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start of business
suspension of standing and sessional orders
Burke, Tony MP
israel attacks: first anniversary
Albanese, Anthony MP
Dutton, Peter Craig MP
Burns, Josh MP
Leeser, Julian MP
Watts, Tim MP
Fletcher, Paul MP
Daniel, Zoe MP
Hogan, Kevin MP
Spender, Allegra MP
customs tariff amendment (comprehensive and progressive agreement for trans-pacific partnership expansion) bill 2024, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing amendment bill 2024, privacy and other legislation amendment bill 2024, universities accord (national student ombudsman) bill 2024, treasury laws amendment (2024 tax and other measures no. 1) bill 2024, aged care bill 2024
reference to federation chamber
Burke, Tony MP
parliamentary workplace support service amendment (independent parliamentary standards commission) bill 2024, paid parental leave amendment (adding superannuation for a more secure retirement) bill 2024, national health amendment (technical changes to averaging price disclosure threshold and other matters) bill 2024, australian human rights commission amendment (costs protection) bill 2023
returned from senate
illegal logging prohibition amendment (strengthening measures to prevent illegal timber trade) bill 2024, net zero economy authority bill 2024, parliamentary workplace support service amendment (independent parliamentary standards commission) bill 2024, treasury laws amendment (financial market infrastructure and other measures) bill 2024, national health amendment (technical changes to averaging price disclosure threshold and other matters) bill 2024, australian human rights commission amendment (costs protection) bill 2023, paid parental leave amendment (adding superannuation for a more secure retirement) bill 2024
statements by members
bass electorate: good neighbour council launceston
Archer, Bridget MP
help to buy bill 2023
Belyea, Jodie MP
heritage, mr robert frank (robbie)
Violi, Aaron MP
cost of living
Gosling, Luke MP
raise our voice in parliament
Ryan, Monique MP
cost of living
Stanley, Anne MP
health care
Bates, Stephen MP
cost of living
Miller-Frost, Louise MP
south australian national football league
Stevens, James MP
cost of living
Coker, Libby MP
queensland state election
Thompson, Phillip MP
albanese government
Burnell, Matt MP
mental health
Bell, Angie MP
Fernando, Cassandra MP
parkes electorate: growing regions program
Coulton, Mark Maclean MP
leader of the opposition
Sitou, Sally MP
o'connor electorate: south coast marine park
Wilson, Rick MP
Lawrence, Tania MP
communications legislation amendment (combatting misinformation and disinformation) bill 2024
Coleman, David MP
cost of living
Templeman, Susan MP
dondas, hon. nicholas manuel, am
Dick, Milton MP (The SPEAKER)
distinguished visitors
truss, rt hon. mary elizabeth
Dick, Milton MP (The SPEAKER)
questions without notice
visas (Tehan, Dan MP)
middle east (Stanley, Anne MP)
australian greens (Dutton, Peter Craig MP)
housing (Mulino, Daniel MP)
distinguished visitors
united states: congressional delegation, settlement services international, hull, mrs kay elizabeth ao
Dick, Milton MP (The SPEAKER)
questions without notice
gambling advertising (Daniel, Zoe MP)
housing (Sitou, Sally MP)
australian greens (Dutton, Peter Craig MP)
cost of living (Vamvakinou, Maria MP)
taxation (Sukkar, Michael MP)
energy (Perrett, Graham Douglas MP)
taxation (Taylor, Angus MP)
renewable energy (Neumann, Shayne Kenneth MP)
housing (Chandler-Mather, Max MP)
women's economic security (Claydon, Sharon MP)
mcphillamys gold project (Littleproud, David MP)
early childhood education (Reid, Gordon MP)
environment (Scamps, Sophie MP)
aged care (Ryan, Joanne MP)
distinguished visitors
spain-australia council foundation
Dick, Milton MP (The SPEAKER)
questions without notice
first nations australians (Fletcher, Paul MP)
pharmaceutical benefits scheme (Mitchell, Rob MP)
auditor-general's reports
reports nos 3 and 4 of 2024-25, annual report 2023-24
Dick, Milton MP (The SPEAKER)
Burke, Tony MP
israel attacks: first anniversary
Dutton, Peter Craig MP
Leeser, Julian MP
Clare, Jason Dean MP
matters of public importance
negative gearing
Dick, Milton MP (The SPEAKER)
Taylor, Angus MP
O'Neil, Clare Ellen MP
Sukkar, Michael MP
Perrett, Graham Douglas MP
van Manen, Bert MP
Templeman, Susan MP
Ware, Jenny MP
Mitchell, Brian MP
Kennedy, Simon MP
Burnell, Matt MP
petitions committee
Templeman, Susan MP
Templeman, Susan MP
domestic and family violence
personal safety devices
dental health
human rights: vietnam
defence procurement
nuclear energy
assessing fitness to drive guidelines
university of tasmania: discrimination
senior first nations australians
election of members and senators
e-cigarettes and vaping products
fair work commission
artificial intelligence
public sector governance
e-cigarettes and vaping products
competition policy
covid-19: vaccination
sponsored parent visas
election of members and senators
western australia: migration
advocacy for men
e-cigarettes and vaping products
australian society: convict history
pensions and benefits
australian curriculum: financial literacy
vehicle safety
domestic and family violence
workplace relations
international students
family law
australian broadcasting corporation
