Papers on Parliament No. 35


Papers on Parliament No. 35
June 2000

Published and printed by the Department of the Senate,
Parliament House, Canberra

ISSN 1031-976X

Published by the Department of the Senate, 2000

Papers on Parliament is edited and managed by the Research Section, Department of the Senate.

Editor of this issue: Kay Walsh.

All inquiries should be made to:

The Director of Research
Procedure Office
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Telephone: (02) 6277 3078


Ethics and Government: the Canadian Experience
Howard Wilson

Rediscovering the Advantages of Federalism
Geoffrey de Q. Walker

The Senate, Policy-Making and Community Consultation
Ian Marsh

Australia and Parliamentary Orthodoxy
Alan J. Ward

Constructing Legislative Codes of Conduct
Meredith Burgmann

Making Sense of the Referendum
John Uhr

The Scandals We Deserve?
Rodney Tiffen

Survey of Literature on the First Parliament
Kay Walsh

Contents of previous issues of Papers on Parliament

List of Senate Briefs

Order form for Papers on Parliament


Howard Wilson was appointed as the first Ethics Counsellor to the Canadian government in June 1994.

Professor Emeritus Geoffrey Walker is a former Dean and Head of the T C Beirne School of Law at the University of Queensland who has returned to practice at the Bar.

Ian Marsh is Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Management, University of New South Wales.

Alan Ward, Professor of Government at the College of William and Mary in Virginia, was an Australian Senate Fellow in June 1999.

Meredith Burgmann is President of the Legislative Council of New South Wales.

John Uhr is Reader in the Graduate Program in Public Policy, Asia Pacific School of Economics and Management, the Australian National University.

Rodney Tiffen is Associate Professor of Government at the University of Sydney.

Kay Walsh is a Senior Research Officer in the Department of the Senate.