Environmental Management

The focus of environmental management activities at Parliament House is to reduce energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, water use and waste generation. DPS demonstrates its commitment in this area through the following Environmental Management Policy and commitment to the achievement of Government’s APS Net Zero 2030 target in line with Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy.

DPS has developed an Emissions Reduction Plan with the aim of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions for Department of Parliamentary Services operations and Parliament House by 2030.

Small actions by people using Parliament House facilities can make a difference, such as getting into the routine of switching off lights and monitors if not needed; recycling paper and printing double sided.

Improving the environmental impacts of Parliament House’s engineering systems, services and facilities requires more than changing work practices and behaviour, so DPS has made it a formal requirement to assess environmental impacts in projects, contracting and procurement practices.

Please direct environmental queries and suggestions to the DPS Environment Mailbox.