy; and
    Marriage Act 1961
    to allow religious educational institutions to refuse to provide facilities, goods or services in relation to the solemnisation of a marriage in accordance with their religious beliefs. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

What is a bill?

A bill is a proposal for a law or a change to an existing law. A bill becomes law (an Act) when agreed to in identical form by both houses of Parliament and assented to by the Governor-General.