international humanitarian assistance: gaza
covid-19: vaccination
senior australians
medicinal cannabis
skilled migration
pharmaceutical benefits scheme
defence exercises: holsworthy barracks
skilled migration
private health insurance
human rights: bangladesh
human rights: bangladesh
human rights: bangladesh
human rights: occupied palestinian territories
motor sport
human rights: hong kong
e-cigarettes and vaping products
dental health
corporate governance
banking and financial services
family law
covid-19: vaccination
covid-19: vaccination
substance abuse: nitrous oxide
occupied palestinian territories
national redress scheme for institutional child sexual abuse
television advertising
aviation industry
taxation: alcohol
election of members and senators
international relations: australia and syria
human rights: bangladesh
skilled migration
human rights: bangladesh
fair work commission
human rights: bangladesh
department of veterans' affairs: allied health rebates
family and partner migration
parliamentary standards
animal welfare
domestic and family violence
parliamentary standards
human rights: vietnam
family and partner migration
general practitioners
digital id legislation
Templeman, Susan MP
baw baw frog
climate change
grocery prices
agriculture industry
fossil fuel industry
artificial intelligence
national disability insurance scheme
skilled migration
international relations: australia and israel
great artesian basin
queensland air museum
middle east
national parks
national disability insurance scheme
personal information and privacy
food standards
parliamentary standards
help to buy bill 2023 [no. 2]
first reading
O'Neil, Clare Ellen MP
O'Neil, Clare Ellen MP
second reading
O'Neil, Clare Ellen MP
future made in australia (guarantee of origin) bill 2024, future made in australia (guarantee of origin charges) bill 2024, future made in australia (guarantee of origin consequential amendments and transitional provisions) bill 2024
reference to committee
O'Brien, Ted MP
Hamilton, Garth MP
customs tariff amendment (comprehensive and progressive agreement for trans-pacific partnership expansion) bill 2024
second reading
Burke, Tony MP
wage justice for early childhood education and care workers (special account) bill 2024
second reading
Albanese, Anthony MP
anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing amendment bill 2024
second reading
Fletcher, Paul MP
privacy and other legislation amendment bill 2024
second reading
Fletcher, Paul MP
universities accord (national student ombudsman) bill 2024
second reading
Fletcher, Paul MP
treasury laws amendment (2024 tax and other measures no. 1) bill 2024
second reading
Howarth, Luke MP
aged care bill 2024
second reading
Wilson, Rick MP
communications legislation amendment (combatting misinformation and disinformation) bill 2024
second reading
Coleman, David MP
wentworth electorate: schools, wentworth electorate: faith communities, wentworth electorate: sport
Spender, Allegra MP
sikh volunteers australia, parliament in schools program
Belyea, Jodie MP
north sydney bears
Fletcher, Paul MP
northern territory: albanese government
Gosling, Luke MP
parkes electorate: rural newspapers
Coulton, Mark Maclean MP
cost of living
Doyle, Mary MP
statements on indulgence
questions without notice
Albanese, Anthony MP
federation chamber
start of business
constituency statements
raise our voice in parliament, cost of living
Bandt, Adam Paul MP
tasmania: cost of living, franklin electorate: far south mobile community hub, franklin electorate: geeveston early learning and care centre
Collins, Julie Maree MP
nicholls electorate: rail infrastructure
Birrell, Sam MP
shortland electorate: vocational education and training
Conroy, Pat MP
nicole fitzsimons foundation, marine rescue new south wales
Kennedy, Simon MP
cost of living
Doyle, Mary MP
covid-19: response
Broadbent, Russell MP
cunningham highway
Neumann, Shayne Kenneth MP
queensland state election
Buchholz, Scott MP
women in sport: surfing australia
Elliot, Justine MP
mayo electorate: coorong, lower lakes and murray mouth research centre
Sharkie, Rebekha MP
liberal-national coalition
Lawrence, Tania MP
raise our voice in parliament
Price, Melissa Lee MP
swan young changemakers conference
Mascarenhas, Zaneta MP
penrith panthers rugby league club
McIntosh, Melissa MP
dunkley electorate: youth, raise our voice in parliament
Belyea, Jodie MP
raise our voice in parliament, israel attacks: first anniversary
Webster, Anne MP
raise our voice in parliament
Templeman, Susan MP
lyne electorate: community events
Gillespie, David MP
israel attacks: first anniversary
Thistlethwaite, Matt MP
customs tariff amendment (comprehensive and progressive agreement for trans-pacific partnership expansion) bill 2024
second reading
Lawrence, Tania MP
Wilson, Rick MP
Violi, Aaron MP
Stevens, James MP
McCormack, Michael MP
grievance debate
Ryan, Monique MP
grocery prices, housing
Sitou, Sally MP
cost of living
Hogan, Kevin MP
future made in australia, raise our voice in parliament, australian capital territory election
Smith, David MP
grey electorate: first nations australians
Ramsey, Rowan Eric MP
raise our voice in parliament, liverpool city council
Stanley, Anne MP
Questioner :
Answer :
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