Government Senators' report - Summary of Government Senators' position

Government Senators' report - Summary of Government Senators' position

The Government members of the Committee are pleased to present their report on the highly successful Regional Partnerships and Sustainable Regions Programs.

Government Senators dissent from most of the conclusions and recommendations of the majority report. While the majority report makes a few valuable points, it is politically biased and sufficient credit is not given to the overwhelmingly positive outcomes of these programs.

As this report demonstrates, a large amount of evidence to the inquiry was ignored in the majority report because it showed the value and merit of the programs and did not fit the Australian Labor Party (ALP) Committee members' pre-determined agenda. This report attempts to redress this imbalance by responding to the findings of the majority report and presenting evidence of projects in each state that actually represent the consistent outcomes of the programs.

Structure of the report

Chapter 1 - Background

Reviews the political controversy which preceded the inquiry and examines the merit and value of the programs as demonstrated through various reviews and audits.

Chapter 2 – ACCs and SRACs

Presents evidence of the excellent job being done by these largely voluntary bodies.

Chapter 3 – Response to majority report case studies

Responds to the unsubstantiated allegations made by Mr Windsor and the other case studies presented in the majority report.

Chapter 4 – State by state showcase of projects

Examines some more representative projects that were largely ignored in the majority report because they did not fit the ALP's pre-determined agenda for the inquiry.

Chapter 5 – Response to majority report conclusions and recommendations

Responds to the majority report's conclusions about the programs, which were based on an examination of six projects out of more than 500 projects.

Chapter 6 – Government members' conclusions and recommendations

Draws conclusions based on an objective assessment of the evidence to the inquiry and makes some recommendations aimed at supporting the work of ACCs and SRACs.

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