Bills Lists


  • Final House Bills List for 2020

    House of Representatives 
    Prepared and issued by the Table Office House of Representatives Daily Bills List As at cob 18 December 2020 Final for 2020 46th PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2020 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2019 — 164 (Including 15 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2020 — 181 (Including 11 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment (Jabiru)2020 13/5 31/8 1/9 3/9 17/9 87 Aged Care Amendment (Aged Care Recipient Classification) 2020 21/10 1 8/12H 9/12 10/12 17/12 147 Aged Care Amendment (Staffing Ratio Disclosure) 2019 P, X 22/7 Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Emergency Leave) 2020 13/5 13/5 14/5 14/5 15/5 41 Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Financial Transparency) 2020 [No. 2] P 19/10 2  
  • Final Senate Bills List for 2020

    ABBREVIATIONS–parties and committees AG Australian Greens LP Liberal Party of Australia [Govt] ALP Australian Labor Party [Opp] Nats The Nationals [Govt] CA Centre Alliance PHON Pauline Hanson's One Nation Ind Independent SC House of Representatives Selection Committee JLN Jacqui Lambie Network SBC Senate Selection of Bills Committee KAP Katter's Australian Party Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment (Jabiru) Bill2020 (Indigenous Australians portfolio) Amends the: Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 to: remove the requirement that the term of the Jabiru township lease be 99 years to allow for a shorter term between 40 and 99 years; remove the requirement that the initial grant of the township lease can only be to the Commonwealth; clarify that the new township lease will not automatically extend the term of existing Jabiru subleases beyond the term of the current town head lease; and remove redundant Jabiru-specific leasing provisions; and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to make a minor consequential amendment. House of Representatives: Introduced 13/5/20 2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived Passed 31/8/20 Senate: Introduced 1/9/20 Passed 3/9/20  
  • Final House Bills List for 2019 (46th Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    Prepared and issued by the Table Office House of Representatives Daily Bills List As at cob 17 December 2019 Final for 2019 46th PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2019 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2019 — 164 (Including 15 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Aged Care Amendment (Movement of Provisionally Allocated Places) 2019 24/7 11/9 11/9 17/9 20/9 71 Aged Care Amendment (Staffing Ratio Disclosure) 2019 P 22/7 Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Amendment (Worker Screening Database) 2019 P 22/7 Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority Board and Other Improvements) 2019 18/9 1 3/12 5/12 Agriculture Legislation Repeal 2019 Z 2/7  
  • Final Senate Bills List for 2019 (46th Parliament)

    ABBREVIATIONS-parties and committees AG Australian Greens LP Liberal Party of Australia [Govt] ALP Australian Labor Party [Opp] Nats The Nationals [Govt] CA Centre Alliance PHON Pauline Hanson's One Nation Ind Independent SC House of Representatives Selection Committee JLN Jacqui Lambie Network SBC Senate Selection of Bills Committee KAP Katter's Australian Party Aged Care Amendment (Movement of Provisionally Allocated Places) Bill2019 (Health portfolio) Amends the Aged Care Act 1997 to enable the Secretary of the Department of Health (or their delegates) to allow approved providers of residential aged care to move provisionally allocated residential aged care places from one region to another, within a state or territory. House of Representatives: Introduced 24/7/19 2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived Passed 11/9/19 Senate: Introduced 11/9/19 Passed 17/9/19 Assent: 20/9/19 (Act No. 71, 2019) Aged Care Amendment (Staffing Ratio Disclosure) Bill 2019 (Ms Sharkie MP - CA) Amends the Aged Care Act 1997 to: require approved residential care service providers to notify the secretary of the ratios of aged care recipients to 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 2019 (45th Parliament)

    ABBREVIATIONS-parties, stages and committees AC Australian Conservatives LDP Liberal Democratic Party AG Australian Greens LP Liberal Party of Australia [Govt] ALP Australian Labor Party [Opp] Nats The Nationals [Govt] CA Centre Alliance (formerly Nick Xenophon Team) NXT Nick Xenophon Team DHJP Derryn Hinch's Justice Party PHON Pauline Hanson's One Nation FFP Family First Party SBC Senate Selection of Bills Committee Ind Independent SC House of Representatives Selection Committee JLN Jacqui Lambie Network UAP United Australia Party KAP Katter's Australian Party A Fair Go for Australians in Trade Bill 2018 (Mr Clare MP - ALP) The bill: prohibits the Commonwealth from entering into a trade agreement that includes certain provisions; requires the Commonwealth to include in all bilateral trade agreements a labour chapter with internationally recognised labour principles; prohibits the Commonwealth from entering into a trade agreement unless the agreement requires skills assessments to be undertaken in Australia; requires the minister to commission an independent national interest assessment of any proposed trade agreement; and provides for 
  • Final House Bills List for 2019 (45th Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    Prepared and issued by the Table Office House of Representatives Daily Bills List As at cob 6 April 2019 Final for 45th Parliament 45th PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2019 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2016 — 116 (Including 3 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2017 — 218 (Including 15 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2018 — 226 (Including 19 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2019 — 65 (Including 7 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. A Fair Go for Australians in Trade 2018 P 15/10 Aged Care Amendment (Movement of Provisionally Allocated Places) 2019 13/2 2/4 Aged Care Amendment (Staffing Ratio Disclosure) 2018 P, B 20/8 1 Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment (Operational 
  • Final House Bills List for 2018

