Inquiry into the provisions of the Higher Education Legislation Amendment Bill (No.3) 2004

Inquiry into the provisions of the Higher Education Legislation Amendment Bill (No.3) 2004

Submissions received by the committee as at August 2004

Sub No.
1 Victorian College of the Arts (PDF 278KB)
2 Department of Education, Science and Training (PDF 715KB)
3 University of Melbourne (PDF 127KB
4 Melbourne University Private (PDF 3338KB)
5 Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations (PDF 142KB)
6 Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee (PDF 362KB)
7 National Tertiary Education Union (PDF 385KB)
8 Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies (PDF 210KB)
9 Mr Gavin Moodie, NSW (PDF 455KB)