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Table of contents
start of business
orders of the day
Burke, Tony MP
parliamentary workplace support service amendment (independent parliamentary standards commission) bill 2024
second reading
Dick, Milton MP (The SPEAKER)
Burke, Tony MP
anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing amendment bill 2024
first reading
second reading
Dreyfus, Mark MP
universities accord (national student ombudsman) bill 2024
first reading
second reading
Clare, Jason Dean MP
customs tariff amendment (comprehensive and progressive agreement for trans-pacific partnership expansion) bill 2024
first reading
second reading
Hill, Julian MP
national health amendment (technical changes to averaging price disclosure threshold and other matters) bill 2024
report from federation chamber
third reading
King, Catherine Fiona MP
administrative review tribunal (miscellaneous measures) bill 2024
report from federation chamber
third reading
King, Catherine Fiona MP
family law amendment bill 2024
report from federation chamber
third reading
King, Catherine Fiona MP
parliamentary workplace support service amendment (independent parliamentary standards commission) bill 2024
second reading
Dick, Milton MP (The SPEAKER)
consideration in detail
Wilkie, Andrew MP
Tink, Kylea MP
Haines, Helen MP
Gorman, Patrick MP
Wilkie, Andrew MP
Gorman, Patrick MP
Scamps, Sophie MP
Gorman, Patrick MP
Haines, Helen MP
Scamps, Sophie MP
Wilkie, Andrew MP
Haines, Helen MP
Wilkie, Andrew MP
Gorman, Patrick MP
Wilkie, Andrew MP
Gorman, Patrick MP
Scamps, Sophie MP
Gorman, Patrick MP
Wilkie, Andrew MP
Gorman, Patrick MP
Scamps, Sophie MP
third reading
Gorman, Patrick MP
crimes and other legislation amendment (omnibus no. 1) bill 2024
report from federation chamber
Freelander, Mike MP (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
third reading
Giles, Andrew MP
paid parental leave amendment (adding superannuation for a more secure retirement) bill 2024
second reading
Broadbent, Russell MP
Neumann, Shayne Kenneth MP
Ryan, Monique MP
Jones, Stephen MP
Ley, Sussan Penelope MP
Coker, Libby MP
Stevens, James MP
Miller-Frost, Louise MP
Scamps, Sophie MP
Payne, Alicia MP
Ware, Jenny MP
Khalil, Peter MP
statements by members
queensland election
Pitt, Keith MP
brown, mrs daisy may
Perrett, Graham Douglas MP
live animal exports: sheep
Price, Melissa Lee MP
cunningham electorate: health care
Byrnes, Alison MP
mackellar electorate: mental health
Scamps, Sophie MP
Fernando, Cassandra MP
raise our voice in parliament
Watson-Brown, Elizabeth MP
childhood cancer
Smith, David MP
child care
Ramsey, Rowan Eric MP
national police remembrance day
Lim, Sam MP
sturt electorate: glenside redevelopment
Stevens, James MP
united nations assistance mission to east timor: 25th anniversary
Gosling, Luke MP
petition: ambulance victoria
Tehan, Dan MP
child protection awareness day
Repacholi, Dan MP
beenleigh state high school
van Manen, Bert MP
women in parliament
Sitou, Sally MP
farrer electorate: infrastructure
Ley, Sussan Penelope MP
vocational education and training
Lawrence, Tania MP
agriculture industry
Webster, Anne MP
statements on indulgence
paralympic sport
Albanese, Anthony MP
Dutton, Peter Craig MP
temporary arrangements
Albanese, Anthony MP
questions without notice
economy (Dutton, Peter Craig MP)
cybersafety (Stanley, Anne MP)
economy (Taylor, Angus MP)
cybersafety (Fernando, Cassandra MP)
distinguished visitors
ballarat future shapers, fairley leadership program, national school chaplaincy association
Dick, Milton MP (The SPEAKER)
questions without notice
coalmining industry (Katter, Bob MP)
cybersafety (Reid, Gordon MP)
