Bills Lists


  • Final House Bills List for 2020

    House of Representatives 
    Prepared and issued by the Table Office House of Representatives Daily Bills List As at cob 18 December 2020 Final for 2020 46th PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2020 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2019 — 164 (Including 15 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2020 — 181 (Including 11 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment (Jabiru)2020 13/5 31/8 1/9 3/9 17/9 87 Aged Care Amendment (Aged Care Recipient Classification) 2020 21/10 1 8/12H 9/12 10/12 17/12 147 Aged Care Amendment (Staffing Ratio Disclosure) 2019 P, X 22/7 Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Emergency Leave) 2020 13/5 13/5 14/5 14/5 15/5 41 Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Financial Transparency) 2020 [No. 2] P 19/10 2  
  • Final House Bills List for 2021

    House of Representatives 
    Prepared and issued by the Table Office House of Representatives Daily Bills List As at cob 13 December 2021 Final for 2021 46th PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2021 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2019 — 164 (Including 15 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2020 — 181 (Including 11 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2021 — 181 (Including 20 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment (Economic Empowerment) 2021 25/8 18/10 18/10 1 30/11A 2 13/12 132 Aged Care and Other Legislation Amendment (Royal Commission Response No. 1) 2021 27/5 3 21/6 23/6 24/6 28/6 57 Aged Care and Other Legislation Amendment (Royal Commission Response No. 2) 2021 1/9 4 25/10 H 22/11 Aged Care Amendment (Making Aged Care Fees Fairer) 
  • Final House Bills List for 2022 (46th Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    Prepared and issued by the Table Office House of Representatives Daily Bills List As at cob 11 April 2022 Final for 46th Parliament 46th PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2022 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2019 — 164 (Including 15 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2020 — 181 (Including 11 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2021 — 181 (Including 20 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2022 — 47 (Including 5 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Aboriginal Land Grant (Jervis Bay Territory) Amendment (Strengthening Land and Governance Provisions) 2022 30/3 Aged Care Amendment (Making Aged Care Fees Fairer) 2021 P 25/10 Aged Care and Other Legislation Amendment (Royal Commission Response No. 2) 2021 1/9 1 25/10 H 22/11 30/3A  
  • Final House Bills List for 2022 (47th Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    Prepared and issued by the Table Office House of Representatives Daily Bills List As at cob 16 December 2022 Final for 2022 47th PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2022 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2022 — 96 (Including 5 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Aboriginal Land Grant (Jervis Bay Territory) Amendment (Strengthening Land and Governance Provisions) 2022 26/10 29/11 30/11 Aged Care Amendment (Implementing Care Reform) 2022 27/7 1 8/9H 26/9 27/10 9/11 47 Aged Care and Other Legislation Amendment (Royal Commission Response) 2022 27/7 27/7 27/7 2/8 5/8 34 Animal Health Australia and Plant Health Australia Funding Legislation Amendment 2022 28/9 29/11 30/11 1/12 13/12 90 Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) 2022 B 27/9 2 7/11H 
  • Final House Bills List for 2023

    House of Representatives 
    Prepared and issued by the Table Office House of Representatives Daily Bills List As at cob 19 December 2023 Final for 2023 47th PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2023 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2022 — 96 (Including 5 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2023 — 170 (Including 9 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Aboriginal Land Grant (Jervis Bay Territory) Amendment (Strengthening Land and Governance Provisions) 2022 Act citation: Aboriginal Land Grant (Jervis Bay Territory) Amendment (Strengthening Land and Governance Provisions) 2023 26/10 29/11 30/11 10/8A 1 21/8 57 Administrative Review Tribunal 2023 7/12 2 Administrative Review Tribunal (Consequential and Transitional Provisions No. 1) 2023 7/12 3 Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Amendment (Making  
  • Final House Bills List for 2nd Session 2016 (44th Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    . As at cob 9 May 2016 Final for 44th Parliament 44th PARLIAMENT - 2nd Session - 2016 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2013 — 47 (Including 2 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2014 — 222 (Including 4 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2015 — 208 (Including 12 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2016 (1st Session) — 49 (Including 1 received from the Senate) Bills introduced or restored in 2016 (2nd Session) — 43 (0 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Appropriation (No. 1) 2016-2017 LD 3/5 Appropriation (No. 2) 2016-2017 LD 3/5 Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) (No. 1) 2016-2017 LD 3/5 Australian Crime Commission Amendment (National Policing Information) 2015 N (Act citation: Australian Crime Commission 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 1996

