Bills Lists


  • Final Senate Bills List for 2013

    Bills and related material can be accessed at Committee reports can be accessed at As at cob 17 December 2013 (2013 Final Edition) Abbreviations AG Australian Greens ALP Australian Labor Party [Opp] CLP Country Liberal Party [Govt] DLP Democratic Labour Party FFP Family First Party Ind Independent KAP Katter’s Australian Party LP Liberal Party of Australia [Govt] Nats The Nationals [Govt] Note: The Liberal-National Party coalition formed government following the federal election on 7/9/13 CID Consideration in detail stage (House of Representatives) ED Exposure draft L Lapsed bill* PM Private member’s bill PS Private senator’s bill R Restored to Notice Paper S Senate bill SBC Senate Selection of Bills Committee SC House of Representatives Selection Committee Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Recognition Bill 2012 (Act citation: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Recognition Act 2013 ) The bill: provides for the recognition by the Parliament, on behalf of the people of Australia, of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; requires the minister to cause a review of support for a referendum to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution; requires the minister 
  • Final House Bills List for 2013 (43rd Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 5 August 2013 (Final for 43rd Parliament) 43rd PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2010-2011-2012-2013 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2010 — 79 (Including 7 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2011 — 238 (Including 15 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2012 — 209 (Including 6 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2013 — 156 (Including 4 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Recognition 2012B ( Act citation: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Recognition 2013) 28/11 1 13/2 25/2 12/3 27/3 18 Aboriginal Land Rights and Other Legislation Amendment 2013B 21/3 2 29/5H 17/6 20/6 28/6 93 African Development Bank 2013 30/5 3 , 4 Aged Care (Bond Security) Amendment 2013 13/3 5 27/5 17/6 26/6 28/6  
  • Final House Bills List for 2012 (43rd Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 13 December 2012 Final for 2012 43rd PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2012 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2012 — 210 (Including 6 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Recognition 2012 28/11 1 Access to Justice (Federal Jurisdiction) Amendment 2011B 23/11 2 , 3 16/2 27/2 22/11 11/12 186 Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment 2012 28/11 4 , 5 Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation Amendment (No. 1) 2012B 21/3 6 10/5 18/6 Air Services (Aircraft Noise) Amendment 2011P 4/7 2°negatived 11/10 Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Amendment 2011 B 23/11 7 29/2 29/2 18/6 28/6 90 Appropriation 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 2012

    Bills and related material can be accessed at Committee reports can be accessed at As at cob 13 December 2012 (2012 Final Ed ition) Abbreviations AG Australian Greens ALP Australian Labor Party [Govt] CLP Country Liberal Party [Opp] DLP Democratic Labor Party FFP Family First Party Ind Independent KAP Katter’s Australian Party LP Liberal Party of Australia [Opp] Nats The Nationals [Opp] Nats WA The Nationals WA [Opp] CID Consideration in detail stage (House of Representatives) ED Exposure draft PM Private member’s bill PS Private senator’s bill R Restored to Notice Paper S Senate bill SBC Senate Selection of Bills Committee SC House of Representatives Selection Committee Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Recognition Bill 2012 The bill: provides for the recognition by the Parliament, on behalf of the people of Australia, of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; requires the minister to cause a review of support for a referendum to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution; requires the minister to present a report of the review to Parliament; and ceases to have effect two years after its commencement. House of 
  • Final House Bills List for 2011 (43rd Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 23 December 2011 Final for 2011 43rd PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2011 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2011 — 238 (Including 15 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Abolition of Age Limit on Payment of the Superannuation Guarantee Charge 2011P,X 28/2 Access to Justice (Federal Jurisdiction) Amendment 2011 23/11 1 , 2 Acts Interpretation Amendment 2011B 12/5 25/5 14/6 15/6 27/6 46 Aged Care Amendment 2011 26/5 2/6 14/6 22/6 26/7 86 Air Services (Aircraft Noise) Amendment 2011P 4/7 Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Amendment 2011 23/11 3 Appropriation (No. 3) 2010-2011B 10/2 3/3 3/3 25/3  
  • Final Senate Bills List for 2011

