Appendix 1Submissions and additional information
1Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
2Attorney-General's Department
3Digital Transformation Agency
3.1 Supplementary to submission 3
4Human Technology Institute, UTS
5Australian Banking Association
6UNSW Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation
7Australian Human Rights Commission
8Mrs Deborah Browne
9Digital Rights Watch
10Human Rights Law Centre
11Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
12Law Council of Australia
13NSW Council for Civil Liberties
Attachment 1
14Name Withheld
15IIS Partners
Answer to Question on Notice
1Human Technology Institute responses to spoken questions on notice, taken at a public hearing on 30 October 2023 (received 3 November 2023).
2UNSW Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation, responses to spoken questions on notice taken at a public hearing on 30 October 2023 (received 6 November 2023).
3Attorney General's Department responses to spoken questions on notice, taken at a public hearing on 30 October 2023 (received 6 November 2023).
4Office of the Australian Information Commissioner response to spoken questions on notice, taken at a public hearing on 30 October 2023 (received 6 November 2023).
5Equifax response to spoken question on notice, taken at a public hearing on 30 October 2023 (received 6 November 2023).
6Law Council of Australia response to spoken question on notice, taken at a public hearing on 30 October 2023 (received 7 November 2023).
7Digital Rights Watch response to spoken question on notice, taken at a public hearing on 30 October 2023 (received 7 November 2023).