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start of business
selection committee
Smith, Tony, MP
foreign intelligence legislation amendment bill 2021
first reading
second reading
Tehan, Dan, MP
corporations (aboriginal and torres strait islander) amendment bill 2021
first reading
second reading
Wyatt, Ken, MP
aboriginal land rights (northern territory) amendment (economic empowerment) bill 2021
first reading
second reading
Wyatt, Ken, MP
paid parental leave amendment (covid-19 work test) bill 2021
first reading
second reading
Tehan, Dan, MP
treasury laws amendment (2021 measures no. 7) bill 2021
first reading
second reading
Tehan, Dan, MP
investment funds legislation amendment bill 2021
first reading
second reading
Robert, Stuart, MP
quarantine facilities in queensland and western australia
approval of work
Robert, Stuart, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
corporations and financial services committee
Wallace, Andrew, MP
electoral legislation amendment (counting, scrutiny and operational efficiencies) bill 2021, electoral legislation amendment (party registration integrity) bill 2021, electoral legislation amendment (electoral offences and preventing multiple voting) bill 2021
second reading
Giles, Andrew, MP
Snowdon, Warren, MP
Murphy, Peta, MP
Dick, Milton, MP
Steggall, Zali, MP
Gorman, Patrick, MP
Haines, Helen, MP
Kelly, Craig, MP
Gosling, Luke, MP
Morton, Ben, MP
third reading
Morton, Ben, MP
electoral legislation amendment (party registration integrity) bill 2021
second reading
consideration in detail
Kelly, Craig, MP
Haines, Helen, MP
third reading
Morton, Ben, MP
electoral legislation amendment (electoral offences and preventing multiple voting) bill 2021
second reading
third reading
Morton, Ben, MP
joint select committee on road safety, communications and the arts committee
Vasta, Ross (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
Landry, Michelle, MP
national disability insurance scheme amendment (improving supports for at risk participants) bill 2021
second reading
Claydon, Sharon, MP
Payne, Alicia, MP
Murphy, Peta, MP
statements by members
Burns, Josh, MP
army recruit training centre kapooka
McCormack, Michael, MP
covid-19: vaccination
Thistlethwaite, Matt, MP
fairfax electorate: infrastructure
O'Brien, Ted, MP
covid-19: morrison government
Keogh, Matt, MP
covid-19: queensland
O'Dowd, Ken, MP
covid-19: education
Hayes, Chris, MP
mero, axel: london royal ballet school
Haines, Helen, MP
barker electorate: exports
Pasin, Tony, MP
ingham institute for applied medical research
Freelander, Mike, MP
braddon electorate: daffodil day appeal
Pearce, Gavin, MP
macquarie electorate: mental health
Templeman, Susan, MP
white, mr samuel 'sam'
Ramsey, Rowan, MP
jobkeeper payment
Leigh, Andrew, MP
covid-19: arts
Sharma, Dave, MP
tasmania: aviation industry
Collins, Julie, MP
ryan electorate: roads
Simmonds, Julian, MP
covid-19: vaccination
Jones, Stephen, MP
sturt electorate: kensington gardens reserve
Stevens, James, MP
Wallace, Andrew, MP
questions without notice
afghanistan (Gosling, Luke, MP)
covid-19: morrison government (Connelly, Vince, MP)
covid-19: quarantine (Albanese, Anthony, MP)
covid-19: economic recovery (O'Dowd, Ken, MP)
covid-19: aged care (Butler, Mark, MP)
superannuation (Katter, Bob, MP)
covid-19: economy (Archer, Bridget, MP)
covid-19: new south wales (Albanese, Anthony, MP)
covid-19: vaccination (McIntosh, Melissa, MP)
covid-19: new south wales (Albanese, Anthony, MP)
afghanistan (Andrews, Kevin, MP)
covid-19: vaccination (Husic, Ed, MP)
afghanistan (Hammond, Celia, MP)
covid-19: vaccination (Burke, Tony, MP)
covid-19: small business (Ramsey, Rowan, MP)
covid-19: vaccine manufacturing (King, Catherine, MP)
covid-19: national plan (Wicks, Lucy, MP)
covid-19: vaccination (Freelander, Mike, MP)
covid-19: tourism industry (Entsch, Warren, MP)
afghanistan (Burke, Tony, MP)
regional australia: employment (Christensen, George, MP)
statements on indulgence
tokyo paralympic games
Morrison, Scott, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
questions without notice: additional answers
covid-19: vaccination
Hunt, Greg, MP
Dutton, Peter, MP
matters of public importance
agriculture industry
Smith, Tony, MP
Collins, Julie, MP
Ley, Sussan, MP
Phillips, Fiona, MP
Landry, Michelle, MP
Mitchell, Brian, MP
Conaghan, Patrick, MP
Templeman, Susan, MP
Ramsey, Rowan, MP
Chesters, Lisa, MP
Pearce, Gavin, MP
surveillance legislation amendment (identify and disrupt) bill 2021
returned from senate
intelligence and security joint committee
Wilson, Tim, MP
national disability insurance scheme amendment (improving supports for at risk participants) bill 2021
second reading
Freelander, Mike, MP
Dick, Milton, MP
Perrett, Graham, MP
Kelly, Craig, MP
Morton, Ben, MP
third reading
Morton, Ben, MP
treasury laws amendment (2021 measures no. 6) bill 2021
second reading
Jones, Stephen, MP
Wilson, Tim, MP
Thistlethwaite, Matt, MP
Liu, Gladys, MP
foreign intelligence legislation amendment bill 2021
second reading
Giles, Andrew, MP
Marino, Nola, MP
consideration in detail
Marino, Nola, MP
third reading
Marino, Nola, MP
royal commissions amendment (protection of information) bill 2021
first reading
foreign intelligence legislation amendment bill 2021
Haines, Helen, MP
treasury laws amendment (2021 measures no. 6) bill 2021
second reading
Keogh, Matt, MP
Wicks, Lucy, MP
Haines, Helen, MP
Bell, Angie, MP
Allen, Katrina, MP
Pasin, Tony, MP
Freelander, Mike (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
morrison government
Thwaites, Kate, MP
murray-darling basin plan
Stevens, James, MP
newcastle electorate: community events
Claydon, Sharon, MP
monash: centenary
Pasin, Tony, MP
education: early learning matters week, covid-19
Smith, David, MP
Archer, Bridget, MP
Questioner :
Answer :
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