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Conserving the Magna Carta: An event to celebrate the return of the Magna Carta to public display

Join us to celebrate the return of Magna Carta to public display at Parliament House. This event is a unique opportunity to hear about its conservation and about its historical significance.

Australia’s Magna Carta is now back on display at Parliament House after an extensive conservation and research project. Over the last eight years this work has enhanced our understanding of this 728-year-old document and will help us preserve it for future generations.

This event will feature remarks from:

  • the Hon Sue Lines, President of the Senate
  • the Hon Milton Dick MP, Speaker of the House of Representatives
  • Libby Melzer, lead conservator from the Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, University of Melbourne, and
  • Dr Andrew Banfield, Head of the Research Branch in the Parliamentary Library.

An Auslan interpreter will be available at this event.

The Magna Carta is now on public display in Member's Hall on Level 1, Parliament House.

The Conserving the Magna Carta exhibition is also currently on display at Parliament House.

Image: Edward I (1272–1307) Inspeximus issue of Magna Carta, 1297, Parliament House Art Collections.

Thursday 13 February 2025

Cost: Free

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Venue: Parliament House, Level 1, Presiding Officers Exhibition Area

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