economy (Taylor, Angus MP)
workplace relations (Mitchell, Rob MP)
economy (Taylor, Angus MP)
economy (Ananda-Rajah, Michelle MP)
economy (Ley, Sussan Penelope MP)
early childhood education (Byrnes, Alison MP)
gambling advertising (Steggall, Zali MP)
paid parental leave scheme (Lim, Sam MP)
economy (Birrell, Sam MP)
vocational education and training (Phillips, Fiona MP)
child care (Haines, Helen MP)
distinguished visitors
sheridan, mr david
Dick, Milton MP (The SPEAKER)
questions without notice
resources industry (Chesters, Lisa MP)
economy (Willcox, Andrew MP)
paralympic sport (Repacholi, Dan MP)
economy (Pike, Henry MP)
renewable energy (Burns, Josh MP)
statements on indulgence
paralympic sport
Albanese, Anthony MP
personal explanation
Fletcher, Paul MP
auditor-general's reports
report no. 2 of 2024-25
Dick, Milton MP (The SPEAKER)
Burke, Tony MP
veterans' entitlements, treatment and support (simplification and harmonisation) bill 2024
explanatory memorandum
Burke, Tony MP
matters of public importance
financial security
Dick, Milton MP (The SPEAKER)
Steggall, Zali MP
Jones, Stephen MP
Daniel, Zoe MP
Payne, Alicia MP
Haines, Helen MP
Laxale, Jerome MP
Tink, Kylea MP
Stanley, Anne MP
Chaney, Kate MP
Garland, Carina MP
Scamps, Sophie MP
human rights joint committee
Burns, Josh MP
Pike, Henry MP
paid parental leave amendment (adding superannuation for a more secure retirement) bill 2024
second reading
Tink, Kylea MP
Garland, Carina MP
Chaney, Kate MP
Elliot, Justine MP
Spender, Allegra MP
Thwaites, Kate MP
Steggall, Zali MP
Byrnes, Alison MP
universities accord (student support and other measures) bill 2024
second reading
Chandler-Mather, Max MP
McBride, Emma MP
Stevens, James MP
Claydon, Sharon MP
Chester, Darren MP
Roberts, Tracey MP
Webster, Anne MP
Gorman, Patrick MP
Boyce, Colin MP
freeman, mrs colleen margaret
Neumann, Shayne Kenneth MP
child care
Sharkie, Rebekha MP
tasmania: storms
Mitchell, Brian MP
fadden electorate: cost of living
Robert, Stuart Rowland MP
small business
Miller-Frost, Louise MP
federation chamber
start of business
constituency statements
carillon business awards 2024
Gee, Andrew MP
spence electorate: welcoming the babies
Burnell, Matt MP
organ and tissue donation
Webster, Anne MP
canterbury bankstown torch, eve's apple
Burney, Linda Jean MP
longman electorate: housing
Young, Terry MP
insurance industry: genetic testing
Burns, Josh MP
o'connor electorate: migration
Wilson, Rick MP
swan electorate: young changemakers conference
Mascarenhas, Zaneta MP
menzies electorate: manningham civic awards
Wolahan, Keith MP
marne, uncle wes, am
Husic, Ed MP
crimes and other legislation amendment (omnibus no. 1) bill 2024
second reading
Dreyfus, Mark MP
consideration in detail
Dreyfus, Mark MP
australian naval nuclear power safety bill 2023, australian naval nuclear power safety (transitional provisions) bill 2023
second reading
Thistlethwaite, Matt MP
Stevens, James MP
Gosling, Luke MP
McCormack, Michael MP
Mitchell, Rob MP
Wolahan, Keith MP
Neumann, Shayne Kenneth MP
Ware, Jenny MP
Georganas, Steve MP
Joyce, Barnaby MP
Daniel, Zoe MP
Ryan, Monique MP
Chandler-Mather, Max MP
Wallace, Andrew MP
Marles, Richard Donald MP
australian naval nuclear power safety (transitional provisions) bill 2023
second reading
treasury laws amendment (reserve bank reforms) bill 2023
second reading
Taylor, Angus MP
Perrett, Graham Douglas MP
Hamilton, Garth MP
Stanley, Anne MP
Wolahan, Keith MP
Stevens, James MP
Watson-Brown, Elizabeth MP
Kennedy, Simon MP
McCormack, Michael MP
van Manen, Bert MP
Chandler-Mather, Max MP
Webster, Anne MP
Chalmers, Jim MP
Questioner :
Answer :
Speaker :
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