    AS AT 31 DECEMBER 1996 (1996 Final Edition ) SAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment Bill 1996 To amend the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Act 1989 and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment Act (No. 3) 1993 in relation to: reduction of membership of regional councils; councils’ powers, administration and financial arrangements; management of ATSIC and selection and appointment of the Chairperson; restriction on the right to dispose of property; appointment of an administrator in relation to the Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA); the functions of the Office of Torres Strait Islander Affairs to monitor programs and policies of the TSRA; TSRA requests to the Office of Evaluation and Audit (OEA) to evaluate and audit TSRA operations; the compulsive powers of the OEA in certain investigations; secrecy provisions and authorisation of solicitors or agents to obtain certain information from ATSIC; notification of pecuniary interests by the General Manager of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commercial Development Corporation (CDC) to the Minister and Chairperson of the Board of CDC in certain circumstances. Senate: Intro. 23/5/96; Passed 26/6/96 SBC report 3/96 (30/5/96): Referred to Finance and Public 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 1997

    AS AT 23 JANUARY 1998 (1997 Final Edition) SAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1996 [1997] To amend the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Act 1989 to: widen the powers of the Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC) in relation to land grants; matters to be taken into account in performing its functions; appointment of additional members; disqualification from standing for election as a commissioner or regional councillor in certain circumstances; Ministerial consent for commissioners and regional council chairpersons to engage in outside employment; internal review of the merits of a decision to refuse a loan or guarantee; delegation of Commission power to review delegates’ decisions; Administrative Appeals Tribunal review of the merits of a decision to refuse a loan or guarantee. Senate: Intro. 20/6/96; 2nd reading adjourned 20/6/96 SBC report 6/96 (25/6/96): No reference Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment Bill 1997 To amend the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Act 1989 in relation to: conditions on consent of disposals of interest in ATSIC-funded properties; delegation of certain powers by ATSIC; remedies for breaches of grant or loan conditions; and minor drafting amendments. Reps: Intro. 3/12/97; 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 1998

    AS AT 10 FEBRUARY 1999 (1998 Final Edition) 1998 Budget Measures Legislation Amendment (Social Security and Veterans’ Entitlements) Bill 1998 To amend the: Social Security Act 1991 in relation to: exemption from the “sharers rule” to recipients of certain rent assistance; and removal of the 12-month waiting period for parenting payment for single foster carers; Social Security Act 1991 and Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 to: change the income test for the seniors health card; and extend income limits; and National Health Act 1953 to issue health care cards to fostered children in certain circumstances. Reps: Intro. 12/11/98; Passed 25/11/98 Main committee: Referred 24/11/98 Senate: Intro. 26/11/98; Passed 3/12/98 SBC report 11/98 (tabled and adopted 26/11/98): No reference Assent: 11/12/98; Act No. 116, 1998 A New Tax System (Aged Care Compensation Measures Legislation Amendment) Bill 1998 Part of a package of 16 bills to introduce a new taxation system, the bill amends the Aged Care Act 1997 to quarantine the 4 per cent pension increase from the fees payable by residential aged care recipients; and to ensure that war widows and widowers pay the same amount in income tested fees as 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 1999

    AS AT 1 FEBRUARY 2000 (1999 Final Edition — Revised ) A New Tax System (Aged Care Compensation Measures Legislation Amendment) Bill 1998 (Act citation: A New Tax System (Aged Care Compensation Measures Legislation Amendment) Act 1999) Part of a package of 16 bills to introduce a new taxation system, the bill amends the Aged Care Act 1997 to quarantine the 4 per cent pension increase from the fees payable by residential aged care recipients; and to ensure that war widows and widowers pay the same amount in income tested fees as other care recipients on the same total income. Reps: Intro. 2/12/98; Passed 10/12/98 2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived Senate: Intro. 10/12/98; Passed 28/6/99 References: Provisions of bill referred 2/12/98 (agreed to 25/11/98): Committee Report due Report tabled Community Affairs References Committee 31/3/99 30/3/99 Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and Education References Committee 31/3/99 31/3/99 Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee 31/3/99 29/3/99 Select Committee on a New Tax System *related report tabled 18/2/99; addenda 

What is a bill?

A bill is a proposal for a law or a change to an existing law. A bill becomes law (an Act) when agreed to in identical form by both houses of Parliament and assented to by the Governor-General.

Parliament House Calendar

August 2016

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2829 Both30 Both31 Both123
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other