    House of Representatives 
    Prepared and issued by the Table Office House of Representatives Daily Bills List As at cob 17 December 2018 Final for 2018 45th PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2018 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2016 — 116 (Including 3 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2017 — 218 (Including 15 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2018 — 226 (Including 19 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. A Fair Go for Australians in Trade 2018 P 15/10 A New Tax System (Medicare Levy Surcharge—Fringe Benefits) Amendment (Excess Levels for Private Health Insurance Policies)2018 28/3 31/5 18/6 1 10/9 21/9 99 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Amendment (Indigenous Land Corporation) 2018 28/3 2 25/10H 12/11 28/11 30/11 144 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land and Sea Future 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 2018

    ABBREVIATIONS-parties, stages and committees AC Australian Conservatives LDP Liberal Democratic Party AG Australian Greens LP Liberal Party of Australia [Govt] ALP Australian Labor Party [Opp] Nats The Nationals [Govt] CA Centre Alliance (formerly Nick Xenophon Team) NXT Nick Xenophon Team DHJP Derryn Hinch's Justice Party PHON Pauline Hanson's One Nation FFP Family First Party SBC Senate Selection of Bills Committee Ind Independent SC House of Representatives Selection Committee KAP Katter's Australian Party UAP United Australia Party JLN Jacqui Lambie Network A Fair Go for Australians in Trade Bill 2018 (Mr Clare MP - ALP) The bill: prohibits the Commonwealth from entering into a trade agreement that includes certain provisions; requires the Commonwealth to include in all bilateral trade agreements a labour chapter with internationally recognised labour principles; prohibits the Commonwealth from entering into a trade agreement unless the agreement requires skills assessments to be undertaken in Australia; requires the minister to commission an independent national interest assessment of any proposed trade agreement; and provides for the 
  • Final House Bills List for 2017

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 13 December 2017 Final for 2017 45th PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2017 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2016 — 116 (Including 3 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2017 — 218 (Including 15 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Aged Care (Living Longer Living Better) Amendment (Review)2016 P, X 10/10 Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment (Operational Efficiency) 2017 25/10 Agriculture and Water Resources Legislation Amendment 2016 1/12 13/2 14/2 Airports Amendment 2016 1/12 1 Air Services Amendment 2016 P, X 28/11 Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Amendment 2017 B 17/8 2 6/12H 7/12 7/12 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 2017

    As at cob 13 December 2017 (2017 Final Edition) Abbreviations AC Australian Conservatives AG Australian Greens ALP Australian Labor Party [Opp] CLP Country Liberal Party [Govt] DHJP Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party FFP Family First Party Ind Independent KAP Katter’s Australian Party JLN Jacqui Lambie Network LDP Liberal Democratic Party LP Liberal Party of Australia [Govt] Nats The Nationals [Govt] NXT Nick Xenophon Team PHON Pauline Hanson’s One Nation CID Consideration in detail stage (House of Representatives) PM Private member’s bill PS Private senator’s bill S Senate bill SBC Senate Selection of Bills Committee SC House of Representatives Selection Committee Note:Each bill summary reflects the content of the bill as first introduced into the Parliament. PSA New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment (Make Electricity GST Free) Bill 2017 (Introduced by Senator Leyonhjelm - LDP) Amends the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 to remove goods and services tax from the supply of electricity. Senate: Intro. 5/9/17; Negatived at 2nd reading 7/9/17 SAboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill 2017 Amends the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 to: enable certain Kakadu and 

What is a bill?

A bill is a proposal for a law or a change to an existing law. A bill becomes law (an Act) when agreed to in identical form by both houses of Parliament and assented to by the Governor-General.

Parliament House Calendar

September 2016

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
11 Both12 Both13 Both14 Both151617
18 Other19 Other2021222324
25 Other26 Other27 Other28 Other29 Other301
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other