    Bills and related material can be accessed at Committee reports can be accessed at As at cob 8 December 2011 (2011 Final Edition) Abbreviations AG Australian Greens ALP Australian Labor Party [Govt] CLP Country Liberal Party [Opp] FFP Family First Party Ind Independent LP Liberal Party of Australia [Opp] Nats The Nationals [Opp] Nats WA The Nationals WA CID Consideration in detail stage (House of Representatives) Dft Draft bill ED Exposure draft PM Private member’s bill PS Private senator’s bill R Restored to Notice Paper S Senate bill SBC Senate Selection of Bills Committee SC House of Representatives Selection Committee PMAbolition of Age Limit on Payment of the Superannuation Guarantee Charge Bill2011 (Introduced by Mrs Bronwyn Bishop - LP) Amends the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 to abolish the current age limit of 70 years for the payment of the superannuation guarantee. House of Representatives: Intro. 28/2/11; Removed from Notice Paper 22/11/11 SC report no. 17 (tabled 3/3/11): No reference Access to Justice (Federal Jurisdiction) Amendment Bill 2011 Amends: the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 to clarify that the Federal Court or judge may make orders 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 2010

    Bills and related material may be accessed at As at cob 22 December 2010 (2010 Final Edition) Abbreviations AD Australian Democrats [Dem] AG Australian Greens ALP Australian Labor Party [Govt] CLP Country Liberal Party [Opp] FFP Family First Party Ind Independent LP Liberal Party of Australia [Opp] Nats The Nationals [Opp] CID Consideration in detail stage (House of Representatives) L Lapsed bill* PM Private member’s bill PS Private senator’s bill R Restored to Notice Paper S Senate bill SBC Senate Selection of Bills Committee SC House of Representatives Selection Committee PSA New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Improved Access to Baby Bonus) LAmendment Bill 2008 (Introduced by Senator Stott Despoja - AD) Amends the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999 to abolish the age restriction to enable all adoptive parents access to the baby bonus scheme. Senate: Intro. 20/3/08; 2nd reading adjourned 20/3/08 SBC report 4/08 (tabled and adopted 14/5/08): No reference [Lapsed immediately before commencement of 43rd Parliament ] LAccess to Justice (Family Court Restructure and Other Measures) Bill 2010 Amends: the Family Law Act 1975 to restructure the Family Court of Australia by 
  • Final House Bills List for 2010 (43rd Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 20 December 2010 (Final for 2010) 43rd PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2010 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2010 — 79 (Including 7 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Airports Amendment 2010 30/9 1 25/10 26/10 26/11A 2 17/12 149 Australian Civilian Corps 2010B 30/9 3 28/10 15/11 Australian National Preventive Health Agency 2010 29/9 27/10H 15/11 17/11A 4 24/11 134 Australian Research Council Amendment (No. 2) 2010 17/11 Autonomous Sanctions 2010B 30/9 5 27/10 28/10 Banking Amendment (Delivering Essential Financial Services) 2010P 15/11 Carer Recognition 2010B 29/9 21/10 25/10 28/10 18/11 123 Civil Dispute Resolution 2010B 30/9 6 20/10 
  • Final House Bills List for 2010 (42nd Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 14 July 2010 (Final for 42nd Parliament) 42nd PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2008-09-10 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2008 — 203 (Including 12 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2009 — 226 (Including 9 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2010 — 142 (Including 3 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Access to Justice (Family Court Restructure and Other Measures) 2010 24/6 1 Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Amendment 2010B 17/3 23/6H 24/6 24/6 14/7 113 Airport Development Ombudsman 2010P 15/3 Airports Amendment 2010 24/6 2 Airports (On-Airport Activities Administration) Validation 2010 12/5 2/6 15/6 17/6 29/6 80 Amendments Incorporation Amendment 2008 Z 12/2  
  • Final House Bills List for 2009

    House of Representatives 
    As at 15 December 2009 (Final for 2009) 42nd PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2008-09 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2008 — 203 (Including 12 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2009 — 226 (Including 9 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Access to Justice (Civil Litigation Reforms) Amendment 2009B 22/6 1 9/9 10/9 27/10A 2 4/12 117 ACIS Administration Amendment 2009 24/6 20/8 7/9 14/9 29/9 94 ACIS Administration Amendment (Application) 2009 18/11 24/11 26/11 26/11 15/12 136 Amendments Incorporation Amendment 2008 Z 12/2 Appropriation (Nation Building and Jobs) (No. 1) 2008-2009 4/2 4/2 5/2 3 3°negatived 12/2 Appropriation (Nation Building and Jobs) (No. 1) 2008-2009 [No. 2] 12/2 12/2 12/2M 12/2M 18/2 1 Appropriation (Nation Building and Jobs) 

What is a bill?

A bill is a proposal for a law or a change to an existing law. A bill becomes law (an Act) when agreed to in identical form by both houses of Parliament and assented to by the Governor-General.

Parliament House Calendar

December 2014

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
301 Both2 Both3 Both4 Other56
78910 Other11 Other12 Other13
1415 Other16 Other17181920
21222324 Public holiday25 Public holiday2627
28293031 Public holiday123
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other